New Galasia

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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. New Galasia sits south of the Angiris Empire, and north of Ustyara. The nation was bisected by Angiris until 1576 with the signing of the Angiris-Galasian Accords. The nation is separated into Drazen to the west, The strip in the center, and Eastmarch to the east. The western region of Drazen sits along the Angirisian Gulf, and holds two small islands just off of its coastline. The weather in Drazen along the coastline is temperate most of the year, with snow only falling in the nearby peaks of the Olyndius Mountains. The region is dominated by vast woodlands and rolling hillsides, with the Olyndius Mountains sitting near the middle of the region. The eastern region of Eastmarch is entirely landlocked, and sits fairly far inland. Its weather is far harsher than that of Western New Galasia, it becomes quite hot during summer, and its winters it has terrible blizzards. The land is dominated by evergreens, deciduous trees, and craggy hillsides. The nation is ruled over by a Viceroy, who serves the King or Queen of New Galasia but is an elected official. Eastmarch and Drazen are both semi-autonomous, united only by a shared currency, joint military, joint foreign relations, and loyalty to the King/Queen of New Galasia. New Galasia claimed nearly half of Angiris as its territory including all lands from Kurust south to the Ustyara border until the year 1235.

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Internationally Recognized Borders until 27 Zechyr 1576 CE
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Claimed territory until 1235


In 1002 the people of Drazen declared a crusade to reform the Galasian Empire, these New Galasians were responsible for the assassination of Angirisian Emperor Arius IV in 1002, sparking the Third Civil War. At the begining they had many military successes, gathering together like minded followers as they sought to reforge the Galasian Empire through blood, they were defeated in Tristram, Khanduras in 1039. This defeat led to the signing of the Candlemas cease-fire, or the Candlemas Accords which divided New Galasia in two halves. They maintained that they were the inheritors of Galasia until 1235 when they declared an end to the crusade and the formation of New Galasia as an independent nation. In return to the end of the two hundred year cold war they were granted ease of access to each half of their nation through Angirian lands.

The New Galasian Crusade

1002-1039 In the year 1002 a lord in Drazen is said to have been visited by the Old Gods commanding him to reforge Galasia, and push out the foreign Gods that now dominated their lands. This lord began to unify those who sought a return to the old ways, of a democratic society that was protected by a King, not dominated by an Emperor. This Lord is now known to us as King Arcturus, the first King of New Galasia, and the founder of the Galasian Crusades. As he built his powerbase and subjugated those who opposed the will of the Gods he began to take command of several local Angiris Legions. With these troops, and the support of the people of Drazen the newly crowned King Arcturus began the initial preperation for the upcoming war.

In 1004 the Galasian Crusade began, the initial attacks tested defenses outside of Drazen. Shortly after ensuring their forces could drive deep into Angiris controlled territory the New Galasian forces captured Lut Gholein, and held off the legions in Aranoch, eventually conquering it in 1009. They quickly moved their forces through Ohaie and Conquered it in the year 1013, and southern Virginium fell soon after in 1014. The war sat at a stalemate with the borders changing very little until 1027 when Angiris forces launched a naval attack on Lut Gholein, destroying part of the city. The Legion forces were defeated, but at a cost. King Arcturus died in the fighting and his son Prince Aegeus was crowned the new King of New Galasia. He worked to rebuild the devestated legions, as well as seek an advantage in the stalemated war. Under his command he began the construction of a new fleet in Lut Gholein.

In the year 1035 New Galasia completed their fleet in Lut Gholein and began preparing to begin the naval invasion of Westmarch. At the same time they had prepared an army to march through Kehjistan and take Khurast. The naval forces besieged Westmarch with the bulk of its forces, landing another smaller group further west. The New Galasian forces that had marched through Kehjistan were defeated by Angiris Legion forces in the area, fresh from Caldeum. In the year 1036 the siege was lifted as the New Galasian forces were forced back by the main legion. They moved north and captured Tristram and part of the Khanduras Territory, utilizing it to prepare for a counter offensive. The New Galasian forces held Tristam for nearly six moths before they were summarily defeated by the legions of Angiris. The defeat at Tristram led to the quick defeat of most of the remaining New Galasian forces that held Aranoch, Ohaie, and parts of Virginium. By the time the Legions arrived near Drazen, and Eastmarch both forces were greatly exhausted. The battle of Candlemas was the bloodiest battle in the war, the death toll being the cause of ceasefire as both forces had lost their taste for the war.

