Tilda Morgen

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Tilda Morgen (born Vintyr 11, 1525) is a Nylander politician who served as President of the Nylander Republic from 1576 to 1580.

Early life

Tilda Morgen is the daughter of Stefan Morgen, a math teacher in Rosdam, and Margaret Dillon, a biologist.

Morgen studied Sociology at the Tynning College and completed a degree of Anthropology in the Nykoping University.

Shortly after ending university, Morgen worked as freelance writer, writing chronicles about social policy and the environment in Tynning local media. From 1546 to 1551, Morgen worked as produced by a local television network in New Fenridge.


Green Party

She joined the Green Party in 1548, running as candidate in the municipal elections in 1552 and 1556. She was elected to the Nylander Assembly in 1560, although she failed to reelected four years later. A year later, Morgen was appointed chairperson of the Green Party, a position she will keep until 1566. In 1568, she left the Green Party, joining the recently created New Centrist List.

New Centrist List

Morgen run to the 1568 Nylander Assembly elections for the Tynning-Campus constituency, defeating the incumbent Nyland Liberalist Magnus Thompson. Two years later, she was appointed First Secretary of the New Centrist List. She was reelected in the Nylander Assembly in 1572. She was active in many parliamentary committes, becoming Speaker of the New Centrist Group in late 1573.

Morgen become one of the most vocal politicians of the left-leaning current inside the New Centrist List, defending understanding with other center-left parties such as the SDAP and the Green Party, and opening the NCL to environmental organizations and unions.

She was surprisngly elected General Secrtary of the New Centrist List in 1573, replacing Helga Myhre. In early 1574, the General Assembly of the New Centrist Alliance confirmed her as NCL presidential candidate for the 1576 presidential elections.

Presidential candidate (1576)

Morgen was endorsed, besides her own political party, by the Green Party, one federal union, dozens of environmental, student, and social organizations and, later in the race, by the center-left SDAP.

She run in a slightly more left-leaning plaftform than Helga Myhre, who had been New Centrist List candidate for 1568 and 1572 presidential elections. The 1575 New Centrist Alliance's 1575 Programme was in favour of a mixed economy combining free market economy and government intervention. It proposed an increase of investment in research and infraestructures, a tax reform which involves less tax deductions and highter taxes on real state, and an increase of inheritance and income taxes for those earnings over $170,000. But NCL is also a proponent of increased flexibility in the labour market and decrease of corporate taxation.

It also proposes an education policy which avoids old-fashioned educational ideas over creativeness, freedom in teaching methods and personal development of pupils. Morgan promised to increase government spending on education and innovation, for instance increases in teachers' salaries. The platform also included a strong defense of individual freedom and privacy, through controls; on the illegitimate use of surveillance cameras, and of commercial exploitation of recordings of individuals on private or public property; opposition to capital punishment and supporting the right to choose a trial by jury; repealing of legislation regarding non-prescription drugs and its replacement with a strategy of regulation, control and taxation with an increase in education and treatment services; and strong opposition to tight immigration policies. In its policy on integration, it supported more open immigration combined with measures to help new arrivals to integrate into Nylander society.

Morgen campaigned on foreign policy promising a stronger promotiong of democratic and human rights than President Harrow, and promised the inclusion of environmental concern in taxation policy, and the gradual and sustainable replacement of fossil sources of energy to renewable and alternative types of energy.

She faced the Nyland Liberalist candidate and favourite Andreas Liljeström, Ultranationalist Frode Henningsen, and Progressive-Conservative Party candidate Izaak Luka Eslatt as main contenders. Two months before the elections, polls gave Liljeström a slight advantage over Morgen and Henningsen, with Eslatt slowly improving.

However, Morgen surprisingly became President, defeating Liljeström with 55% of the vote.

Presidency (1576-1580)

1580 Presidential campaign

Tilda Morgen run a continuist presidential campaign, promising to continue to the reforms achieved in her first term as president.

She was nominated without opposition by the New Centrist List, and was endorsed by the Green Party and even the fart-left NPA, the new electoral brand of the SDAP. However, President Morgen faced a complicated campaign, as the Nylander electorate seemed more right-leaning than four years away, with Ultranationalist candidate Frode Henningsen and the controversial and incendiary NMP candidate Kasper Jansen gaining increasing support in the polls.

The Nyland Liberalists candidate Anders Kohout won comfortably, President Morgen ending third with 30% of the vote, twenty-five points lesser than four years ago.

Post-presidency (1581-present)

Tilda Morgen announced that she retired from politics, once the transition of power to President Kohout was completed.

While the New Centrist List and the Green Party, after heated discussions and long negotiations, finally decided to join the Kohout administration, Morgen has kept relatively silent about the policies of the new federal government.

Presidential library

The Tilda Morgen Presidential Center is the planned presidential library of Tilda Morgen. The center will be hosted by the University of Tynnig. The nonprofit Tilda Morgen Foundation was set up to oversee the creation of the Center and the building of its site.