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The Galasian Civil War is a multifaceted civil war in New Galasia, which started in Elva 1579 and have resulted in an estimated 50,000 fatalities. As of early 1580, approximately 2 million people remain displaced within New Galasia. There was also an exodus of almost 800,000 people from New Galasia as a result of the war, most of them establised in Angiris and Ustyara as refugees.

Before the war, New Galasia was multisectarian, with Ostrid Messanians and Olyndism believers being the majorities in Drazen and northern Eastmarch, Bukh'a Akhadism being mainly based in southern Drazen and western Eastmarch, and Zokukyar Akhadism being the majority in most of the Eastmarch region. The monarchy of New Galasia had been run under the control and influence of the Ostrid nobility, which however failed to impose the Messianic faith to the natives of the Eastern region. The civil war in Wadiyah and the displacement of two million refugees during 1572 and 1576, along with northern Ustyaran immigration, contributed to shifting the demographic balance in favor of the Akhadic population in Eastern New Galasia. The murder of heir Arcturus Neretus and the death of King Neberen had a powerful disintegrative effect on the New Galasian state, specially when Regent Ambrosius assumed full powers and suspended Eastmarch legislative assembly.

The murder of Rîsep Gûndî, Grand Kuzhe of Eastmarch, on 28 Dein 1579, by unknown gunmen, cause a huge unrest between Akhadic believers, and it was the last spark in Eastmarch for the beginning of a social and political crisis. Demonstrations and riots followed on the next month which soon escalated to a military confrontation when Galasian officers deserted and joined the rebel forces.

On Elva 15, a group of ethnic Rojadavi officers proclaimed in Sermîyan a "Provisional Council for the National Resistance" and promised "free elections" with the aim of creating a "federal state". The purge of military officials by Regent Ambrosius after the terrorist attack against Prince Arcturus Neretus had weakened New Galasian Armed Forces, so the eastern rebels had their momentum. Alsace government focused to reinforce and defend Eastmarch, the largest city of the Eastern region nearby the Angirisian border, and New Galasian forces used their air force superiority to limit the advancement of the rebel forces. However, the surge of Akhadist insurgents from Ustyara, which were able to take even some areas and villages in Southern Drazen for a while, complicated the situation which estacalated into a civil war already in late 1579.

In the last months of 1579, the government seemed to secure its position, recovering Nova Tuiral -second largest city in Eastmarch- and strengthening through the western and southwestern regions. However, on 4 Elva 1580, a coup d'etat which resulted in the murder of Regent Ambrosius and several members of the royal family weakened the advance and the government forces in Eastmarch lost the Air Force support. Asa result, the New Galasian Armed Forces took power in Alsace, with a group of military officers proclaiming the "Council of National Unity" as the only legitimate force in all the country. Therefore, the situation in the Eastern region became a multifaceted civil war, with the Alsace government weakened in Eastmarch, facing both revolutionary rebels, forces still loyal to the monarchist government, and radical Akhadist insurgents in the south.


Before the political crisis and subsequent war, the Kingdom of New Galasia was divided into two regions that are separated from one another by the Angirisian Empire; Drezen to the west, with a verdant coastline, and Eastmarch to the east, a rural and impoverished region where, unlike Drezen, Akhadism is the majority religion. Until recently only the Royal family, and their aids have been allowed easy passage across Angiris territory. With the advent of flight though travel has become increasingly easy between the two halves of the Kingdom. Of course this ease of travel has done little to change the cultural variety that now exists within the Kingdom.

The region of Drazen was officially ruled by the King or Queen of New Galasia, with the elected Viceroy being the real ruler of the region. Drazen hosted its own senate that votes on bills to become laws of the region, of course these laws should be signed or vetoed by the Viceroy. The region has several large mountains near the center, a large verdant coastline, a wide variety of forests and woods that cover the region. Drazen held a population of apx. 17,690,466 in 1578 making its population nearly twice that of Eastmarch. Drazen is fairly wealthy and is well developed technologically, most of the population lives in one of the two major cities of Drazen; Alsace or Rhine. Drazen had a wide variety of industries and jobs before, a major one being the gambling and tourism industry. However, as consequence of the conflict in Eastmarch and political turmoil in the west, unemployment rate has increased and the economy is now under negative growth.

