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Mimoza Mirditë (born in Lebrazhd, on 4 Alvan 1543), commonly known as Princess Mimoza, is a member of the Arberian royal family.

Early life

Mimoza was born in 1543, the second child of King Gazhmend IV and his second wife, Eliza Marsini-Shehaj. She received baptism according the Ostrid rite in the Cathedral of Arbër, as all members of the Arberian royal family since century 13th.

After ending her studies, she moved to the city of Elenë, establishing her residence in the Sokoli Palace. During the last years of the Kingdom of Arberë, Mimoza had a discreet existence, involved with several charity organizations.


Mimoza is graduated with distinction in Law and State Administration in the Gazhmend III Royal University of Qenderë (renamed as Federal University of Qenderë after 1568). She successfully completed her post graduate studies in Mestra and Angiris. More recently, she has completed a Political Science degree in the University of Nykoping, Nyland.

Toward the exile

The revolution of 1567, which would lead to the abolition of the Arberian monarchy and the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan, surprised Mimoza in Elenë. There, she received news on Elva 23 that his brother King Kreshnik II had abdicated in her favour. Princess Mimoza, declined to accept the throne until the people were allowed to vote through a Constituent Assembly for the continuance of the monarchy. Less than two months later, on 8 Vintyr 1567, Colonel-Lieutenant Besim Kushmani proclaims the Arberian Republic in Arbër.

On 1 Dosa 1568, an assembly of monarchist and military officers proclaimed the Principality of Lazhë in the southern town of Vendrë. Princess Mimoza is offered the crown, but she rejects two days later, and General Baskhim Skënderë was announced as Regent of the short-lived Principality of Lazhë. Although the civil war would continue for another six months, Mimoza leaves the country on Septem 1568.

She and his younger sister Princess Gezimë first went to Xion, Gallia, where their mother lived with her second husband, a member of the Gallian nobility. She would move later to Westmarch, Angiris, where his stepbrother King Kreshnik II had exiled just a few days after signing his abdication. On early 1569, the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm offered Princess Mimoza asylum, and she moved to Hôi Luỳên on Dosa 1569.

Life in exile

Princess Mimoza would live in the Ostaran nation until 1578. She is reported to have become a close acquaintance of Empress Hông, who became Hoinomese monarch in 1568.

Mimoza was involved in several charity causes, and she was personally involved in the creation of the women's Duong-Lozhë cycling team, convincing personally Count Klement Florint Lozhë, owner of Lozhë Industries, to sponsor the team. In 1573, a Duong-Lozhë rider, Hoinomese climber Thao Thu Mai, won the Tour of Pythos, the second most important female cycling grand tour back then.

In 1574, Princess Mimoza married Stavro Dushku, an Arberian-born businessman.

She came back to the Near East for first time on Zechyr 1578, to assist the funeral of Gazhmend Mirditë, his brother King Kreshnik II's only son, who had been killed in a terrorist attack in Eastmarch. In mid-1579, they moved to Magentina, where Mimoza has lived since then.

On 4 Fein 1582, King Kreshnik II was murdered in Cair Para, Goldecia. Princess Mimoza and her sister Gezimë attended his funeral in Datium, Mestra.


In 1580, Mimoza was hired by the Benedicto Montes Regional Policy Research Institute, a Mandavines think thank based in Rivaralda, Magentina, as international consultant. During this period she participated in various research studies and published articles in international academic journals in the areas of corporate governance, public financial management, financing of higher education institutions, and administrative reform.

In late 1581, Mimoza was hired as advisory assistant by the municipality of Marad, Caladria, helping to develop a program of investment planning in the Caladrian town. However, she resigned shortly afterwards the coup d'etat in the Mandavine nation on Fein 1582.

Return to Kyrzbekistan

On Tolven 1582, in an interview to Magentinian newspaper "El National", Mimoza confessed her wish of returning to her native country. After much especulations about it, she was issued a Kyrzbekistani passport on Alvan 1583, and returned on Dosa 12 to Kyrzbekistan after sixteen years in exile. Despite rumours, she decided not to sue Kyrzbekistani government for the nationalization without compensation of the royal family properties during the revolution of 1567-1568. She bought and rented several real state properties in the towns of Lëbrazdh and Elenë instead, establishing her permanent residency in the latter. On Septem 1584, she was officially granted Kyrzbekistani citizenship.

Criminal investigation

On Elva 1583, fragments from the memoirs of Edi Murad, an Arberian politician, were published in an Arberian-language newspaper of New Galasia. Murad described his travel in 1574, as an envoy of Arberian separatist forces, to Hôinôm, where he met with several Arberian exiled monarchist officials. He also mentioned a short meeting with Princess Mimoza during his short visit to the Ostaran nation.

On Vintyr 1583, the Kyrzbekistani State Prosecutor started a number of criminal cases against several Arberian officials, including Mimoza, based on the content of Murad's informations. The charges included "conspiration against the constitutional order", a criminal offense punished up to eight years of prison in the Kyrzbekistani legislation. However, on 21 Dosa 1584, a judge of the High Court of Qënderë dropped the charges against Princess Mimoza.

Political career

Mimoza run as independent candidate for the 1584 local elections, being elected on Treizen 1585 as representative for the Revolutionary Council of Elenë in the Ujëkönyaq district.

In Alvan 1585, she jointed the Democratic Social Forum group in the local assembly of Elenë, although without officially being a member of the Arberian coalition.

Status of the royal family and succession issues

Mimoza is the second child of King Gazhmend IV, who ruled the Qënderi Commonwealth from 1502 until his death, in 1542. Her official full style and title was: Her Royal Hihgness The Princess Mimoza, Princess of Elenë, Duchess of Urë-Agräb, Grand-Duchess of Frashëri. Although officially the Grand-Duchy of Frashëri was abolished in 1553, after the abolition of the Qënderi Commonwealth and the proclamation of the Kingdom of Arberë, she retained that full style and title.

During the 1567-1568 revolution and after the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan, the monarchy and nobility titles were abolished, as the official use of royal titles and styles was declared abolished and unrecognized. All the properties of the royal family and the Arberian nobility were confiscated and nationalized by the state as well.

Princess Mimoza is the step-sister of late Arberian King Kreshnik II, who was born in 1517, elder son of King Gashmend IV and his first wife, Queen Valeria Minat (1494-1531). On 23 Elva 1567, King Kreshnik II abdicated from the Arberian throne. He was murdered on 4 Fein 1583 in Cair Para, Goldecia.

Princess Mimoza and her younger sister Princess Gezimë (born 1557) are the only alive direct members of the Arberian royal family.

Mimoza is the great-aunt of Galasian royals Princess Agrippina, Prince Aegeus, and Princess Cornelia, who are the children of Galasian Princess Lucana (1543-1479) and Gazhmend Mirditë, who was the only son of Mimoza's step-brother Arberian King Kresnik II. Gazhmend died in 1579, in a terrorist attack in which were also killed his wife Princess Lucana, and the heir to the Galasian throne Lucana's brother Viceroy Arcturus Neretus.

Personal life

Mimoza is married with Stavro Dushku, an Arberian-born businessman. They have two children, Besmir and Doruntina.

She is fluent in Arberësh language, Florinthian, Lanlian, and Castlian. She also speaks Hoinomese, Angirisian, and Kyrzbek with varying degrees of fluency.