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Svetlob (meaning "thunder" in Mordvanian language) is the name of a class of Mordvanian missiles. It is developed and produced by the Mordvanian Republican Armed Forces.


The Svetlob technology was the foundation of the long-range Mordvanian missile program. Mordvania began making the Svetlob-1 sometime between 1566 and 1567, originally based in the Grom-3, an artillery rocked developed by the Kingdom of Abdania and Mordvania in cooperation with the Gehenna military industry.

There are four variants: Svetlob-1, Svetlob-2, Svetlob-3, Svetlob-4.


The Svetlob-1 missile was reportedly tested for first ime in late 1568. It is a short-range ballistic missile with an operational range of 350kms. It allowed one warhead and it was based in intertial guidance system, and it is precision was believed to be relatively low.


The Svetlob-2 missile is the successor to the Svetlob-1 missile.

On Alvan 28, 1569, Mordvania fired Svetlob-2 and Svetlob-2A missiles to begin 7 days of military simulations on the Kernel Sea. MTV reported "dozens of missiles wre fired including Svetlot-1 and Svetlob-2 missiles. The missiles had ranges from 350 to 750 km". The military simulations involved the Republican Armed Forces and the Republican Guard, and where announced with the name "Placne Obrambe" ('Civic Defense'). The Mordvanian Army started the military wargames launching a Svetlob-2 missile into the air with the message "Republican Peace" nearby the Koszyna Island. Over fourteen thousands of Mordvanian soldiers and Republican Guards took part in the naval wargame in which 300 navy vessels participated.

Admiral Bevkicic declared the test "a proud success", and Minister of Defense Srecko Pidansek described the Svetlob-2 as a proof that the Republican Armed Forces are prepared to act and will do only in the case of an enemy attack". Chairman of the Council of Defense Bozidar Strnad described it as well as "an example of [Mordvanian] military technology based on a defensive strategy" in accordance with "republican values in commitment with the respect of national sovereignty".

The Svetlob-2 missile was considered a slightly improved version of the Svetlob-1. It has an average weight of 6,400 kg, a length of 12 m, and a diameter of 0.888 m.


The Svetlob-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile, with a range of 1,150 kilometres. It was tested from 1572 to 1575 and added to the military arsenal on Septem 1575.


Svetlob-3 missiles

The Svetlob-3B differs from the basic production variant. It has improvements to its guidance system and warhead, a few small changes on the missile body, and a new re-entry vehicle whose terminal guidance system and rocket-nozzle steering method are completely different from the Svetlob-3's original spin-stabilized re-entry vehicle.

The new re-entry vehicle uses a triconic aeroshell geometry which improves the overall lift to drag ratio for the re-entry vehicle. This allows greater range maneuverability which can result in better precision. The triconic design also reduces the overall size of the warhead from an estimated 1 metric ton to 700 kg. The rocket-nozzle control system allows the missile to change its trajectory several times during re-entry and even terminal phase, effectively preventing interceptor guidance via trajectory prediction by early warning radar —a method nearly all long range ABM systems use. As a high-speed ballistic missile and pre-mission fueling capability, the Svetlob-3B has an extremely short launch/impact time ratio. This means that the INS/gyroscope guidance would also remain relatively accurate until impact. These improvements increased the Svetlob-3B's survivability against ABM systems as well as being used for precision attacks against high-value targets such as command, control, and communications centres.

The Svetlob-3B missile, along its forerunners Svetlob-2 and Svetlob-2A was widely used by the Mordvanian Armed Forces during the Kaljurand Civil War.


Svetlob-3C has an improved precision, navigation system, and a longer range. It was tested between 1576 and 1578.

General Dalibor Mezohar, Chief of the General Staff at the time, called the Svetlob-3C missile tests a "defensive measure against invasions", and that Mordvanian will not jeopardize the interests of neighboring countries. At that time, Mordvania was actively involved in the Kaljurand Civil War, and relations with Nerysia were heated, but unlike other Svetlob variants, the Svetlob-3C was not tested during the conflict in Kaljurand.

It has been reported that East Kaljurand acquired Svetlob-3C missiles in late 1581.


The Svetlob-4 is a space launch vehicle derived from the Svetlob-3 medium-range ballistic missile. After a failed satellite launching in late 1579, the design heritage of the Svetlob-4 was improved and it was currently in development until 1584. The Svetlob-4 has not been officially tested by Mordvanian Armed Forces, a fact that has been considered that Svetlob-4 may be ultimately only a test bed pathfinder program for the Svetlob-5 and Svetlob-6, then already in development


The Svetlob-5 is believed to have arange of 3,500-3,800 and 4,200-4,500 kilometers with a 1,000-750 kilogram warhead. In 1582, new reports claimed that Mordvania was developing at the same time a 5,000 kilometers range missile called Svetlob-6 that would be capable of reaching distant regions as eastern Kvaenna or Near East. The technology for this system was cited as a new development rather an upgraded improvement of former missile such as Svetlob-3 and Svetlob-4. Reportedly the missile would become operational by the year 1586, though other reports claim that Mordvania intends to complete the development of this system within five to ten years.

In 1585, it was announced that Svetlob-5 was reported to have a range of 3,600-4,300 kilometers range with 500-800 kilogram warhead. The Mordvanian minister of defense stated shortly aferwards that a Svetlob-6 missile was in development. The Svetlob-6 was expected to have an even longer range that the Svetlob-5 and may be an Medium Range Ballistic Missile.


The Svetlob-6 is expected to have range of 5,200-5,500 and 5,550-6,150 kilometres with a 1,000-650 kilogram warhead. Reportedly the missile would become operational by the year 1588. Presumbly this missile would turn out to be a totally redesigned Svetlob-5. The Svetlob-6 would be able to have a sufficient range to strike faraway countries such as Taeunas, Kazemura, and Drahen. The Svetlob-6 is believed to have a higher maneuverability and a shorter set-up time than the Svetlob-3 and Svetlob-5. The missile has been manufactured entirely in Mordvanian at the KAPER Industries Complex.

It is unclear if the Republic of Mordvania plans to test the Svetlob-6 in the coming years.