The Principality of Eastmarch was officially ruled over by the Crown Prince or Princess of New Galasia, with the elected Viceroy aiding in his/her duties. Eastmarch had its own senate that votes on bills to become laws of the region, of course these laws had be signed or vetoed by the Viceroy. The region of Eastmarch has a very small population compared to Drazen, with a population of 9,897,529 in 1580 most of which live in either Eastmarch or Nova Taria. The land is fairly fertile, with rocky outcropping being quite common, as well as thick woods and forests. The land is lightly hilly, with no mountains within its borders. The people who don't live in the major cities enjoy a rural lifestyle, working on their farms and keeping the faith.

Unlike Drazen, Eastmarch is ethnically diverse and Galasians are only a minority. The largest ethnic group is the Rojadavi people, and 70% of the population belongs to one of the two main branches of the Akhadic faith. The demographic changes as consequence of the war have decreased the Akhadic minority in Drazen and the non-Akhadic minorities in Eastmarch at the same time.

Political groups and militias

In the run-up to the war and its early stages, the revolutionary forces seemed to try being a politically-orientated non-sectarian movement, calling for an inclusive autonomy rather than independence, but as consequence of the radicalization during the war and due to the sectarian nature of Eastmarch society, they inevitably divided and gained their support from the same community as their leaders came from. In the long run almost all militias openly identified with a given community. The three main rebel alliances were the Rojadavi Democratic Alliance, consisting of secular and nationalist Rojadavi militias who were against both Galasian rule and clergy rule; the National Revolutionary Movement, which consisted in Rojadavi officers who left the Armed Forces at the early days of the revolution; and the Rojadavi Akhadic Army, formed by Akhadic conservatives and moderate Akhadist militias.

Another rebel group is the several Akhadist insurgency groups in south and western Eastmarch. These armed groups include the Leḉkerên-Akhadi terror group, and foreign figthers mostly from Northern Ustyara and Wadiyah. Unlike the Rojadavi Akhadic Army, this insurgent groups are not very ambiguous about the final aim, which is establishing a theocratic government in the Eastmarch region.

After the Elvan 1580 coup d'etat, the government forces fragmented into two main groups. A small group chose to recognize the leadership of the new government and declare their loyalty to the Council of National Unity. They are reduced to mostly southwestern Eastmarch but, unlike the other Galasian forces, retains Air Force support. A second group are local monarchist forces, as the Northern Front, led by Percival Safirus, former Governor of Eastmarch. The monarchist aims to the defeat of both the Rojadavi rebels and the Council of National Unity, which they consider an illegitimate government, and the restoration of the constitutional government.


As the war dragged on, many militias have deteriorated ever further into mafia-style organizations with many commanders turning to crime as their main occupation rather than fighting. Finances for the war effort are obtained in one or all of three ways:

Outside support: Notably from Northern Ustyara and Wadiyah, in the case of Akhadist militias. Other Near East organizations provided considerable funds to the Rojadavi secessionists. The Akhadic Society, a transnational Akhadist organization, is said to have contributed with more than ten million dollars to the Provisional Council for National Resistance. Meanwhile, some Galasian armed groups are said to have received financial support from donors and organization in Angiris, Mestra, or Gallia.

Local population: The militias, and the political parties they serve, believe they have legitimate moral authority to raise taxes to defend their communities. Road checkpoints are a particularly common way to raise these (claimed) taxes. Such taxes are in principle viewed as legitimate by much of the population who identify with their community's militia. However, many militia fighters are said to use taxes/customs as a pretext to extort money. Furthermore, many people does not recognize militia's tax-raising authority, and view all militia money-raising activities as mafia-style extortion and theft.

Political and military councils

As central government authority disintegrated and rival governments claimed national authority, the various parties/militias started to create comprehensive state administrations in their territory. These are known as "councils" ("yekât", in Rojadavi language) in areas controlled by self-proclaimed Rojadavi Republic.

