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The Bràidzhonig nations are territories in western Brigidna where Bràidzhonig languages, such as Standard Eskon, Fredleigh, Iyeau and Beaton, are spoken today or Bràidzhonig cultural traits have survived. Bràidzhonig languages and cultures are currently dominant and most visible in the Commonwealth of Eskkya and the Kingdom of North Strathae, though reasonably sized communities with significant Bràidzhonig influences do exist in other areas, such as the Republic of Valland. Often given the name 'Mother Braidzh' for its sheer size in comparison to the other Bràidzhonig communities, Eskkya was founded in 732 CE by the three principle subgroups: the Gwenedonians, the Strathaens and the Falmorish. The only sovereign nation with an official Bràidzhonig identity, however, is North Strathae.


