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{{Infobox former country
|native_name            = <!-- Name in a modern syntax of native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English.
                              Separate with line breaks<br/> or use Template:Plainlist. If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. -->
|conventional_long_name = Ghaznavid Empire
|common_name            = <!-- Name to be used in constructing links and category names; not for display -->
|era                    = <!-- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. -->
|status                = <!-- Status: see Category list on template page -->
|status_text            = <!-- A free text to describe status at the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. -->
|empire                = <!-- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency -->
|government_type        = Absolute monarchy
<!-- Rise and fall, events, years and dates -->
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration" -->
|event_start            = <!-- Default: "Established" -->
|date_start            = 1016
|year_start            = <!-- Year of establishment -->
|event_end              = <!-- Default: "Disestablished" -->
|date_end              = 1324
|year_end              = <!-- Year of disestablishment -->
|year_exile_start      = <!-- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government: status="Exile") -->
|year_exile_end        = <!-- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile) -->
|event1                = <!-- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" -->
|date_event1            =
|event2                =
|date_event2            =
|event3                =
|date_event3            =
|event4                =
|date_event4            =
|event5                =
|date_event5            =
|event6                =
|date_event6            =
|event_pre              = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before "event_start" -->
|date_pre              =
|event_post            = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place after "event_end" -->
|date_post              =
<!-- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 -->
|p1                    = Sayyib Empire
|flag_p1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|image_p1              = <!-- Use: [[File:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|p2                    =
|flag_p2                =
|p3                    =
|flag_p3                =
|p4                    =
|flag_p4                =
|p5                    =
|flag_p5                =
|s1                    = Khanid
|flag_s1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|image_s1              = <!-- Use: [[File:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|s2                    = Zargistan
|flag_s2                =
|s3                    = Aricca
|flag_s3                =
|s4                    = Mithrania
|flag_s4                =
|s5                    = Qenderi Commonwealth
|flag_s5                =
|image_flag            = <!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|flag_alt              = <!-- Alt text for flag -->
|image_flag2            = <!-- Second flag -->
|flag_alt2              = <!-- Alt text for second flag -->
|flag                  = <!-- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|flag2                  = <!-- Link target under flag2 image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|flag_type              = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" -->
|flag2_type            = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag2. Default "Flag" -->
|image_coat            = <!-- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|coa_size              = <!-- Size of coat of arms -->
|coat_alt              = <!-- Alt text for coat of arms -->
|symbol_type            = <!-- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" -->
|symbol_type_article    = <!-- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} -->
|image_map              =
|image_map_alt          =
|image_map_caption      =
|image_map2            = <!-- If second map is needed; does not appear by default -->
|image_map2_alt        =
|image_map2_caption    =
|capital                =
|capital_exile          = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|national_motto        =
|national_anthem        =
|common_languages      =
|religion              =
|demonym                =
|currency              =
<!-- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies -->
|leader1                = <!-- Name of king or president -->
|leader2                =
|leader3                =
|leader4                =
|year_leader1          = <!-- Years served -->
|year_leader2          =
|year_leader3          =
|year_leader4          =
|title_leader          = <!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President" -->
|representative1        = <!-- Name of representative of head of state (e.g. colonial governor) -->
|representative2        =
|representative3        =
|representative4        =
|representative5        =
|year_representative1  = <!-- Years served -->
|year_representative2  =
|year_representative3  =
|year_representative4  =
|year_representative5  =
|title_representative  = <!-- Default: "Governor" -->
|deputy1                = <!-- Name of prime minister -->
|deputy2                =
|deputy3                =
|deputy4                =
|year_deputy1          = <!-- Years served -->
|year_deputy2          =
|year_deputy3          =
|year_deputy4          =
|title_deputy          = <!-- Default: "Prime minister" -->
<!-- Legislature -->
|legislature            = <!-- Name of legislature -->
|house1                = <!-- Name of first chamber -->
|type_house1            = <!-- Default: "Upper house" -->
|house2                = <!-- Name of second chamber -->
|type_house2            = <!-- Default: "Lower house" -->
<!-- Area and population of a given year -->
|stat_year1            = <!-- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both -->
|stat_area1            = <!-- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated -->
|stat_pop1              = <!-- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given -->
|stat_year2            =
|stat_area2            =
|stat_pop2              =
|stat_year3            =
|stat_area3            =
|stat_pop3              =
|stat_year4            =
|stat_area4            =
|stat_pop4              =
|stat_year5            =
|stat_area5            =
|stat_pop5              =
|today                  = <!-- Present-day countries that overlap with the territorial extent of the former country. Do not use this parameter if there are more than four such countries. --><!-- Do NOT add flags, per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG -->
The '''Ghaznavid Empire''', a successor state of the [[Sayyib Empire]], was a shortly lived Akhadic state which existed from 1016 to 1324.
In 1009 started a long civil war which resulted in the collapse of the Sayyib Empire. In 1014 the armies of Ghaznavid and Tosun, two military leaders of the Sayyib army, marched to the Sayyib capital city of Izma. In 1016, Ghaznavid was proclaimed as ruler, a date which unofficially is considered as the start of the Ghaznavid Empire.
In 1019, Hassan, governor of Wadyin, proclaimed himself "Rashidun" (meaning "Rightly Guided"), establishing the Kingdom of Wadyiah.
The Ghaznavid Empire was not able to revive the past glories of the Umirid Empire and the Sayyib Empire, and was marked by constant social unrest, religious tensions, and territorial losses to its main rivals, the A'Sirian and Mestran monarchies.
Unlike the Umirid and Sayyib Empires, the Ghaznavid monarch did not claim for himself the title "Derebeyi bal-Sadik", or political and spiritual leader of all Akhadic believers.
In 1298, a coalition of Mestran and Arberian armies crossed the Turhan river, cutting access for the Ghaznavid government to the holy city of [[Selnas]]. Although they withdrew seven years later, the event would throw the empire into a deep and long political and social crisis which would result in the start of the Orhan revolution in 1324 and the final collapse of the Ghaznavid Empire in 1329.
===The Orhan Revolution===
A revolt started by Orhan, governor of Izmabhan, about the Ghaznavid monarch decision to move the capital city to Karna, would result in a civil war in which several factions would contest the government authority. Support for the revolution came from people of diverse backgrounds, with almost all levels of society supporting armed opposition to Ghaznavid rule. This was specially pronounced among Akhadic believers of non-Askhedi descent, though several Askhedi groups, specially the Jawadi and Cenken tribes,resented Ghaznavid rule and centralized authority. Akhadic Zokukyar believers supported efforts to overthrow the central government, as did other religious minorities.
There was a short-lived experience of constitutional government in Antayla (1325-1327). A constitutional assembly was elected, led by Demir Cemil -former minister under Mehmet IV-, aimed to reform the Ghaznavid Empire into a constitutional monarchy. However, the constitutional government was crushed by rival factions in 1327, which accelerated the dissolution of the Ghaznavid Empire.
The revolution essentially marked the end of the era of the Akhadic empires and the beginning of nation-states and the modern era in the Akhadic Near East. Remembered as one of the most important revolutions during the early modern era, it resulted in the creation of the Kingdoms of Khanid and Zargistan.
==See also==
* [[Akhadism]]
* [[Umirid Empire]]
* [[Sayyib Empire]]
* [[Khanid]]
* [[Zargistan]]
* [[Aricca]]
[[Category:Near East]]