Overview of the different political groups and militias

Messanic groups

Ostrid Messanic militias acquired arms from Angiris and Pythos as well as from Assaria, Keszaria and Ceribia, and draw supporters from the larger Messanic population in northern Eastmarch, along the Angirisian border. They are generally right-wing and monarchist in their political outlook, and all the major Messanic militias were Galasian-dominated, while ethnic Angirisians and other Messanic minorities play a secondary role.

The main of these militias is the Self-Defense Messanic Front, also known as Kaisaham Movement, which established itslef in Ostrid-dominated strongholds in Nova Tairal and Eastmarch. Today, the Kaisaham militia operates mostly in the northern region, in alliance with other Galasian forces.

Secular groups

Although several Rojadavi militias claimed to be secular, most were little more than vehicles for sectarian interests, and lost quickly any influence as the military conflict spread. Still, there is a number of non-religious groups, primarily but not exclusively of the socialist left and/or Pan-Akhadic nationalists. The main of these groups is the Rojadavi Democratic Alliance, which operated mostly in Nova Tairal and the Northern Eastmarch provinces.

Another secular group, in the Galasian side, is the United Galasian Front, the armed-wing of the Galasian Nationalist Party, a far-right national party which aimed to establish the Greater Galasian State (which would include part of Ustyara and Angiris). It is active mostly in Western Eastmarch, and it recently suffered a split, divided between those who supported the government established by the Alsace Council of National Unity, and those who aimed to have a more independent status.

Akhadic and Akhadist groups

Initially, the main rebel group was the National Revolutionary Movement, formed by the ethnic Rojadavi officers from the New Galasian armed forces which defected and joined the insurrection. The original Provisional Council for the National Resistance" established in Sermîyan on Elva 1579 had more than half of their members from the National Revolutionary Movement. Their leaders aimed to establish an independent and constitutional republic in Eastmarch, although in religious and social issues they were moderate rather than secular. The group had its strongholds in Nova Tairal and Southeastern Eastmarch. However, although still an influencial political group, its influence declined after the fall of Nova Tarial. It was officially dissolved on 20 Quartyr 1581, as the proclaimed Rojadavi Republic attempted to merge the revolutionary militias. In more isolated areas, National Revolutionary Movement militias remain as an independent and autonomous organization.

Initially divided in more than twenty different militias, the Rojadavi Akhadic Army remains the largest Akhadist militia in the eastern region. Although it started as a minor force formed by unexperienced fighters, its Akhadist ideology immediately attracted the rural peasants, which are the majority of the population in most areas controlled by the Rojadavi rebels. Although the group officially supports the establishment of a democratic and constitutional republic, its founding charter (early 1580) establishes the aim of creating a government with the Zokuk, or Akhadic religious law, as main policy. Although officially independent, the Social Conservative Party ("Partiya Sosyal Yekbûyî") is considered the political branch of the Rojadavi Akhadic Army, who was said to have received financial support from A'Sir, although both sides have denied this claim.

A third group is the Tevgera Bawerî, Akhadic Traditionalist Front, created as a faction split from the Rojadavi Akhadic Army, which they deemed to be too secular. The main aim of the Tevgera Bawerî militia is the establishment of an Akhadist state in Eastern Galasia, although the group has the policy of not attacking other revolutionary and Rojadavi forces. Many of their leaders and commanders took part in the Wadiyah Civil War as foreign combatants.

Another Akhadist group which operates mostly in Western Eastmarch is the Nûwetî Movement. It is considered a more moderate group than the Rojadavi Akhadic Army or the Tevgera Bawerî militia, but of a more sectarian orientation, as it is formed mostly by followers of the branch of Bukh'a Akhadism. Militants from the Nûwetî Movement were accused of the murder of two Ostrid priest and 12 Messanic families on Dosa 1580, in reprisal for an attack by Messanic militias three weeks earlier. Businessman Jîro Bandev, founder and leader of the movement, have denied such accusations. His brother Kiran is the only representative of this group in the Rojadavi Republic government so far.

Foreign fighters

Between 1574 and 1577, New Galasia received 2 million refugees from Wadiyah, most of them established in Eastmarch. Some of them joined the revolution, very often fighting for local organizations such as the Rojadavi Akhadic Army, but very often they founded their own organizations and militias. One of them is the Maghquda Front, which is said to be funded by businessman Gadhid Taraq, which had several deadly clashes with militias linked to the Nûwetî Movement.

