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Scholden Luftvaerk is a Oslanburgan aerospace and defence firm, one of the largest corporations in Oslanburg and the largest defence contractor in the country. Between 1489 and 1540, what is now Scholden Luftvaerks made up the aeronautical and defence operations of a state-owned conglomerate, and was both the last unit to be privatized and the only one in which the Oslanburgan government retained a substantive stake.


Scholden Luftvaerks founded by Nicolas Scholden in 1475 to manufacture aircraft for the Oslanburgan Army Air Arm and it's eventual successor, the Royal Oslanburgan Air Force. Initial aircraft were license built scouts, soon enough, Scholden was producing a biplane fighter of it's own design at their shops in Herlev. Scholden went on to build a series of aircraft both designed in-house or licensed from other designers for various roles.

Due to a sharp recession however, the company found itself insolvent by the early 1480s, and along with several other industrial concerns, it was nationalized in 1482. Under government ownership, the company was fashioned as a sort of national champion in the aerospace, and heavy industrial fields, and in addition to supplying domestic and governmental concerns such as Luft Wurberg, and the Oslanburgan Armed Forces, the company was expected to be a substantial export force.

In 1487, Scholden entered the airliner market with the 90 passenger SL300, and in 1490 began production of the F35 "Fiskeørn" (Osprey) fighter jet, the most successful and long-lived of Oslanburg's first-generation fighter jets and the first in a long line of Scholden fighter jets which continues to the present day.

During this time, Scholden's aeronautics and defence operations expanded and diversified, with the company producing, spacecraft parts, tanks, artillery and ammunition division.

In 1535, Scholden was broken up into two state-owned corporations; Scholden Heavy Industry production of construction and railway equipment and industrial diesel engines, and Scholden Luftvaerks the varied aerospace and defence operations. By the end of the year Scholden Heavy Industry had been privatized, but Scholden Luftvaerk remained state-owned, due to the strategic importance of maintaining aircraft manufacturing capability within Oslanburg.

Scholden Luftvaerk was privatized some five years later in 1540. As a private company, Scholden Luftvaerk has remained the largest Oslanburgan company in the aerospace and defence sectors, and has continued to diversify it's operations, which now include production of a range of civilian and military aircraft, development of a range of other defence systems.


Scholden Luftvaerks' main corporate and technical offices are located in Herlev, with smaller offices in Aetinheim, Vundt and Rimesta and several locations abroad such as Tiejungo and Adwest. Manufacturing is located at several locations in Oslanburg and internationally.

Scholden Luftvaerks

Historically the main business area of the company has been the production of aircraft. Presently the Air Works division is itself subdivided into two units; Air Defence Systems producing the F/A-50 Kondor (Condor) fighter jet, along with most of the military air vehicles used by the Oslanburgan Armed Forces. Commercial Air Works producing the SL family of aircraft such as the SL440, and the SL430. This unit has been the most profitable of Scholden Luftvaerks over the years, and continues to be a leading contender in the civilian aerospace industry.

Scholden Maskingevaer

Maskingevaer was formed from the purchase of Abatrax Gun Foundries in 1525 and of Ostland defence contractor in 1547. It produces auto cannons, artillery guns and a range of ammunition in Vundt and in Vaxholm, including the L27A2 automatic canno used on the MT-6 Styrke and the A45C2 Artillery Gun used in the SA-150 Storvaben.

Scholden Rumet

Rumet produces components for Oslanburgan satellites and for both unmanned and manned spacecraft, with operations centred at Kaffau.

Scholden Støtte

Støtte provides maintenance and other forms of support such as training programs for Scholden products to commercial and governmental operators.


The largest stockholders in Scholden Luftvaerk are Oslanburgan investment firm Curben Finans (21.10%), Vun Generelt Investering (18.59%), the Oslanburgan government (17.00%), and Scholden Heavy Industry (15.25%), between them holding about 71.94% of the company with no other shareholder holding more than 3%. While the Oslanburgan government is now only the third largest shareholder, it retains a single "golden share" that reserves it the right to veto foreign control of the company's board of directors. The CEO and chairman of the management board is Erik Scholden while the chairman of the supervisory board is Albin Matthewson.

Corporate Boards

Scholden Luftvaerk's corporate governance follows the legally proscribed form for a large public corporation, with a management board comprised of company executives which is responsible for the day to day management of the company and a supervisory board comprised of representatives of the company's employees and shareholders which oversees the management board and approves major decisions.


Military Aircraft

Civilian Aircraft

Other Systems