Latest revision as of 16:35, 12 July 2019

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.

The Ghaznavid Empire, a successor state of the Sayyib Empire, was a shortly lived Akhadic state which existed from 1016 to 1324.


In 1009 started a long civil war which resulted in the collapse of the Sayyib Empire. In 1014 the armies of Ghaznavid and Tosun, two military leaders of the Sayyib army, marched to the Sayyib capital city of Izma. In 1016, Ghaznavid was proclaimed as ruler, a date which unofficially is considered as the start of the Ghaznavid Empire.

In 1019, Hassan, governor of Wadyin, proclaimed himself "Rashidun" (meaning "Rightly Guided"), establishing the Kingdom of Wadyiah.

The Ghaznavid Empire was not able to revive the past glories of the Umirid Empire and the Sayyib Empire, and was marked by constant social unrest, religious tensions, and territorial losses to its main rivals, the A'Sirian and Mestran monarchies.

Unlike the Umirid and Sayyib Empires, the Ghaznavid monarch did not claim for himself the title "Derebeyi bal-Sadik", or political and spiritual leader of all Akhadic believers.

In 1298, a coalition of Mestran and Arberian armies crossed the Turhan river, cutting access for the Ghaznavid government to the holy city of Selnas. Although they withdrew seven years later, the event would throw the empire into a deep and long political and social crisis which would result in the start of the Orhan revolution in 1324 and the final collapse of the Ghaznavid Empire in 1329.

The Orhan Revolution

A revolt started by Orhan, governor of Izmabhan, about the Ghaznavid monarch decision to move the capital city to Karna, would result in a civil war in which several factions would contest the government authority. Support for the revolution came from people of diverse backgrounds, with almost all levels of society supporting armed opposition to Ghaznavid rule. This was specially pronounced among Akhadic believers of non-Askhedi descent, though several Askhedi groups, specially the Jawadi and Cenken tribes,resented Ghaznavid rule and centralized authority. Akhadic Zokukyar believers supported efforts to overthrow the central government, as did other religious minorities.

There was a short-lived experience of constitutional government in Antayla (1325-1327). A constitutional assembly was elected, led by Demir Cemil -former minister under Mehmet IV-, aimed to reform the Ghaznavid Empire into a constitutional monarchy. However, the constitutional government was crushed by rival factions in 1327, which accelerated the dissolution of the Ghaznavid Empire.

The revolution essentially marked the end of the era of the Akhadic empires and the beginning of nation-states and the modern era in the Akhadic Near East. Remembered as one of the most important revolutions during the early modern era, it resulted in the creation of the Kingdoms of Khanid and Zargistan.

See also