The Leḉkerên-Akhadi terror group, who was behind the terrorist attack which killed Viceroy Arcturus Neberen, was joined recently by many foreign fighters from Wadiyah, Ustyara, and Ga'bath. Northern Ustyaran insurgent fighters have joined another foreign armed groups such as the Kuzeyinde Inançik milita, which is the local branch of the Inançe Bal-Birlik (Unity of the Faith), an international terror group. The Inançe Bal-Birlik has reportedly a large group of Kyrzbek fighters, and it operates mostly in southern Eastmarch.

Olynd groups

The small Olyndism sect, strategically and dangerously seated at both sides of the Angirisian border, had no natural allies, and so were compelled to put much effort into building alliances. Under the leadership of the Valide family, the armed-wing of the Reform Union serves as an effective Olynd militia, building excellent ties with the Alsace government after the Alvan 1580 coup d'etat, while often confronted with both Akhadist militias and the rival Self-Defense Messanic Front. However, the group is also known for its pragmatism and predisposition to sign and negotiate truces with Rojadavi forces. Several members of the Valide family have been accused of drug smuggling into Angirisian Empire.

Arberian groups

The Arberian minority tends to be Messanic by religion and center-left in outlook, and were therefore uneasy committing to either side of the fighting. As a result, the Arberian parties attempted, with relative success, to follow a policy of militant neutrality, with their small militias fighting only when required to defend Arberian areas. However, it is not uncommon for individual Arberians to choose to fight in the Galasian Forces and militias, and a small number chose to join the revolution and to fight on the other side for the Rojadavi Democratic Movement militias.

The Arberian Social Party in New Galasia refused to take sides in the conflict though its armed wing the Democratic Front has been accused of carrying out assassinations and operations during the war. The Arberian minority is reduced to 500,000 members, most of them living in northwestern Eastmarch and Rhine city.

Throughout the war most or all militias have been accused of operating with little regard for human rights, and the sectarian character of some battles has made non-combatant civilians a frequent target.

