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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Commonwealth of Eskkya, more commonly referred to as simply Eskkya or the Eskkyan State, is a sovereign state located in western Brigidna. It borders the Republic of Valland to the west, the Kingdom of Lomarre to the south-east, the Kingdom of North Strathae to the north-east and the Lagrain Sea to the south. Stretching from the Bay of Frest (local name) to the Gaels, the largest mountain range within the country's borders, Eskkya is home to almost 50 million inhabitants and a rainbow of cultures. It is a federal republic with Rambouillet as its capital, the country's second largest city by population and cultural hub. Officially and staunchly a secular state, the constitution of Eskkya recognises no religion and completely prohibits public money being used to fund religious projects, such as the funding of houses of worship, though Eskkyan citizens are free to practice their faith in the comfort of their homes and and holy sites.

Formed in 732 CE through the unification of the Kingdom of Gwened, the Kingdom of Falmore and the Grand Duchy of Strathae, Eskkya existed for over 700 years in the form of a loose confederation until 1452 CE, when the monarchy was overthrown in a somewhat bloody revolution, resulting in Eskkya being proclaimed a federal republic. The northernmost regions of Strathae, today referred to as the Kingdom of North Strathae, gained independence from Eskkya in 1315. The country has since pursued a policy of neutrality in order to secure its affluence and preserve its way of life, electing mostly right-wing governments that have been rather hostile towards immigration and social change, though, it has, with the election of the left-wing Socialist Party in 1548, begun to embrace the wider world and pursue a more progressive agenda.

Despite its Bràidzhonig heritage, the modern Eskkyan state is shaped by Jacobine (Laurentian-speaking Republican) ideology and it is this identity, not its Bràidzhonig past, that the state embraces and promotes. Although Laurentian is the sole official language of the Commonwealth, it is the mother tongue of just under 50% of the total population, though it remains the language of the country's elite. Standard Eskon, an artificial language derived from Beaton, Fredleigh and Iyeau, the three ancestral languages of Eskkya, in 1400, is today the mother tongue of a large number of Eskkyans and enjoys official status in all cantons outside the Rambouillet Capital Region, though a federal law forbids it to be recognised federally. Small communities still speak Beaton, Fredleigh and Iyeau, mostly in remote areas of the country. Despite the general hostility towards immigration, around 10% of the country's inhabitants were born overseas. Large communities of migrants are found in the capital, Rambouillet, and the largest city, Bealadair, where they experience little hostility from the generally more progressive inhabitants of the cities. Although viewed internationally as a somewhat conservative society, Eskkya performs relatively well when it comes to women rights, with many of the country's top officials - both political and religious - being female.



Crown-Clan Wars

Painting depicting the Battle of Eideinn Bridge.

Early thirteenth century Eskkyan society remained very tribal outside the main cities, particularly in the northern and eastern regions of the country. Official statistics from the period show that 53% of the country's total population lived on clan land and paid homage to a Clan Chief. Resentment towards the Vallish-backed Évreux dynasty in Rambouillet had grown stronger amongst chiefs in the north, who viewed attempts by the capital to interfere in the daily lives of their people as a threat to their way of life and culture. Enraged by the implementation of the 1310 Vallish Language Act, which stripped Beaton, Fredleigh and Iyeau of their status as national languages and made Vallish the country's sole official language, the chiefs of the north organised a petition against the move, sending Sir Ealar MacCuilcein to deliver it to the legislature of the Canton of Strathae in Eideinn. Commenting on his reception in his memoirs years later, he described being left feeling like a "being of lesser value and stature, certainly not a human of the same standing as these representatives of the crown ". In his own words, MacCuilcein described the representatives as being "no more Strathaen than blackmen", referring to their Jacobine - the term used to describe individuals who adopted the language, culture and values of the neighbouring Vallish - appearances and attitudes. As more discriminatory measures were passed in the name of modernisation by the Supreme Ovrial, chiefs in the other cantons, particularly Gwened, began to join their Strathaen cousins in standing up to the urban elite. The situated further escalated when 64 Clan Chiefs met in 1312 in MacCarmaig, today located in the Kingdom of North Strathae, declaring that they would not swear allegiance to a monarch who viewed their culture as inferior and treated them like second-class subjects. The majority of chiefs and lords throughout the country instantly condemned the declaration, even those sympathetic to the cause as a whole. Treason against the crown, after all, was a serious crime in thirteenth century Eskkya. The Imperial Government responded by demanding the chiefs be tried for treason by their cantons, which the representatives in all three cantons agreed to, and sending a force of 5,000 men to the north to demonstrate its control over the region. On the 6th of Dein 1312, Imperialist troops, supported by loyalists - local troops in the service of lords and chiefs committed to the crown - engaged in armed conflict with the rebels at the MacCarmaig Hills, plunging the country into civil war.

