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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Tuscarawan Dominion, commonly referred to as Tuscarawas, is an island state in the heart of the Mandavine Sea. It is specifically located south of Magentina, Lusby & Corwyn and northeast of Nyland. It is one of the few nations in the world largely dominated by a surviving native culture. Tuscarawas was once a Florinthian colony, and as such was very prosperous. After the end of colonial rule, the Tuscarawan people formed an autocratic Dominion to unify the city-states of the main island of Tuscarawas but it suffered economically for decades before undergoing a major turnaround in the late 1560s.

Today, Tuscarawas is ruled by Hierarch Tachnechdorus I, who has ruled the Dominion since 1570. It is a mostly-developed country that benefitted from industrialization thanks to years of colonial administration. It has a high Human Development Index and is considered one of the most ecologically friendly nations in the world.

Etymology and Origin

It is unclear as to when and how the Tuscarawan tribe arrived on their native island, but some of the earliest records indicate that some measure of civilization has existed on the island of Tuscarawas for at least 950 years and perhaps longer. Records show that the Tuscarawans managed to develop a written language approximately 720 years ago and had attempted to form some sort of a tribal government approximately 550 to 600 years ago. The origin of the name "Tuscarawas" both for the main tribe of the northeastern corners of the island as well for the city itself is unknown, but Florinthian colonists were known to have used the word Tuscarawas to describe the island as early as thirty to forty years after the first Brigidnians had arrived on the island.