Chronological history of the war

24 Zechyr 1579 Viceroy Arcturus Neretus, heir to the New Galasian throne, is murdered in a terrorist attack in Eastmarch, along his sister Princess Lucana, the Deputy First Minister of Eastmarch, the Goldecian ambassador, a Mestran general, the Strathaen consul in Eastmarch, and the head of the Ostrid Church in New Galasian. The terrorists were a group of soldiers linked to a radical Akhadist terror organization.
25 Zechyr 1579 Akhadist insurgents attack and seize a large area in the province of Kevir, at the southern border with Ustyara. State of emergency is declared in Eastmarch.
27 Zechyr 1579 The death of King Neberen, who was suffering a serious illness for years, is announced. Two weeks of mourning are declared by the New Galasia government.
28 Zechyr 1579 Duke Ambrosius, King Neberen's brother, is appointed as Regent of New Galasia by the Senate. Marius Calpurnius is announced as new Prime Minister and the government and assembly of Eastmarch are suspended.
4 Dein 1579 Regent Ambrosius starts a purge in the military, being ethnic Rojadavi officials the most affected.
28 Dein 1579 Grand Kuzhe Rîsep Gûndî is murdered along his wife and one of their daughters, in his own house in an Eastmarch suburb.
2 Elvan 1579 Grand Kuzhe Rîsep Gûndî's funeral turns into a political rally, calling for the restoration of the Eastmarch Senate and political reform.
3 Elvan 1579 A group of conservative Akhadist activists met with Rojadavi nationalist students in Boecius Square, Eastmarch. They redact a joint manifesto caling for "real democratic elections" in the eastern region.
3-8 Elvan 1579 Protests in Nova Tairal and Sermîyan end in riots against the Galasian authorities. Government buildings were attacked and burned downs. Bazaar merchants and peasants in Nova Tairal call for a new coalition government in Eastmarch and a Committe of Political Reform in the city is formed, led by a conservative Akhadic scholar. Meanwhile, violence in Sermîyan results with more than twenty demonstrators and policemen killed. Prime Minister Marius Calpurnius announces the mobilization of the army in Eastmarch.
16 Elvan 1579 After a protestor was killed in a second protest in Nova Tairal, a crowd seizes the nearby police station, setting fire to the building, killing twenty security officers, and then overran a second police station, seizing weapons from it. They protestors, now without opposition, took control of several government buildings. Violence continued and escalated over the following days.
18 Elvan 1579 A terrorist attacks kill seven policemen in Maghal.
20 Elvan 1579 Members of the security forces in Nova Tairal defect after rumours that secret police in that city had executed soldiers who had refused to fire on civilians, later reported as untrue. The Governor of Eastmarch orders to end all political activity and hundreds of activists are detained. Many took refuge in the local sakakes. The largest association of Akhadic students call for an end of the government crackdown and opening negotiations between the protesters and the Galasian authorities.
22 Elva 1579 Battles between Rojadavi armed groups and the Kaisahan Ostrid militia spread to parts of Nova Tairal, especially the downtown area which is totally destroyed leading to the demarcation area between the two parts of the city. Many militias are formed on both sides and hundreds of civilians are killed or taken hostage. The government divides and the army is split. The militias usurp many functions of the state.
23 Elva 1579 A group of local commanders and officers in Sermîyan issue a joint declaration of "ceasefire between demonstrators and security forces", calling for more autonomy and rejecting to follow "unlawful orders" from Alsace. This declaration is considered the beginning of the Galasian Civil War.
27 Elva 1579 27 soldiers and policemen are killed in three terrorist attacks by an Akhadist insurgent group in Eastmarch, nearby the Angirisian border.
28 Elva 1579 The "Provisional Council for the National Resistance" is formed in Sermîyan, promising "free elections" with the aim of creating a "federal state" in Eastmarch. Insurrection spreads around central and southern Eastmarch. The Galasian Armed Forces withdraws to either Eastmarch or the safer northeastern provinces. Protestors and revolutionaries takes control of government buildings, police stations and military headquarters in Nova Tairal.
2 Tolven 1579 Regent Ambosius announces the destitution of the Chief of the General Staff. Senate votes to extend the state of emergency for another six months.
5 Tolven 1579 New Galasia Air Force starts bombing campaign against Eastmarch rebels, destroying much of the aircraft and infraestructures in the rebel territory.
4 Treizen 1579 Akhadist insurgents take the town of Gamal, southern Eastmarch, executing fifty-one Galasian soldiers.
2-18 Vintyr 1579 Battle of Pontius. New Galasian forces attack and defeat rebel forces in Pontius, 8 km from Eastmarch city.
Alvan-Marth 1580 Northern campaign. New Galasia government forces strengthen its positions on the North, reseizing most of the territory along Angirisian border.
Fein 1580 First Battle of Nova Tairal. New Galasia government forces start the siege of Nova Tairal. They fail to conquest the city, but the Provisional Government forces are weakened and isolated to the Western neighborhoods of the city. Meanwhile, Akhadist insurgency in the South increases during the next month.