The Eskkyan clans were not new to warfare; they had since the very existence of the clan system fought amongst themselves over clan borders, livestock and honour. The Imperialist troops, armed with advanced weaponry, were a different type of opponent, however. Being familiar with the surrounding land worked in their favour, but their swords and daggers were no match for the Imperialist cannon and guns. Dominance over the north was quickly demonstrated and 45 Clan Chiefs were executed for treason against the crown in 1312 alone. The brutality of the regime's forces, the humiliation the people of the north were subjected to and the lack of support from their own government in Eideinn showed the clans of Strathae that they couldn't rely on outsiders for protection and that their cantonal representatives were working hand-in-hand with the Imperialists from the capital to destroy the clan way of life. Although there was a permanent Imperialist presence in the north, clansmen continued their rebellion against the crown, often staging ambushes in the mountain regions to kill government troops. Meanwhile, in Gwened, the cantonal government, viewing the quick victory of the government troops in Strathae as a success for the forces of modernisation, forced a heavy tax upon their own clans, hoping to weaken the clan system in Gwened as a whole. Clashes erupted between clansmen and Imperialist troops all across Gwened. Sophia, Countess of Stratmore and niece of one of the wealthiest aristocrats in southern Gwened, the Duke of Bealadair, became known in the canton as a sympathiser of the cause and regularly hosted the chiefs and lords involved at her home. The descendant of the former Kings and Queens of Gwened, Sophia's supporters viewed her as an ideal replacement if the Vallish-backed monarchy was ever overthrown in the capital. Initially reluctant to accept, she eventually agreed to become the figurehead of the campaign after witnessing a Breizhigist temple packed with worshippers being burned to the ground by Imperialist troops.

Ruins of House Valois, the Duke of Bealadair's residence.

The crown-clan civil war came to be known as the Sophite Rebellion, after chiefs and lords throughout the country pledged allegiance to Sophia, recognising her as their queen and thus declaring the Évreux dynasty to be illegitimate. Taking up residence in MacCarmaig, due to her own home's close proximity to the capital, Sophia united the clans of Strathae and Gwened under one banner, appointing generals to train her army in order to improve the effectiveness of their attacks. Clashes between Imperialist troops and the Sophite forces continued in Strathae, until the Sophites stormed Eideinn on the 13th of Elva 1314. The cantonal government was dissolved and the region's representatives executed for treason against the people of Eskkya. Losing their stronghold to the Sophite forces, the Imperialists retreated southwards. Agents were sent to assists clans in territories yet to be "liberated" in rising up against the Imperialists. The Duke of Bealadair, under pressure from the Imperialists and out of fear for his life and title, publicly condemned his niece's uprising and reiterated his support for the crown, though in fact was a known sympathiser himself and funded huge operations against the crown in Gwened, often sheltering escapees and other "convicts" on the run from Imperialist forces. Under the command of Queen Sophia, the Sophite forces raided army camps in northern Gwened, often supported by local villagers sympathetic to their cause. As the Sophite army made its way further south, reaching the Gwenedonian capital, Vanet, the Imperial Government, fearing for the future of their regime, requested assistance from neighbouring Valland. The Imperialists, supported by their Vallish allies, fought back, successfully expelling the Sophites from Gwened by the 2nd of Tolven 1314. The capture of Bernez Madec, heir to the Gwenedonian Madec clan and one of the leaders of the Sophites in Gwened, benefited the Imperialists greatly. After a lengthy interrogation, carried out by Commander Gustave Lahaye - infamous for his use of torture to extract information from Sophite commanders - the Imperialists learned the names of several aristocrats funding the Sophite rebellion. The estates of several Gwenedonian lords were raided by the Imperialists, their castles destroyed and some were even executed for treason, including the Duke of Bealadair. Today, ruins cover the Gwenedonian landscape, a reminder of this period in Eskkya's history.

