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[[File:Drahen-province-map-numbered.png|thumb|right|upright=1|Map of numbered Drah Provinces]]
[[File:Drahen-province-map-numbered.png|thumb|right|upright=1|Map of numbered Drah Provinces]]
'''Major administrative divisions''' (''administrativae divisiones provinciarum'') or '''provinces''' (''provinciae'') are the highest level Drah administrative divisions. The country is divided into the city-province [[Telos]], and 25 other provinces. The provinces are further subdivided into dioceses, which in turn are divided into prefectures. The provinces are generally based on historical and natural borders, but have changed over time. 
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!GDP (1595)
!GDP (1595)
| 1
| Navajae septemtrionis
|[[Navajae septemtrionis]]
| Savo
| blank
| 17163.37
| 1,562,879
| 91.06
| $32,281,237,967.88
| 2
| Medio Navajae
|[[Medio Navajae]]
| Noreia
| blank
| 33469.28
| 1,756,842
| 52.49
| $36,287,540,285.56
| 3
| Navajae Meridionalis
|[[Navajae Meridionalis]]
| Hadrumetum
| blank
| 23708.61
| 1,682,846
| 70.98
| $34,759,154,220.70
| 4
| Sol Insulae
|[[Sol Insulae]]
| Brivas
| blank
| 4107.71
| 3,356,854
| 817.21
| $69,335,759,708.47
| 5
| Terra Lanlanae
|[[Terra Lanlanae]]
| Firmum
| blank
| 13826.1
| 11,546,683
| 835.14
| $238,496,532,145.26
| 6
| Lanlanae meridianam
|[[Lanlanae Meridianam]]
| Salinae
| blank
| 5808.68
| 8,456,213
| 1455.79
| $174,662,929,222.33
| 7
| secundi terra
|[[Secundi Terra]]
| Aquilonia
| blank
| 8748.06
| 23,478,563
| 2683.86
| $484,949,301,479.39
| 8
| stella Australium
|[[Stella Australium]]
| Syracusae
| blank
| 5664.44
| 9,548,056
| 1685.61
| $197,214,926,981.95
| 9
| Stella Portus
|[[Stella Portus]]
| Traus
| blank
| 2192.88
| 30,123,546
| 13736.99
| $622,201,307,242.79
| 10
| primo fratres
|[[Primo Fratres]]
| Taginae
| blank
| 1024.09
| 1,023,512
| 999.44
| $21,140,622,169.07
| 11
| Barbari terra
|[[Barbari Terra]]
| Narbo
| blank
| 4264.38
| 25,338,511
| 5941.9
| $523,366,494,362.44
| 12
| Secundum colonia
|[[Secundum Colonia]]
| Narbo
| blank
| 5808.68
| 8,418,791
| 1449.35
| $173,889,978,477.43
| 13
| Terra multa
|[[Terra Multa]]
| Drepana
| blank
| 16626.23
| 15,487,135
| 931.49
| $319,886,498,171.42
| 14
| montibus excelsis
|[[Montibus Excelsis]]
| Lemonum
| blank
| 12804.02
| 15,236,844
| 1190
| $314,716,742,014.85
| 15
| Cornu
| Vorgium
| blank
| 4261.89
| 10,156,432
| 2383.08
| $209,780,922,449.25
| 16
| geminis ambobus
|[[Geminis Ambobus]]
| Adana
| blank
| 6974.98
| 9,135,845
| 1309.8
| $188,700,716,103.19
| 17
| Ferrum Terra
|[[Ferrum Terra]]
| Lemonum
| blank
| 3642.68
| 8,458,654
| 2322.1
| $174,713,348,033.94
| 18
| Flumina terra
|[[Flumina Terra]]
| Avaricum
| blank
| 8549.12
| 11,654,320
| 1363.22
| $240,719,772,467.22
| 19
| Terra australes
|[[Terra Australes]]
| Gigia
| blank
| 10486.33
| 16,487,513
| 1572.29
| $340,549,287,981.65
| 20
| Colonia imperatoria
|[[Primus Colonia]]
| Caromago
| blank
| 7827.95
| 18,456,879
| 2357.82
| $381,226,507,710.02
| 21
| Imperial District
|Imperial District
| Telos
| blank
| 310.38
| 4,291,577
| 13827.05
| $88,642,446,660.60

Latest revision as of 22:58, 18 December 2018

Map of numbered Drah Provinces

Major administrative divisions (administrativae divisiones provinciarum) or provinces (provinciae) are the highest level Drah administrative divisions. The country is divided into the city-province Telos, and 25 other provinces. The provinces are further subdivided into dioceses, which in turn are divided into prefectures. The provinces are generally based on historical and natural borders, but have changed over time.



