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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Imperial Union of Duran, commonly referred to as Duran, the Imperial States, or Imperial Duran. is a sovereign state originating from the continent of Brigina. . Duran is surrounded by the Drakkenmorn to the north, Severyane to the west, Kubaniza to the south, and Valzfoldek to the East.

Duran is home to Varied and self-identifying Doran Clans. Of which there are four major groups: the Udanan ports to the north, the warrior Marthe in the south, the Cultured Undrians in the eastern mountains, and the Dragon tamers in Recstag.


Cultural Divisions

While Imperial Duran is a Union it has alway's been separated among several culturally dist inc groups.


Recstag is the Easternmost region of Imperial Duran.


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Recstag is the easternmost Region of Duran. Recstag is dominated by the mountanious border that seperates Duran and (Valisfolk?)


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Administrative Divisions

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Imperial Agencies

Duran is known for it's pervasive and extensive public service sector funded by the Government. It is not well known however that to get to this point the nation went through a period of serious upheaval to get to the point it's at now.

As A result of This most public services are Government run. And due to the Pythian Knights involvement in the Winter War, and the subsequent forming of the Doran Government, they run a very large portion of these Public Services.

Imperial Diet

The Imperial Diet was the first Institution created under the New government. Originally meant to only serve a temporary role, the Diet has grown into the main governing body of Duran. At the Head of the Diet is the Emperor and the Black Council. This entity holds the most power within the State. It through it the emperor mediates the many demands of the state through a few advisers who act as his main officers for governing the State.

Knights of Pythos

The Pythian Knights are in actuality not a part of the Imperial Government, regardless of how intertwined the two are. The Masters and Internal structure of the Order are independently run from the Imperial government and aren't required to report to it, even though they do.

The Imperial Government on the other hand is very reliant on the Order. The Pythians carryout major public service and law enforcement positions. As a result there is a de facto seat allotted to a representative of the Grand-master on the Black Council.

Outside of Public Service and Law Enforcement, the Knights also are in control of Military Police within the Imperial Armed Forces, and station guards at embassy along the Imperial Troops.

Imperial Military

Though the Imperial Military is the Newest of the three Institutions to be created it is never the less a influential one. The Imperial Military Maintains a strong presence along the borders of the State. And within the Parliament the Imperial Military remains as a juggernaut due to its Influence and the Charisma of several high ranking officers.

To further compound this the Marshal of the Imperial Forces, Pahtniverron Boleslaw Marek, is also the holder of the Ancestral Marthe lands. And due to the administrative powers given to the Marshal, the Marthe Region is run as nearly a separate state from the rest of Duran. The Imperial Armed fores makes it's home in this region, and it's fleet in () port in South Undria.

The War on Corporations

Following the Winter War the Newly formed Confederation of States underwent a period where Lassiez-faire capitalism was embraced, much like in Kubaniza. Those who held position under the previous state were able to for powerful and influential organizations. Under the eyes of these former policy makers the Doran economy flourished as it opened itself to the world market.

However within a decade it was found that these companies had to much power of the new government and the people grew unhappy with the economic and social imbalance. People tried to instigate change through their politicians but it was soon found that many of these corporations had people in the Senate.

This led to a series of grassroots movements that were anti-Corporation and hearkening back to the old socialist ideals. Many of the Military during the Winter War that became Nobles in the Duran Government, began appealing to these movements and called for more limits on these corporations and monopolies.

This led to a Reorganization of Government and a seizure of Corporate Property. Several Agencies were created so that people could