The iconic battle of the Sophite Rebellion - the Battle of Eideinn Bridge - claimed the lives of approximately 3,000 men, mostly Sophites. After losing much of the territory they had captured in Gwened, the Sophite forces retreated back to Eideinn, their stronghold in southern Strathae. Imperialists, along with their Vallish allies, marched towards the walled city, ready to meet the Sophites in open battle. Due to their losses in Gwened, many clan chiefs had lost confidence in the entire rebellion and had called back their forces to the Gaels, leaving Eideinn with a force of only 10,000 to defend it from the approaching Imperialists. Eager to win back the confidence of the clan chiefs, Sophia rode for MacCarmaig, but never made it to her destination. On the 37th of Tolven 1314, Sophia was captured by Imperialist spies and transported to Rambouillet to await trial. The Sophite forces, under the command of the Duke of the Larr Valley, foolishly agreed to meet the Imperialists in open battle. Although the Sophites were better trained than they were during the earlier battles of the crown-clan wars, the majority of the force still lacked a gun and the army relied heavily on swords. As expected, the Imperialists, armed with both gun and cannon, defeated the Sophites in what historians describe as a "slaughter". Surviving Sophites retreated northwards to the Gaels, joining their fellow clansmen who had retreated earlier. Being familiar with their surroundings, they successfully defended the mountains and the north of Strathae from further attacks from the Imperialists, and, after months of clashes between the two sides, the Kingdom of North Strathae was declared by the remaining Sophites on the 9th of Dosa 1315. The Imperial Government initially rejected the declaration of independence, but the country had neither the will nor the resources to continue the fight against the rebellion.

Displacement and Urbanisation

Immediately following the Strathaen declaration of independence, the Imperial Government shifted its attention to the remaining regions of Strathae, still under control of Eskkya.

Jacobine Revolution


The Gaels, largest mountain range to run through Eskkya's borders

The Commonwealth of Eskkya borders the the Republic of Valland to the west, the Kingdom of Lomarre to the south-east, the Kingdom of North Strathae to the north-east and the Lagrain Sea to the south. Extending across the south side of the Gaels in western Brigidna, the Commonwealth of Eskkya encompasses a diversity of landscapes and climates over an area of 407,529.97 sq km. With a population of just over 50 million, the average population density sits at 122.86/km² or 123 persons per square kilometer. The more mountainous west and north of the country, namely the cantons of Falmore and Strathae, are more sparsely populated than the mostly flat east, but not by much.

There are four basic topographical areas: the Eskkyan Gaels, the Genevan Mountains or Valish Mountains, the Adalins and the Wetlands. The Gaels by far covers the largest area, whereas the vast majority of Eskkya's population live in the Wetlands. The Eskkyan landscape is covered by huge forests, deep valleys, mountains, lakes and rivers.


Being rather mountainous, Eskkya is generally milder than its neighbouring states. The Eskkyan climate, however, varies greatly between localities, ranging from glacial conditions on the mountaintops of the Adalins to the often pleasant Lagrainian climate of Eskkya's southernmost regions.

Wild Life

This arctic fox pup.jpg


Political System

Although founded as a loose confederation in 732, the Commonwealth of Eskkya is today a federation. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Eskkya adopted in 1452 following the abolition of the monarchy is the legal foundation of the modern federal state. It outlines the structure of the state's institutions, identifies the division of powers between commune, canton and federal levels and highlights the rights afforded to all citizens of the commonwealth. There are three main governing bodies on the federal level: the bicameral parliament (legislative), the Federal Government (executive) and the Supreme Court (judicial).

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The Supreme Ovrial, the seat of the Eskkyan legislature.

