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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Gehennan Empire, commonly referred to as Gehenna or Gehennan Reich is a sovereign state originating from the continent of Brigidna. Its territory, comprised of nineteen nations, is located in the region of Geinlund in western Brigidna. Gehenna is bordered by Aurentine to the South, Kave and Oslanburg to the west, Ostland to the north-west, Nerysia and Dyrheim to the north, Gein Lochland to the east, Rohn and Lanlanian Rylmark to the south-east. Gehenna is also bordered to the south by the Geinish Sea.

On 25 Ventyr 88CE, Aldes Leo III crowned the Geinish King Rödinger I the Wise as High King, reviving the Lanlanian title on the mainland after almost a century. The title continued in the Rödinger family down to 153CE, after which it was contested by the rulers of Schermany in a series of civil wars until the death of the last Rödinger, Otto II, in 153CE. The title would then be given to the Barendigar family, the rulers of Schermany, by election of the highest princes in Gehenna. This set a precedent for the election of a noble family upon the death of the High King. The title would pass between many families over the centuries and would eventually be elevated to Kaiser. It would eventually settle with the Herschels of Badenburg in 1386 and would stay in their possession by popular election until Wilhelm IX would use his children to have a majority of the prince-electors in the family ensuring the crown of Gehenna would continue to pass through the family.

Gehenna is a developed country and is in the world's top ten economies. It is considered to have a high-income economy and a very high Human Development Index. It was one of the world's first industrialized countries and a leading power during the 14th and 15th centuries. It remains a great power, with considerable economic, cultural, military, scientific, and political influence internationally.


The name "Gehenna" comes from the name "Gehn", the name of the tribes that occupied central Geinlund. Evidence points towards the transformation of the name from Gehn to Gehenna as a mispronunciation by the Lanlanians during their occupation of Geinlund. Originally it applied to the whole central and northern area of Geinlund but it would come to define an area similar to the modern area of Gehenna after the creation of the Province of Gehenna by the Lanlanians.

After the fall of Lanlania, Gehenna came to define the geographic area similar to that of the Province of Gehenna while Gehn would be fall into disuse in favor of Gein.


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Lanlanian Forerunners

Before the idea of Gehenna was even in existence, the Lanlanians ruled Geinlund including the lands which would one day come to be Gehenna. The Gehns, the ancestral tribes which inhabited the modern area of Gehenna, were loyal to lanlanians respecting the power that they commanded and freedom which they allowed. Many of the Gehns would serve in the Lanlanian Legions spreading Lanlanian borders far beyond the Gehnic tribes. The Lanlanians also played pivotal roles in helping to establish some of today's most successful cities.

Province of Gehenna

As the Lanlanians continued to occupy modern day Gehenna, they created the Province of Gehenna in order to better manage the area. In the province the Lanlanians installed a Gehnic man as the governor in order to maintain good relations with the public. Having a local as the governor of the province was a huge positive influence but the Lanlanians were weakening and their abuse was growing. Through this they set the stage for revolts and rebellions all of which would be brutally crushed.

Later still they would replace the Gehnic family which they had installed in the territory many years before with a Lanlanian. Him and his sons would be apathetic and even cruel toward the locals heightening the distaste for the Lanlanians. This distaste would culminate in the Great Rebellion which included nearly all of the Lanlanian Provinces in Geinlund. By the beginning of the first century of the common era, all of Geinlund had separated from Lanlania.

Geinish Kingdoms

His Grace, Rödinger the Wise, first of His Name, King of the Geins, Duke of Miriamburg, Protector of the Realm.

Without the Lanlanian presence in Geinlund, the organized provinces they had set up fell to the local feudal lords. Thousands of lords covered the lands. At this time the name "Gehn" had already become archaic. Despite "Gehenna" having come from the lanlanians, it had become an identity of the culture, language, and people of South-Central Geinlund. Despite Geinlund being nearly completely unified in ethnicity, the cultures and languages of the fiefs were barriers to cooperation.

Gehennan, though, was one of the most widely spoken languages across eastern Geinlund and as such aided to the emergence of stronger and larger Kings. One such King, Rödinger the Wise, built a massive Kingdom which incorporated the lands of the former Province of Gehenna and much more. As the highest King in Geinlund, he would be given the title "King of the Geins" by his peers.

Geinish High Kingdom

As Rödinger's realm grew ever larger, it had become necessary to raise up the nobility and appoint Kings to govern the lands. By doing this, it put himself in an awkward position being a King himself. It is with this that he begun a tradition which would continue to the modern day. Rödinger made the journey to the holy city of Nellaheim to see the Holy Aldes. On 25 Ventyr 88CE, Aldes Leo III crowned Rödinger as High King, reviving the Lanlanian title on the mainland after more than a century.

