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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Republic of Severyane, commonly referred to as Severyane (Sniatyn: Республика Северьяне, tr. Respublika Sever'yane) is a nation state in the sub-continent of Marzanna, in northern Brigantia. It is bordered by Karjelinn to the West, Biyra to the South-West, Saratov to the South, Kubaniza to the South-East, and Harmajaa to the North-East.

The nation is largely known as the "birthplace" of the Communist ideology and its founding father, Vladimir Perov.

Following the Red Spring, the Socialist Republic of Severyane became the largest and leading constituent of the Union of Socialist Republics, Siora's first constitutionally socialist state. The Vostic peoples prospered under the USR, until power was seized by Gregor Perov who turned the USR into a regressive dictatorship. Gregor Perov repealed nearly every civil rights bill put into place by the Socialists and embarked on a genocidal campaign against all non-Severyan Vostics. It was this campaign that led to the start of the Winter War, and eventually Gregor Perov's deposal and execution at the hand of the newly formed Severyan People's Socialist Front who initiated a successful coup d'état. The SPSF founded the Severyanian DPR from the ashes of the USR. Following its first free elections in 1584 it transitioned to a Democratic, Parliamentary Republic under the leadership of Konsul Eva Yuryeva.



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Administrative Divisions

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Foreign Relations

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The Severyanian Joint Military (Sniatyn: Военные силы Северьяна, tr. Voyennyye sily Sever'yana) are the military service of Severyane, established after the dissolution of the Union of People's Republics, and reformed following the reformation of Severyane's government. On 7 Zechyr 1526, interim leader Rurik Romanov signed a presidential decree establishing the Severyanian Ministry of Defence and placing all Union Armed Forces troops on the territory of the Severyanian SPR under Severyanian control. The Grand Marshall of the armed forces is the Konsul of Severyane. Although the Severyanian armed forces were formed in 1526, the Severyanian military dates its roots back to the founding of the first Severyanian Tsardom.

The Severyanian Joint Military (SJM, or VSS) is divided into four service branches; the Army, the Marines, the Air Force and the Navy, and there are currently three sub-services: The People's Bureau of Investigative Services (NBSR) which is the government's criminal investigative unit, and the Space Observation Corps and Helicopter Emergency Evacuation and Rescue Corps (VASIEK) which are both subunits of the Air Force. It is mandatory for males aged 18 to participate in three years military service, and sign a draft card so that they may be called upon to serve when necessary, regardless of whether or not it is a military conflict.

As of 1 Fein, 1584 the fourth independent arm of service, the Peoples Committee for Internal Affairs (NKVD), was disbanded and its members merged into the Army as SPETSNAZ or Special Forces Operators.

Immigration Policy


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See also