The parliament of the Commonwealth of Eskkya, officially known as the Supreme Ovrial, comprises of two houses: the National Congress (lower) and the Federal Council (upper). The National Congress, the largest of the two houses, consists of 732 representatives who are elected under a system of proportional representation, using the D'Hondt method. Representatives serve for five years. Despite the electoral system's reputation for producing coalition governments in other parts of the world, Eskkyan governments tend to be stable and the country has had a coalition government only once in its entire history. The Federal Council, on the other hand, consists of 31 represenatives - 10 from each canton and 1 from the Rambouillet Capital Region- elected under an electoral system determined by each region. The members of the Federal Council act as representatives of the regional governments in the capital, whereas the members of the National Congress are representatives of the Eskkyan people. Federal Council members also serve a five year term. All Eskkyan citizens aged 18 and over, regardless of their canton of residence, are guaranteed the right to vote and stand in federal elections by the country's constitution, though cantons, and the RCR, have their very own constitutions outlining the different regulations regarding elections. For example, in Falmore, a resident of the canton must be be aged 18 or over to vote in cantonal elections, whilst in Strathae, residents aged 16 or over are free to participate.

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Composition of the National Congress.
<span style="background-color:#CF1111; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">     Socialist Party: 379 seats
<span style="background-color:#97519C; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Democratic Alliance: 198 seats
<span style="background-color:#FF8629; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Independent Democrats: 14 seats
<span style="background-color:#156999; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    National Coalition: 75 seats
<span style="background-color:#060680; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    True Eskkya: 18 seats
<span style="background-color:#90B547; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Green Party: 17 seats
<span style="background-color:#356B2D; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Greens of Strathae: 3 seats
<span style="background-color:#F7F72F; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Strathaen National Party: 5 seats
<span style="background-color:#FF0000; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Communist Party: 11 seats
<span style="background-color:#000000; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Pensioners Congress: 10 seats
<span style="background-color:#94008A; color:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center;">    Imperial League of Eskkya: 2 seats

The Federal Government, Eskkya's executive branch, directs the federal administration of the state. Usually led by the leader of the largest party in the National Congress, or the leader of the largest bloc in the case of a coalition, the Federal Government carries out the duties outlined in the country's constitution, such as shaping the country's defence, immigration and foreign affairs policies and administering federally-funded institutions such as universities and colleges. The head of the Federal Government is referred to as the Premier (usually the leader of the largest party in the National Congress) and he/she is responsible for appointing members to the cabinet. If the leader of the largest party fails to form a viable coalition, the Chief Justice may invite another party leader to form a coalition. The current Premier of the Commonwealth of Eskkya is Florentin Berlioz, a member of the Socialist Party, currently the largest party in the National Congress.

Administrative Divisions

The Commonwealth of Eskkya consists of three cantons- Gwened, Strathae and Falmore - and one district, the Rambouillet Capital Region. According to the country's own constitution, the cantons have a permanent constitutional status and are entirely equal. Unlike the situation in many countries around the world, Eskkyan cantons have a high degree of independence, having their own constitutions, parliaments and courts.

Region Capital Governor Population
50px Rambouillet Capital Region Rambouillet Thibault Delacroix 4,647,851
50px Canton of Strathae Eideinn Édouard Fraiser 6,397,201
50px Canton of Gwened Vanet Gwenn Abalain 22,699,450
50px Canton of Falmore Seneca Jacques Girard 16,325,847

Foreign Relations and the Military

With a long history of armed neutrality and a constitution that forbids the use of the country's armed forces outside the country's territorial borders except in the case of self-defence, Eskkya has not been in a state of war since the Crown-Clan Wars of the early 1300s. Eskkya's commitment to armed neutrality shapes the country even today, with a key aim of its foreign policy being to form good relations with countries throughout the world. Eskkya, therefore, refrains from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, though the current government has been more vocal than any previous government on global affairs.

Valland is today the country's closest friend, primarily due to the deep historic ties between the two states and the Laurentian language. Eskkya maintains good relations with rest of the Laurentiophone world, too. Despite a somewhat uneasy past, Eskkya enjoys rather good relations with North Strathae and the two countries work closely in several areas, such as tourism, due to their mutual past and values. Eskkya has had formal relations with the Confederation of Sivelia since the nation's formation and relations remain stable even today. Eskkyans were heavily involved in the creation of the confederation and even named one of its provinces, Nova Escovia, after their homeland. It has, in recent years, begun to improve its relations with countries in other parts of the world, a notable example being the Kingdom of Goldecia, which Eskkya previously had little contact with.




Jean-Brice de Maynage International Airport is Eskkya's largest and busiest airport.

