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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.

Ocititania, officially known as The Empire of Ocititania(or the United Imperial Duchies of Ocititania) is a federal semi-absolute elective monarchy. It includes 7 semi-autonomous duchies and one unitary federal district containing the capitol. It covers roughly 350,000 square kilometers with a mediterranean vegetation climate. Its capital is Polachia and the largest city is Laganda. With almost spanning roughly 45 Million people, Ocititania remains the most populous nation in the (blank) island.

Various Duchies formed around the 7th Century after the fall of the Arthian Imperium. However, in the late 9th Century the unknown Identity of "Tholagorites" documented that excessive raid and land takeover resulted in the extinction of numerous duchies. It was only after 30 years when a coalition of Duchies united against the Tholagorite kingdom, was the term Ocititania was used to define a greater realm. In 972, the Tholoagorites where exspelled from the land and pan-Ocititania became more relevant.

In 1000's pan-Octitanism became popular throughout various Duchies. Finally, on the 7th of May, 1041 the Empire was formed under ''certain political conditions''.


The Universal word, Octitania is derived from the Imporlian word, Octonae which means vaguely the land, the civilized world. This word has been used in Imporlian to imply a greater realm and to this day this acient word is used as a proper term for many Duchies.



Octitania has a Mediterranean climate. The Mediterranean climate is characterized by warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. The Mediterranean region is also called the "Garden of the world". Mediterranean climate zones are associated with the five large subtropical high pressure cells. Vegitation also takes place because of climate. Some of the major crops in Octitania include Tomatoes, sage, olives, figs, and most fruits in the citrus family. Octitania also has Mediterranean forests scatterd throughout the seven duchies most notably in the Duchy of Castophion. The Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub biome is closely associated with Mediterranean climate zones, as are unique freshwater communities. Particularly distinctive of the climate are sclerophyll shrublands, called maquis.

Ocititania is also divided by two cultures by their most notably by the lowlands and the rugged mountains of the Fergean Mountains. The rivers and tributaries also determine Octitania's boarders to the south. The most populous region in Octitania is the eastern reigon where the seat of the Emporer lies. Another good source of population is in the south somewhat close to the boarder where the largest city, Laganda holds it large trading ports and plentiful bays.


Administrative Divisions

Octitania has 7 semi-Autonomous Duchies accustomed with their own Judicial System,Electoral Power, and a variation of Imperial traditional laws.



For years, Octitania has been very consistent and proud of their Justice System. However, in recent years the judicial system has evolved to more modern standards. Among other factors, this has applied to almost ever aspect in Octitania.

Political System

The political system has been the most prevalent aspect of the nation. All the legislative power has been invested mostly in the Emperor, however there is two factors that hinders absolute monarchy. The main factor is the House of Dukes and the personal freedoms are expressed under the Tables of Anthropoi after the revolt of 1432.

The House of Dukes serve as a secondary means of Legislative power under the Emperor they control the government while the Emperor controls the State. However, since Aeden III, the Emperor has two titles of which one of those named: Archduke of the United Imperial Duchies of Octitania. The House of Duke's biggest responsibility is electing the new Emperor from one of the seven Duchies. The House of Dukes is also the highest level of Judaical power with the House of Commons is behind them. The Dukes' dynasties are hereditary whether the federal government is elective. Furthermore, the House of Dukes of the responsibility of political reform, of course with the approval of the Emperor. During these reforms, they have the power to change laws, add or change rights from the Tables of Anthropoi, and/or change the political structures. The most common power that the House of Dukes have is veto power when the Emperor uses his legislative power.

The Emperor is the Head of State and Government. The Emperor is the only person in the entire government on a federal level to propose legislation.

Judicial System

The Judicial system is administrated by two organizations depending on what court and rank the court is. The lower and more local level for the Duchies is ruled by the house of Commons for every seven of the duchies. On a federal court, however, it is administrated by the House of Dukes. The Judicial system and laws are based off of cultural traditions of the Arthan law in older days. However, the country has begun modernizing their Judaical system officially. However, many historians pointed out that with process has been happening for decades now.

The crime rate luckily, is low and the Judicial system is normally efficient and fast on sentences and are careful who they put in prison. This is due to Socialist like internal policies with abundant welfare to all citizens and minimal unemployment. Prisons are not common throughout the Empire, but if so, they are more of rehabilitation centers that are good quality.

Octitania has been for the last ten years been divided and mostly focused on modernizing their country or maintain traditions from late antiquity.