The Ceasefire of Candlemas


With the massive loss of life, for both sides of the war at the battle of Candlemas a ceasefire was negotiated by King Aegeus, with New Galasia maintaining control of Drazen and Eastmarch. While this saw them lose a great deal of the land they held just ten years earlier it allowed for the fledgling nation a chance to recover. One of the terms of the ceasefire was that all people who wished to live in New Galasia, or in Angiris not be barred for the first three years, allowing those who were loyal to either side to live amongst their peers without fear of repercussions. This saw a massive increase in the population of both Drazen and Eastmarch within a short period of time.

The first ten years of the ceasefire saw the nation develop improved infrastructure to allow for the increase population, as well as reform their greatly devastated legions. With only a few survivors from the war most of the legion was seen as 'green' with no major training or skill in arms. The veterens of the crusade saw themselves quickly increased in rank, position, and responsibility to allow for hte newer recruits to learn from them. During this time period border skirmishes were common as the leaders of both sides would claim control over villages that were near the borders. Throughout this time period the leaders of New Galasia held onto their claim to nearly half of the Angiris Empire, but bidded their time for their chance to reclaim their lost lands.

For nearly 200 years the two nations maintained this tenuous ceasefire, but in the end it was the cries from the poor region of Eastmarch, having been forced to become self-sufficient to survive, that led to the signing of the Angiris Accords. The accords recognized New Galasia as an independent nation, consisting of the regions of Drazen and Eastmarch, it allowed for the people of New Galasia travel between Draen and Eastmarch through Angiris without harassment. It also meant that New Galasia would resind all claims to Angiris lands outside of their currently accepted borders. These accords were met with mixed opinions by members from both sides, but they were lauded internationally as a great step towards peace in the region. The Angiris Accords were signed by Queen Itys of New Galasia and Emperor (something) of Angiris in the year 1235, bringing an official end to the war.

The End of the Crusade


With the Crusade being over and for the first time in two-hundred years people from Eastmarch and Drazen being able to easily interact with each other the nation found itself entering a bit of a golden age. The people of Drazen focused greatly on the advancement of philosophy, and seeking to understand both the mundane and the divine, meanwhile the people of Eastmarch sought to perfect martial combat now that they had access to knowledge from around the world thanks to ease of movement. The two regions quickly began to see just how different they had become over the two hundred years, with only their dedication to the resurrection of ancient Galasian virtues unifying their change.

New Galasia became a bit of a trading hub thanks to it location at the mouth of the Angirisian Gulf, prior to Angiris proper. This location allowed them to bring in trade that their northern neighbors may be less inclined to accept.

Modern New Galasia

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The new borders of New Galasia post Angiris-Galasian Accord.


The Angiris-Galasian Accord was signed on 27 Zechyr 1576 CE and changed the shape of New Galasia. With the accord being signed New Galasia suddenly found itself with a small region that unified the two long separated halves of the Kingdom. The Accord also formed a true alliance between New Galasia and The Angirisian Empire.





The King/Queen

The King of New Galasia was the Kingdom's head of state. He enjoyed limited powers in New Galasia's semi-constitutional government.

The Viceroy

The title of Viceroy was a dynastic title which was granted to the heir apparent to the New Galasian monarch, although the failure to be granted the title did not affect the rights to royal succession. The title was not only granted to the royal heir apparent as a personal honour or dignity, but it gave the Viceroy limited constitutional powers on the Principality of Eastmarch, of which the Viceroy was the nominal head of state. The last Viceroy was Arcturus Neretus, only son of King Neberen, who was murdered in a terrorist attack in Eastmarch in 1579.

The Kingdom of New Galasia

The Kingdom of New Galasia was divided into two regions that were separated from one another by the Angirisian Empire; Drazen to the west, with a verdant coastline, and Eastmarch to the east, a rural and impoverished region. Until 16th century only the Royal family, and their aids were allowed easy passage across Angiris territory. With the advent of flight though travel became increasingly easy between the two halves of the Kingdom. Of course this ease of travel did little to change the cultural variety that existed within the Kingdom.