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Vanet Railway Station


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Languages of Eskkya

According to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Eskkya, the sole official language of the Eskkyan society is Laurentian, a romance language originally from neighbouring Valland. Despite its official status, it is the mother tongue of no more than 48.7% of the Eskkyan population. Originally the language of the Eskkyan elite, its status was declared in 1310 CE by Emperor Frederic II and reinforced in 1452 with the passing of the country's new constitution. Originally subject to rulings from the Académie laurentienne, Valland's official authority on the Laurentian language, today, the Académie Nationale in Rambouillet is the sole authority on the Laurentian language in Eskkya. Thus, there are occasional differences in spelling between Laurentian in Valland and Eskkya. Today, it is a mandatory subject in schools throughout the country and reaching fluency by high school is essential for graduation. All official documents and publications, including road signs and signs on public buildings, must, by law, be in Laurentian, even in areas with no significant Laurentian-speaking population.

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Eskkya forbids the recognition of any other language by the federal government, though cantons are free to grant official recognition to other languages, which all three have done so. Standard Eskon, a Bràidzhonig language derived from Beaton, Fredleigh and Iyeau - the ancestral languages of the three cantons of Eskkya - is today the mother tongue of a large number of Eskkyans. According to the 1568 census, 39.4% of Eskkya's 49.9 million inhabitants speak Standard Eskon at home. Formed to overcome the language barrier existing in Bealadair in 1400, a direct result of the diverse composition of the city (its inhabitants having hailed from all corners of Eskkya), it is still monitored there even today at the National Eskon Academy. All three cantons have granted Standard Eskon official recognition, though the Rambouillet Capital District has so far not followed suit. Its official status means Eskkyan citizens living in all three cantons are able to write to their respective canton government and expect a reply in Standard Eskon, canton representatives are free to deliver speeches in the legislature of their canton in Standard Eskon (a measure banned in the capital) and all road signs in Laurentian must be accompanied with a Standard Eskon translation.

Sentence in Standard Eskon, using the Tantonian script .

Often referred to as the country's regional languages, Beaton, Fredleigh and Iyeau have, up until recently, been entirely neglected by the country's three cantons as well as the capital. The ancestral languages of the Eskkyan people, official statics show that it wasn't until after the emergence of Standard Eskon in 1400 that the role the languages played in Eskkyan society started to diminish. Experts argue that even just before the turn of the century, the majority of Eskkyans had some knowledge of at least one "regional" language. Today, however,due to the promotion of Laurentian and Standard Eskon in schools throughout the country, only around 11.9% of the population speak one of the country's historical languages at home. Beaton, the historical language of the people of Gwened, is by far the most spoken of the three, with 7.6% of the country's total population speaking it at home. Fredleigh, the historical language of the people of Strathae, comes next at 3.5% of the county's total population. Iyeau, the historical language of the people of Falmore , is the mother tongue of no more than 0.8% of the total Eskkyan population. In recent years, there have been efforts to revive the status of the ancestral languages of Eskkya, with some politicians calling for them to be granted official recognition by the cantons. A petition calling for Gwened to recognise Beaton has gathered over 100,000 signatures.

Standard Eskon can be written using the Lanlian alphabet and the Tantonian script, which is also used to write Beaton, Fredleigh and Iyeau. Historians believe the Tantonian script has its origins in the language of Eskkya's Veareys Clan - an ancient people who resided in the Gaels over two thousand years ago. Only half of Standard Eskon speakers claim to be able to read the Tantonian script, but more and more schools are opting to include it as part of the Standard Eskon course. It is expected that the next generation of Standard Eskon speakers will be more familiar with the language in the Tantonian script than the Lanlian alphabet.

The country's censuses do not account for Eskkyans of foreign origin who speak another language at home. Experts have argued that a majority of Eskkyans are trilingual, with 53% of the country having some sort of fluency in Lanlian.


According to its very own constitution, Eskkya is officially and staunchly a secular state and recognition of any religion by a government body, whether federal or canton, is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, the government may not use public money to fund any religious activity, such as constructing houses of worship, and religious education in schools is rather limited. Private schools must also be staunchly secular and funding from any religious organisation is strictly forbidden. Still, despite the state's stance on secularism, Eskkyan citizens are free to practice their faiths in the comfort of their own homes and their houses of worship. Proselytism is banned in Gwened and Strathae, but permitted in Falmore and the Rambouillet Capital District, albeit closely observed by authorities in the case of foreign religions.