14 Zechyr 1580 Admiral Talus Valius is murdered in a terrorist attack claimed by Leḉkerên-Akhadi terror group.
Septem-Ochtyr 1580 Second Battle of Nova Tairal. New Galasia government forces defeat the Rojadavi rebels and seizes Nova Tairal. More than five thousands civilians died during the fourty-eight day seige, according to human rights organizations. Rojadavi organizations denounce ethnic-cleansing in government-controlled areas.
4 Elva 1580 Coup d'etat in Alsace. Regent Ambrosius and several members of the royal family are killed. A group of military officers takes power. The constitution, the parliament, and the national government is suspended. Lieutenant-General Tristan Morganus proclaims the "Council of National Unity", formed by seven military leaderes including himself, as the sole authority in the country.
5 Elva 1580 It is reported that Prime Minister Marius Calpurnius and Foreign Minister Garetus Melodus were killed the night before, along several opposition lawmakers and military officers, including the Chief of the General Staff. Thousands of citizens are arrested by the military authorities. Martial law is established.
26 Elva 1580 Massacre of Jane, western Eastmarch. Hundred of soldiers and civilians are executed in the village of Jane, nearby the Angirisian border, after the city was attacked by Akhadist insurgents.
28 Elva 1580 Percival Safirus, Governor of Eastmarch, denounces the coup d'etat in Alsace and calls for the constitution to be reestablished. Most of New Galasia government armed forces in northern Eastmarch defy the Council of National Unity and remain loyal to local monarchist officers.
18 Tolven 1580 Air marshal Maloren Lucius is executed in Rhein, for the charges of high treason and conspiracy against the state.
4 Marth 1581 The Council of National Unity appoints Perceval Oberonus as new Prime Minister.
24-27 Marth 1581 Akhadist insurgency in southern Eastmarch seizes several towns and provinces.
4 Quartyr 1581 The Provisional Council for National Resistance announces Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the Rojadavi Republic as an independent and sovereign state, and promising elections for a Constituent Assembly.
21 Quartyr 1581 Rebel forces seize Antiquo, 12 km from Nova Tairal.
27 Quartyr 1581 The Regional Committe for Human Rights denounces the summary execution or disappearance of at least 1,874 people in Drazen since 5 Elva 1580.
28 Quartyr 1581 Political parties are officially banned by the Alsace government.
4 Septem 1581 The Council of National Unity appoints Perceval Oberonus as Prime Minister. The New Galasian armed forces and the royal police are disbanded, being replaced by the Galasian Armed Forces and the Galasian Guard, respectively. An anti-government demonstration in Alsace is met with severe repression by government forces. Thousands of people are arrested in the coming weeks.
12 Ochtyr 1581 Rojadavi forces seize Madavî, a town nearby the eastern border with Ustyara, isolating monarchist forces between Eastmarch and Nova Tairal
26 Vintyr 1581 Rojadavi Human Rights Council estimates that 100,000 people have died since the end of the war.
14 Treinze 1582 Third battle of Nova Tairal starts, between monarchist and Rojadavi forces.
Dosa 1583 Monarchist forces advance toward the south, while Akhadist militias strengthen their control of the southern provinces.
24 Marth 1583 Third battle of Nova Tairal ends, after a truce between monarchist and Rojadavi forces. Rojadavi army gains control of several districts of the city as result. Akhadist militias starts an offensive in the province.
Fein-Ochtyr 1583 Battle of the Sermîyani Valley. Rojadavi forces suffer thousands of casualties, but the monarchist forces are unable to take the province.
8 Ochtyr 1583 Fourth battle of Nova Tairal starts, after Akhadist militias launch a large offensive against the city, divided between monarchist and separatist forces.
18 Dein 1583 The Rojadavi Army withdraws from Nova Tairal. Intense fighting between monarchist forces and the Akhadist militias continue during days.
24 Dein 1583 The Fourth Battle of Nova Tairal ends, after monarchist forces are defeated. The Akhadist militias execute thousands of prisoners, and Zokuk is proclaimed as the basic law of the land.
4 Elva 1583 The "Akhadic Council" is announced as the highest civilian and religious authority in Nova Tairal. A theocratic government is established.
27 Elva 1583 Angirisian government announces intervention in New Galasia.
4 Tolven 1583 Makhur Izkhan is proclaimed "Derebeyi bal-Sadik" (religious commander) by Grand Kuzhe Irek Mameshur.
11 Tolven 1583 Makhur Izkhan arrives to Nova Tairal, where he is accepted as supreme religious guide by the Akhadic Council.
Vintyr 1583 Secret negotiations of a ceasefire between Rojadavi separatists and the monarchist leadership are started.
4 Alvan 1584 Angirisian parliament officially declares war against Alsace government.
Dosa 1584 Angirisian military is already mobilized around New Galasian border.
4 Dosa 1584 Angirisian-Galasian war starts.
6 Dosa 1584 Galasian Air Force attacks Xiansai.
9 Dosa 1584 Angirisian invasion of Draze starts.
10 Dosa 1584 Battle of Rhine starts, after Angirisian forces launch an offensive into the province.
12 Dosa 1584 Angirisian army launches a second offensive, this time from the border between southwestern Aranoch and eastern Drazen.
24 Dosa 1584 Rojadavi Army launches an offensive against Akhadist militias in Eastmarch southern provinces.


See also