The region of Drazen was officially ruled by the King or Queen of New Galasia, with the elected Viceroy being the real ruler of the region. Drazen hosted its own senate that voted on bills to become laws of the region, of course these laws had to be signed or vetoed by the Viceroy. The region had several large mountains near the center, a large verdant coastline, a wide variety of forests and woods that cover the region. Drazen was more populated and fairly wealthy and was much more developed technologically, most of the population living in one of the two major cities of Drazen: Alsace or Rhine. Drazen had a wide variety of industries and jobs, a major one being the gambling and tourism industry.

Legend states that Drazen was the homeland of the great hero of New Galasia, King Arcturus, who was elected to deification by the Olydist Church. He was so loved within the capital of Alsace pictures, statues, and billboards with his image are quite common.


The Principality of Eastmarch was officially ruled over by the Crown Prince or Princess of New Galasia, with the elected Viceroy aiding in his/her duties. Eastmarch had its own senate that voted on bills to become laws of the region, of course these laws had to be signed or vetoed by the Viceroy. The region of Eastmarch had a very small population compared to Drazen, with most of its population living in either Eastmarch or Nova Taria. The land was fairly fertile, with rocky outcropping being quite common, as well as thick woods and forests. The land was lightly hilly, with no mountains within its borders. The people who didn't live in the major cities enjoyed a rural lifestyle, working on their farms and keeping the faith.



For much of the history of New Galasia, religion was one of the few uniting aspects of the people. When Ostrid Messinism entered the region that is known as Drazen the native faith were suppressed, many followers of the old faith were able to hide out in the more rural countryside, allowing it to survive the persecution. Over the centuries scholars, and common folk found the old religion intriguing. The stories of the gods having survived thanks in part to the Ostrid church, and part due to it being passed on through small rural communities where the faith eked out an existence. Eventually the people of New Galasia grew dissatisfied with the Empire of Angiris, but the Ostrid faith itself. Olydism became the unifying faith of the people of Drazen as they sought to reform their ancient nation from the ruins of the pastm they sought the reformation of the Empire of Galasia.


Modern Olyndism is a fusion of the traditional beliefs and practices of the Dagrin peoples, restructured according to Messanic hierarchy. Many of the duties of the Theoi and Megalitheoi coincide with the duties that the Ostrid church once provided to the people. Olyndism focuses on a votive faith to the Thirteen Gods of Olyndia. Major aspects of the faith are that sin does not exist, instead there is miasma, or mortal actions. These acts are anything that is necessary for life, the creation of life, or the removal of life. When you have miasma you must cleanse yourself before seeking out the gods and giving them votive offerings. As such Olyndism emphasises cleanliness, and healthy living. The greatest fault of man is Hubris to Olyndism, no man is a god, and no man is a child of a god, all men are men, and all men are mortal, only the gods are eternal. Those who seek immortality, see themselves as greater than the gods, or worship man will be punished and sent to Etaque, or the Burning Pits, until they are cleansed of Hubris. All men must face judgement by the God Uthrel, lord of the afterlife, and three destinations await; Etaque, Comata, and Eteressia, where they shall recover from their past life before they are reincarnated.

Nearly 80% of the population of New Galasia follow the Olyndism religion, the faith itself being one of the major unifiers of the nation. The people in Eastmarch are perhaps the strongest adherents to the teachings of Olyndism, and are also some of the most conservative politically, viewing the religion as the centerpiece of the nation. In Drazen the religion is still important, but it is less strictly followed, the people in Drazen are also more open to separation of church and state.

Ostrid Messinism







The culture of New Galasia was one dedicated to the past, to understanding, and to looking inward. New Galasians were a very spiritual people, dedicated to the thirteen gods, and dedicated to building a nation as great as their predecessors. While their dreams of conquest have gone by the wayside, their ideals of Democracy, and being a shining beacon of freedom have not. Many New Galasians seek to further their knowledge, many having degrees in History, Linguistics, Religious Studies, and Philosophy. Those who focus their studies on the 'spiritual' and 'humanitarian' aspects of education often have minors in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) fields, while those who have majors in STEM fields often have minors in one of the Humanities or Spiritual fields. The balance of mind and body is key to many aspects of New Galasain culture, especially in the Drazen. Eastmarch has a more martial and military focus. Education is still key but they focus more on Military Science, and Physical Training degrees in conjunction with Humanitarian fields.