Craigh Na Dun, an important Breizhigist site in the north of Eskkya.

Breizhigism has historically been the dominant religion of the Eskkyan people, playing a huge role in the unification of the peoples of Gwened, Falmore and Strathae under a single banner. Centred around "the Five" and "Mother Nature", Breizhigists believe that there are five forces, often personified as men and women of incredible strength and beauty, who have control over the daily lives of all beings on the planet. Although powerful, the five answer to a supreme being, Mother Nature, who is believed to be compassionate and generous, yet in position of power exceeding all other deities. Thus, observant Breizhigists worship the nature surrounding them in order to display their thanks for the compassion and generosity of the 'supreme one'. Breizhigists tend to worship in temples, though the faith is more traditionally worshipped at sites of importance, such as Craigh Na Dun. Only females are permitted to lead an Orthodox Breizhigist congregation, although there are offshoot denominations that ordain males as well. The leader of the Breizhigist faith is referred to as the High Priestess, the incumbent being 27 year old Raghnaid Caoidheach, who has served two years out of her twenty four years term.

According to the 1568 census, exactly 62% of Eskkyans identify as Breizhigists, an increase of 4 points from the previous census. Experts have noted a change in the country's religious climate : rather than becoming less religious as a nation, like most countries in the developed world, today Eskkyans are far more religious than the previous generation. They also noted an increase in temple attendance across the country, with 42% in the 1568 census compared to 35% in the 1564 census. Still, Eskkya is home to a significant non-religious population, with 23% of Eskkyans claiming to be either Atheist or Agnostic. Moreover, 9% of the country's population identify with Sentricism and 1% identify as "other" - a broad category that includes all other world religions.


Rambouillet Academy of the Arts

Education - elementary, middle and secondary - is a devolved issue in Eskkya and, therefore, falls under the jurisdiction of the each individual canton. Further and Higher Education, however, are entirely controlled by the Ministry of Education, a department of the Federal Government . Eskkyans citizens are, according to the country's own constitution, not only entitled to a free education between the ages of 3 and 18, but it is their civil duty to educate themselves for the betterment of the country. Therefore, parents of children either not enrolled or refusing to attend a school are frequently punished by the authorities. Despite not being involved in the decision making process regarding elementary and secondary schools, the Federal Government has occasionally passed legislation dealing with the education of minors. Home schooling was banned in 1561 by the Supreme Ovrial, managing to pass both houses with relative ease. In line with the country's stance on secularism, all schools within Eskkya's borders, both state and private, adhere strictly to a secular platform.

Eskkya has, since its formation in 732, placed great emphasis on education. By 800, all three cantons had passed legislation decreeing that the sons of barons and freeholders of substance should attend grammar schools, which were largely ran by the religious authorities. This was intended to increase literacy amongst the country's male elite. Clan Chiefs often saw little purpose in formal education, viewing strength and other traits like the ability to fight as more valuable for their environment, meaning clan regions of Strathae and northern Gwened remained significantly less educated than other region's of the country. By 1000, however, education began to play a greater role in clan regions. With the passing of the 1054 Education Act by the Strathaen cantonal government, all Breizhigist temples throughout the canton were provided funds to run Sunday schools for children aged between 6 and 10. Gwened and Falmore followed suit. In the twelfth century, there was an entire network of temple-ran schools across the country, serving boys and girls of all social classes, though children of low stature living in the Gaels often missed out and instead spent their time working the land of their lord or chief. Education did not become a state matter until after the abolition of the monarchy and implementation of the country's current constitution. It declared education to be a right of all Eskyaans aged 6 to 16, and was extended to 3 to 18 by a constitutional amendment in 1525.

Eideinn University

The cantons of Gwened and Falmore have implemented three-tier education systems, by which pupils are taught in three distinct school types: elementary, middle and secondary. Strathae's system, however, is in the form of two tiers: elementary and secondary. The Rambouillet Capital District also has a two-tier system. The systems historically had a characteristic emphasis on a broad education, though, the curriculums in all three cantons have been amended recently, with science and languages being viewed as more valuable than other subjects. Vallish-speaking and Eskon-speaking schools exist in all cantons, including the capital.