Rödinger returned to his High Kingdom as the most powerful man on the mainland of Geinlund. His status was equal to that of the High King of Lanlania and his power was great too. He and his children would rule over a prosperous and growing realm that would lay the foundations for the modern Gehennan Empire.

Civil War and Reformation of 153

After two-thirds of a century of prosperity in the Geinish High Kingdom, unrest had grown against the Rödinger family. Following the death of Rödinger the Wise, Konrad I took power. Under the reign of Konrad I, the capital of the High Kingdom was moved from Miriamburg in the south to the Northern March with Leopoldstadt. This distance from the more populous core and the inbreeding among the Rödingers produced High Kings that were unpopular, distant, and mad.

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The Mad King Otto II, the last of Rödinger

Civil War

In first month of the year 153, the south rose up against Leopoldstadt. The local Kings rose up their armies while the Northern March and those still loyal to the monarch fought to preserve the status quo. With a much larger force, the south would crush the old order. The city of Leopoldstadt would be sacked then burnt to the ground. The Entire Rödinger family was brutally murdered by the southern hordes. The Mad King Otto II was taken to the Castle of Rödinger the Wise in Miriamburg to be executed. His death marked the extinction of the Rödinger family.


After the death of the Mad King the Princes of the High Kingdom met in Miriamburg to discuss the future of the High Kingdom. The highest Princes in the realm decided that they would elect a new family to take over the position of High King. To keep this fairness they also established that upon the death of the High King, they would meet again to elect a family, whether it be the same or new. Part of the agreement here was also that Miriamburg, while it was in the core, would suffer the same fate as Leopoldstadt if they were to limit the High King to the city. The seat of the family elected would become the capital.

The elected family, chosen by the highest Princes in the realm, was the Barendigar family of Schermany for the strong military tradition and the role they played in the civil war. Karl, head of the Barendigar family, took over the reigns of the High Kingdom. Unexpectedly, he also paid respect to the Aldes in Nellaheim by making the journey there to be officially crowned High King. In doing this he set a precedent for all King-elects to make the journey to Nellaheim to be crowned.

As a part of the Reformation period, Karl I modeled an Imperial Diet, or Reichstag, after the meeting of the princes that had happened following the civil war.

Emperor of the Gehennans

Reformation of 1330

Separation from Lochland


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Gehenna is an Elective, Constitutional, Federal Monarchy. The Gehennan political system operates under a framework laid out in the 1330 constitutional document known as the Grundgesetz (Basic Law). Amendments generally require a two-thirds majority in the Völkerrat, a simple majority in the Fürstenrat, and a three-fifths majority in the Kurfürstenrat.

Meeting place of the Völkerrat.

Political System

The Kaiser, currently Josef III, is the head of state and invested primarily with representative responsibilities and powers. He is elected by the Kurfurstenrat, the first house of the Reichstag. The second-highest official in the Gehennan order of precedence is the Archchancellor, who is elected by popular vote during general elections and responsible for overseeing the daily sessions of the Reichstag as well as sharing executive authority with the Kaiser.

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The Gehennan Reichstag building

The Archchancellor, currently Walter Aldrich Liedmann von Heisenburg, is the head of government and exercises executive power with the Kaiser. Llegislative power is vested in the Reichstag consisting of the Kurfürstenrat (Electors Council), Fürstenrat (Princes Council), and Völkerrat (People's Council), which together form the legislative body. The members of the Kurfürstenrat are appointed by the Electors and represent the Elector States and their regions. The members of the Fürstenrat are appointed or elected by each of the nations. Members of the Völkerrat are elected during general elections and represent their district of approximately 250,000 citizens, which do not correspond to any government district.

Judicial System

Foreign Relations


Administrative Divisions

Template:Main Article The Gehennan Empire consists of nineteen countries, also referred to as the nations or realms of the empire. Within the framework of the Reich government, the states enjoy a great sense of autonomy with varying powers and political structures. Each state therefore has its own government and administration and are de facto separate countries.

The nations are all of those which have been taken under rule of the Kaiser in the last millenium. Each nation has its own right to its territory and has the power to create or destroy interior governments. Population within each nation varies greatly as does their size. The nations are governed through many different structures from constitutional and absolute monarchies to republican and oligarchic structures. Each nation sets up its own constitution, if it so chooses, and follows its own guidelines in this respect creating many different national legislatures which can only exercise power within their respective nation. In nations where there are elections, the elections have been set by the Reichstag to take place every five years in concurrence with the Imperial Elections.











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