A Provincial Assembly is composed of 24, 36 or 48 elected deputies, the number depending on the size of the province's population. The election of provincial deputies followed the same procedure as used to elect deputies to the national Chamber of Deputies. The responsibilities of the Provincial Assembly include: defining provincial and municipal budgets and levying the taxes necessary to support them; providing primary and secondary schools (higher education is the responsibility of the national government); oversight and control of provincial expenditures; and providing for law enforcement and maintenance of police forces at the provincial level. The Assemblies also control the creation, abolishment and salaries for positions within provincial civil services. The nomination, suspension and dismissal of civil servants is reserved for the Praetor (governor) of the province, but how and under what circumstances the governor can exercise these prerogatives is delineated by the Provincial Assembly. The expropriation of private property (with due monetary compensation) for provincial or municipal interests is also a right of the Assembly. In effect, the Provincial Assembly can enact any kind of law—with no ratification by the legislature—so long as such local laws do not violate or encroach upon the Constitution or national laws. However, provinces are not permitted to legislate in the areas of criminal law, criminal procedure laws, civil rights and obligations, the armed forces, the national budget or matters concerning national interests, such as foreign relations. The provincial Praetors are appointed by the Emperor and confirmed by the Senate and are, in theory, charged with governing the province. In practice, however, their power is somewhat intangible, varying from province to province based upon each Praetor's relative degree of personal influence and personal character. Since the national government wanted to ensure their loyalty, Praetor are, in most cases, sent to a province in which they have no political, familial or other ties. In order to prevent them from developing any strong local interests or support, Praetor usually are limited to terms of only a few years in office. As the praetor usually spends a great deal of time away from the province, often traveling to their native province or the imperial capital. As a result, in many provinces the de facto governor is the Kephale, who was chosen by the Provincial Assembly and is usually a local politician. With little power to undermine provincial autonomy, the Praetor is an agent of the central government with little function beyond conveying its interests to the provincial politicians.


Number Province Capital Largest City Area (km2) Population (1595) Density (km2, 1595) GDP (1595)
1 Navajae septemtrionis Savo blank 6,902 171,579.04 1,562,879 9.11 $32,281,237,967.88
2 Medio Navajae Noreia blank 13,459 334,586.11 1,756,842 5.25 $36,287,540,285.56
3 Navajae Meridionalis Hadrumetum blank 9,534 237,010.58 1,682,846 7.10 $34,759,154,220.70
4 Sol Insulae Brivas blank 1,652 41,064.00 3,356,854 81.75 $69,335,759,708.47
5 Terra Lanlanae Firmum blank 5,560 138,216.91 11,546,683 83.54 $238,496,532,145.26
6 Lanlanae Meridianam Salinae blank 2,336 58,068.24 8,456,213 145.63 $174,662,929,222.33
7 Secundi Terra Aquilonia blank 3,518 87,452.77 23,478,563 268.47 $484,949,301,479.39
8 Stella Australium Syracusae blank 2,278 56,626.36 9,548,056 168.62 $197,214,926,981.95
9 Stella Portus Traus blank 882 21,921.79 30,123,546 1374.14 $622,201,307,242.79
10 Primo Fratres Taginae blank 412 10,237.59 1,023,512 99.98 $21,140,622,169.07
11 Barbari Terra Narbo blank 1,715 42,630.18 25,338,511 594.38 $523,366,494,362.44
12 Secundum Colonia Vestia blank 2,336 58,068.24 8,418,791 144.98 $173,889,978,477.43
13 Terra Multa Drepana blank 6,686 166,209.28 15,487,135 93.18 $319,886,498,171.42
14 Montibus Excelsis Lemonum blank 5,149 127,999.44 15,236,844 119.04 $314,716,742,014.85
15 Cornu Vorgium blank 1,714 42,605.32 10,156,432 238.38 $209,780,922,449.25
16 Geminis Ambobus Adana blank 2,805 69,727.59 9,135,845 131.02 $188,700,716,103.19
17 Ferrum Terra Lemonum blank 1,465 36,415.18 8,458,654 232.28 $174,713,348,033.94
18 Flumina Terra Avaricum blank 3,438 85,463.97 11,654,320 136.37 $240,719,772,467.22
19 Terra Australes Gigia blank 4,217 104,829.92 16,487,513 157.28 $340,549,287,981.65
20 Primus Colonia Caromago blank 3,148 78,254.57 18,456,879 235.86 $381,226,507,710.02
21 Imperial District Telos blank 125 3,102.77 4,291,577 1383.15 $88,642,446,660.60