There are twenty nine Eskkyan universities, some of which are amongst the oldest in the world. Historically, universities were constructed in cities hosting a High Temple, though today such criteria plays no role in the establishment of new universities. The big five - the Rambouillet Academy of the Arts, the Republican University (Rambouillet), Vanet University, Eideinn University and the Eskkyan State University (Bealadair) - are the country's best ranked universities, often viewed as elitist establishments. Colleges - institutions that offer courses just below degree level- exist throughout the country and, like universities, are completely controlled and funded by the Federal Government. Eskkya boasts one of the most educated populations in the world, with 46% of people in the country aged between 18 and 60 educated to at least college level.


Viewed as the "jewel in the crown" of Eskkya's welfare system, the National Health Service - Eskky's national health system that is universal, comprehensive and free at the point of contact - was set up in only 1513. Possibly the only state-funded institution that all major Eskkyan political parties are committed to preserving, the NHS enjoys high levels of support from across the political spectrum and the general public. The system, being contributory, is funded through the taxes of all Eskkyan citizens, even those who do not use NHS services (such as those with private health insurance). Foreign workers are presently not covered by the NHS, and must, therefore, purchase private insurance. Tourists are required to have insurance before entering the country and border authorities have had to prohibit individuals from entering in the past.

Known for being a somewhat healthy people, Eskkyans are generally thin, often viewed as amongst the thinnest people in the developed world. Still, obesity has become an issue the government has had to address in recent years, with all regions having implemented anti-obesity campaigns in schools across the country. The obesity epidemic, most likely a result of the Eskkya's traditional cuisine being replaced by junk food, has become a burden on the Eskkyan economy, costing the Eskkyan taxpayers around $31 billion a year. Government statistics show the rate of childhood obesity slowing in Eskkya, whilst it grows in other countries.


National Identity

Spanning from the Gaels to the Adalins, the Commonwealth of Eskkya is a culturally diverse nation and has been since its formation in 732. Although the country's constitution recognises one culture, one language and one identity, no such cultural consensus exists within Eskkya and its people belong to a range of distinct ethnolinguistic groups: the Vallish, the Gwenedonians, the Strathaens and the Falmorish. National identity, therefore, is a far more complicated issue than in other countries around the world, due to the existence of many conflicting identities and national movements.

The modern Eskkyan state is shaped by Jacobine ideology and this is the identity it promotes throughout the world today. The term Jacobine is used to refer to Laurentian-speaking Eskkyans, living predominately in the Rambouillet Capital Region and surrounding areas, though historically, the Jacobines were Laurentian-speaking republicans who fought against the Évreux dynasty and brought about its collapse. The Jacobine strong sense of identity and community is founded on the Laurentian language, a common historical background, architecture and the belief in republican values and the notion that the Bràidzhonig identity of Eskkya should remain as a detail of the country's past. The country's anthem, La Jacobine, and its moto, L'Unité Avant Tout, are all symbols associated with Jacobine culture and were first introduced following the collapse of the Évreux dynasty. Although foreigners widely recognise it as the country's sole identity, it is clear a majority of Eskkyans do not feel it represents them well; some even view it as a foreign culture that is being forced upon them. In fact, a survey conducted by the Vanetian Star -Vanet's largest tabloid - found that 39% of all Eskkyans feel no connection to the Jacobine identity at all and a further 24% feel only a slight connection.

Eskkyan bagpipers in Camburgh, Strathae

Although the Jacobine identity is commonly referred to as dominant culture of Eskkya, due to its formal recognition and promotion by the Federal Government, the people of Eskkya evidently feel closer to their Bràidzhonig roots. Following the defeat of the Sophite Rebellion, the Imperial Government hoped to crush the Bràidzhonig culture in order to create a single "Laurentian" Eskkyan identity, introducing measures, such as prohibiting the usage of Beaton, Fredleigh, Iyeau. Initially successful, the Bràidzhonig culture experienced a revival after the defeat of the Évreux dynasty, as the Jacobines, in order to win support for their cause, promised to give the cantons the power to recognise the newly-created Bràidzhonig language, Standard Eskon, as official. The Bràidzhonig strong sense of identity and community is founded on the Bràidzhonig languages, a common historical background, music and Gaelin symbolism. Although more commonly associated with the Kingdom of North Strathae, clans, the tartan and the bagpipe are also viewed as integral parts of Eskkya's heritage and culture, due to their importance in the Canton of Strathae and northernmost regions of Gwened.