Drazen Culture

The people of Drazen are surprisingly liberal, and are a very sociable people. They hold the values of Freedom, Democracy, and Education as pillars that civilization stands on. Most Drazen people have at minimum an associates degree, with many having bachelor degrees thanks to free college education. The people of Drazen will go out of their way to learn new things, often partaking of foreign concepts, and breaking them down in philosophical debates in the large Forums that dot the cities of Drazen. Art is another free flowing commodity of the Drazen region, with scientists, engineers, and mathematicians often being some of the more prolific artists of the region. The large focus on the blending of the Humanities with STEM education has driven Drazen to heights of prosperity, and the people show it in their attitude.

Eastmarch Culture

Where Drazen is liberal, Eastmarch is conservative. They are an insular people who focus mostly on communing with the divine through long held traditions and rituals. They hold the ideals of Loyalty, Duty, and Honor as the pillars that civilization stands on. Most people that live in Eastmarch have gone through the Military Academy and have served their required one year military service to New Galasia, many having enjoyed a tour of duty in Drazen. College Education is free to Eastmarchers, as it is to Drazenites, but they tend to focus more on Military or justice educations, with side focuses on the humanities. Art is something that is semi-common in Eastmarch, but it tends to be kept within the family, or within Military Academies. Their focus on Duty and Loyalty has driven them to be an industrious people, and their labor has given New Galasia greater strength.


Basic Snow Combat Armor for the Legion.
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Male Dress Uniform of the Legion
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Female Dress Uniform of the Legion

The Military of New Galasia was one that is best seen as divided into three branches, each with a specific job and duty to the support of the overall goal of the military. The Conscriptus, The Legion, and the Administarium were the three so called branches with the Conscriptus being the largest man power wise, and the legion having the most technological aspects. The three branches were abolished by the Council of National Unity in 1581, however, being merged and reorganised as the Galasian Armed Forces, which existed until the Second Galasian-Angirisian War.

The Conscriptus

All physically capable citizens of The Kingdom of New Galasia served a one year term in the Conscriptus. The basic training lasted three months and focused on the military doctrine of overwhelming manpower, and a willingness to die for the defense of home and country. After a member of the Conscriptus completed their one year term they returned to the general population with access to free college, free healthcare, and the understanding that they could be recalled to service at a moments notice until they are 35 years of age. The Conscriptus had only ever been recalled for national defense, and it had only occurred a few times in history. Since a vast majority of the population of New Galasia were considered to be activatable the Conscriptus was the largest of the branches and easily the most plentiful when it came to sheer manpower.

The Legion

Where the Conscriptus had sheer manpower, and ease of access to new recruits, the legion was more specialized. When a member joined the legion they made their first career decision, they would join either the Sea Legion, Air Legion, and Ground Legion. Each Legion acted as what other nations refered to as the Marines, Navy, and Airforce. To join the Legion a citizen should first complete their duty with the Conscriptus with an honorable discharge. Upon joining the legion they would go to a new basic traing that all parts of the legion share. This basic training lasted for one year, and ended with a two month long exercise to put the new Legionnaires skills to the test. Upon completing their training they would then go to a six month branch school depending on which legion they joined. Service to the legion lasted twenty-five years, and a retirement was granted at the end of service to the Legion. Joining the Legion was a career decision, and all members of the Legion were professionals and specialists in their fields.

The Administarium

The Administarium acted as the logistics, medical, and spiritual support staff for the Conscriptus and the Legion. To join the Administarium you had first complete you service to the Conscriptus with an honorable discharge. When you joined the Administarium you would select you specialty school; Engineering, Medical, Logistics, Administrative, Spiritual Support, etc. Upon selecting that you would be sent to training that would last from two months to two years depending on the job. You would serve the Administarium for a thirty year period with a retirement granted at the end of your service to the Administarium.