History of Kubaniza

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Kubanizans are descended from the Proto-Vostic peoples who migrated across the #MOUNTAINS from the Eastlands. Little is known about the early Kubanizans during this period. However, it is believed that Kubanizan and Severyan groups came into conflict over hunting territory around roughly 2120 BCE. This would mark the beginning of the long Severyanian-Kubanizan Rivalry.

First Kubanizan Hetmanate

In 1962 BCE, many of the Kubanizan clans of the Kubanizan Plains were united under the First Kubanizan Hetmanate by Hetman Matniy Preytel, which roughly translates from ancient Kuban as "Powerful Ruler" or "Powerful King". The state built by Matniy Preytel would have a lasting impact on Kubanizan history and successive Kubanizan hetmanates. The First Hetmanate would continue to expand its control over the Kubanizan Plains, as Kubanizan clans declare their allegiance to the increasingly powerful state. The Hetman of Kubaniza forced the Severyanian Tribal Confederation to cede large tracts of Doran territory around 1900 BCE, which was retaken by the Severyanians around 1800 BCE.

Throughout its existence, the First Hetmanate experienced border conflict with their Severyanian neighbors, in part because of periodic Kubanizan raids. In 1705 BCE, these conflicts evolved into warfare, leading to the First Crimson War. By the time of the war’s end in 1660 BCE, the Hetmanate had made some territorial gains. A period of relative prosperity followed in Kubaniza, interrupted briefly between 1528–1513 BCE by armed intervention into tribal conflicts in Duran.

An ambitious Severyanian leader, Nikolai the Bold of Severyane, saw an opportunity to regain lands and in 1199 BCE sent the Elenchus Requirit to the Kubanizan Hetmanate. It demanded the return of lands lost in the First Crimson War and compensation for Kubanizan raids. The outright refusal of these demands lead to the Second Crimson War, which ended in 1190 BCE with territory returning to pre-First Crimson War borders. Shamed by the loss of territory, Hetman Slavny Preytel (a descendant of Matniy Preytel) invaded the Doran Marthe tribe in 1187 BCE, however the invasion stalled.

Second Kubanizan Hetmanate

In Severyane, there is an outbreak of the contagious Black Fever in 1183 BCE, and by 1176 BCE the deadly disease had spread to Kubaniza and Duran. The close quarters and poor conditions of Kubanizan and Doran war camps forced an end to the frozen conflict, and the Kubanizan armies withdrew from Duran. The plague killed thousands, causing panic throughout Marzanna. Thousands of Severyans, Dorans, and Kubanizans fled, many of them relocating to areas to the southwest of Severyane. Hetman Slavny's inability to contain the disease, his failures in the recent wars, and widespread panic and Black Fever scares lead to the collapse of the First Hetmanate. Hetman Slavny abdicated and went into exile with his family in 1174 BCE. After a brief interregnum, Vasyl Tarenko was elected hetman by a rada of atamans in 1173 BCE. Although preventing the spread of the disease was nearly impossible, Hetman Tarenko was successful in preventing anarchy from engulfing the land. Tarenko reigned as hetman for over two decades. He died in 1144 BCE, around this time, the Black Fever pandemic ends. In total, the Black Fever killed almost 100,000 people throughout Marzanna.