Foreign Relations and the Military

Octitania has always had a culture of avoiding international or in general, any conflicts with other nations. With their strong and but un-modernized military, Octitania has been working on modernizing and adapting to new technologies. Octitania's primary concern is trade for foreign relations and does not yet have any particular views on any nation for the moment for it has just entered as a world player. On the 20th of January 1573, The Emperor of Octitania drafted, proposed, and announced the Declaration of Neutrality. This has stated that Octitania officially has no military ambitions neither encourages other nations have such at the exspence of their peers. The speaker of the Imperial council has recently reported to the press that Octitania has plans of opening up embassies.


Octitania's economy is specialized in number of industries. Octitania's result of being in a Mediterranean climate makes the eastern lowlands ideal place to grow a large variety of crops. Agriculture produces a respectable amount of the GDP in Octitania. Some of the crops grown in Octitania include Olives, Cotton, Almonds, Pistachios, tomatoes, figs, citrus, dyes and rice. Octitania has a thriving maritime industry and key centers of trade. Commerce is the profitable sore of income for the national GDP. Trading has been a key aspect in Octitanian daily life with also having among the best quality merchant navy in the southern sector.


Octitania has some reasonably large deposits on natural gas to the eastern seas. It produced approximately 150,000 barrels of natural gas. Octitania urban areas has fully developed modern infrastructure and technology, including electrically powered buildings. However, in farmland and rural towns, electricity has not been fully implemented. Emperor Alexander XV introduced a plan to modernizing the entire country rebuilding infrastructure in the countryside, building more roads and introducing a highway system, and moderniznjg the military. This is known as the Cassel Convention which will be fulfilled in 1590.


Ocititania always had a public transportation system in the country since merely years after the Charter of Octitania. At the time, these were cunning edge innvoation to the world. However, modernization within Octitania is slow and only has played a big role in society 25 years ago. Some of these transports still have old trains that consume crude oil while its speed at inefficient speed. Other transport still date back to the birth of the Industrial Period for Octitania. Nevertheless, urban areas have improved on public transportation. The Duchy of Castophion has made of Duchy-wide decree that all transportation services would modernize their vehicles or they would have to be shut down due to environmental violations.



The official language of the Empire of Octitania is Imporlian. Imporlian is a southern Morran language that developed in the early 600's during the decline of the Arthian Imperium. Most Arthian vocabulary is still retained in late modern Imporlian. Imporlian had several and very constant changes to the language, in order to make the language more practical and more linear to learn. Imporlian however, is still rated among the hardest languages in the Eastern World. Imporlian has been the dominant language in the Northern half of the Isle of (blank). Many shadow languages still remain in the rural districts surrounding Cassel that can dtae back before the Arthian Imperium landed of the Isle. These languages over the years have been purged branded "an act against the maker". As a result, the only language that is used is Imporlian, and any other languages are not even recognized in any districts.


Octitanian traditions have originated from a religion that is the "official" state religion present day. This religion is known as Kelsta. Kelsta is a monotheistic creationist religion.


Octitania within the last few years has successfully modernized the education system thanks to Emperor Diodus II. Children are prompted to have pre education at the age of three. They are expected to learn the Imporlian Alphabet and the universal number system. They will attend this education for two years. At the age of five, children will attend the initial education. They are expected to know their Alphabet and their universal number system. They are taught their first foreign language, in which it varies from Angrisian, and Menstran Common, to Lanlian. They are also instructed to perform addition and subtraction, and have awareness on religion:

Class 1-5: Mathematics I-V Imporlian Lanlian I-V (Typically) Religion

Class 5-10: (Class 5-6)Pre-Algebra I-II (Class 7-9)Algebra I-II Imporlian Angrisian I-V (Typically) Religion World History I-V

Splits off into three schools after the first 10 years. Higher Education= Acadamy: These are for the student who which to pursue an intellectual career. Most student afterwards attend a university Intermediate Education: Secondary School These are for students that have no particular path erected. They either later go to the Academy, or Trade School Trade School: This school is for student that wish to have a career elsewhere. This comes from a Musician, to jeweler, all the way to an industrial worker.


Octitania provides many universal hospitals. This practice has dated back to the 1450's, however hospitals have modernized, as a result the production of such have slowed down. Octitania's most notable aspect of health is related to it's 5 years of conscription. If veterans complete their 5 years in the military (particularly navy), then they have subidies from the state. Some of such include Healthcare, Paid Vacation, Job rehabilitation and reemployment, and discount on taxes. Life expectancy in Octitania for men is 70 years, while women is 75 years. Only 11% of Deaths are caused by diseases, and 32% have been diagnosed with major viruses, or plagues.



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