Furthermore, some Eskkyans identity more with the canton of their birth than with the country as a whole, instead choosing to view themselves as Gwenedonians, Strathaens or Falmorish rather than Eskkyans. Such movements, however, are minuscule in comparison to the wider Bràidzhonig and Jacobine nationalist movements.


Despite Eskkya's status as a secular republic, its people still overwhelmingly belong to the Breizhigist faith and the religion shapes Eskkyan society even today. Known around the world as being a somewhat conservative society, Eskkyans are generally hostile towards those from other countries, with suspicion being cited as the main reason for this general dislike of foreigners. Faced with an identity crisis themselves - on whether to identity with the dominant Jacobine culture of today or the culture of their ancestors - it is possible that Eskkyans are merely frustrated that in modern Eskkya, there is, in many ways, no cultural consensus, and that the addition of even more cultures and identities will make matters only worse. In fact, a poll organised by Eskkyan Central News found that 23% of respondents cited "There are enough cultural divisions in Eskkya" as their main reason for opposing immigration as a whole. The same poll showed that 59% of Eskkyans believe that there are presently too many immigrants in the country and 30% agreed that the government should encourage those already settled in the country to leave. Despite the general hostility towards immigration, there have been few hate crimes committed against ethnic minorities, mainly due to the fact that most foreign-born Eskkyans live in

LGBT Rights March in Rambouillet, 1567

the more liberal cities of Rambouillet and Bealadair. The National Coalition, a right-wing, anti-Jacobine and Bràidzhonig nationalist party, has compared recent immigration waves to the destruction of the Bràidzhonig culture by the Vallish-backed monarchs of Eskkya.The party has also accused non-Eskkyans of disrespecting the land of Eskkya by engaging in littering and vandalism.

In accordance with the Breizhigist faith's tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality, homosexual conduct and same-sex relationships have never been criminalised by the Eskkyan state, and Eskkyans are generally very open-minded regarding LGBT issues. However, due to the influence of Sentricism during the years of the Vallish-backed Évreux dynasty, LGBT individuals do face some difficulties and complete equality has not yet been reached. Also, there have been many hate crimes committed against LGBT persons in the capital, which the National Coalition have blamed on immigrants.

Adultery, which is still officially illegal in the country, though the law is rarely enforced, is frowned upon by the vast majority of Eskkyan citizens. There have been cases of honour killings carried out by family members of adulterers in remote areas of the country, though those involved have been punished by authorities and are currently serving life sentences in jail. A poll carried out by Eskkyan Central News found that a majority of the Eskkyan people are in favour of toughening the country's laws on adultery, though political parties very rarely discuss the issue due to its sensitive nature.


Eskkyan cuisine is known for being amongst the finest in the world, depending on the region. Like most other things in Eskkya, the country's cuisine is diverse and differs between each region. The north of the country prefers to use butter as the preferred fat for cooking, whereas olive oil is more commonly used in the south. Eskkya's most renowned products/dishes are: chocolate, wine and stews.

Eskkya is regionally famous for its high quality meat. Agas Beef, which is rather expensive to buy, contributes greatly to the Strathaen economy and is the country's third most exported product, after chocolate (1) and wine (2), in the 'food and drink' category. Yet, despite its reputation worldwide, the country has a huge vegetarian population, with some studies suggesting that almost 30% of Eskkyans are vegetarians. Therefore, food that is fit for vegetarians is popular throughout the country and companies are investing in the production of new vegetarian- suitable products.

Typical Eskkyan chocolates

Alcohol is viewed by most in the country as an essential element of the Eskkyan identity. Wine, in particular, is highly popular throughout the country and most adults drink at least one glass of wine per night. Gwened produces some of the world's best wines, which contributes greatly to the canton's economy. In the northernmost regions of the country, wine is less popular and beer is the preferred drink.

Chocolate, so important to the image of Eskkya around the world that it is so often viewed as a national symbol in its own right, has been made in the country for 300 years, though gained its world renowned reputation in the early 1400s. The invention of modern techniques such as conching and tempering allowed the production of the high-quality Eskkyan chocolate of today. Eskkya is not only a major producer of chocolate, it is one of the largest consumers as well.