Oslan Realm

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The Oslan Realm or the Commonwealth of the Realm is an official term for the relations between Oslanburg proper its two overseas constituent countries, Isle Vikaris and Bisica, and four other overseas holdings which collectively make up the Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg.

The nature of the Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg is fundamentally one of a unitary sovereign state. Bisica and Isle Vikaris have been integrated parts of the Oslan Realm since the 15th century. However, due to their separate historical and cultural identities, these parts of the Realm along with the four other territories have an extensive type of self-government and have assumed legislative and administrative responsibility in a substantial number of fields.

The Constitution stipulates that the foreign and security interests for all parts of the Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg are the responsibility of the Oslanburgan government. Isle Vikaris received home rule in 1537, Skoven in 1538, Hedbjerg in 1539, Rusos in 1540, Rolihav in 1540 and finally Bisica in 1541. Though Bisica received even greater powers in 1555 in the form of "self rule", thus leaving the Oslanburgan government with virtually no influence over Bisican internal affairs.


The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg's unique state of internal affairs is acted out in the principle of the "unity of the Realm". This principle is derived from Article 1 of the Constitution, which specifies that constitutional law applies equally to all areas of the Realm. The Constitutional Act specifies that sovereignty is to continue to be exclusively with the authorities of the Realm (the Oslanburgan government and parliament). The territories self-governance cannot be established by international treaties but by Oslanburgan law; by the Oslanburgan parliament (the Folteking) delegates a certain, precisely defined, part of its competence to the home rule authorities.

The language of Oslanburg is Oslan, and the Oslanburgan state authorities are based in Oslanburg. The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg's parliament, with its 415 members, is located in the capital, Herlev. Government ministries are located in Herlev, as is the highest court, the Supreme Court.

Devolved powers

The Oslan Realm constitutes a single, unified sovereign state. Devolution differs from federalism in that the devolved powers of the subnational authority ultimately reside in central government, thus the state remains, de jure unitary.

The Self-Government Arrangements devolves political competence and responsibility from the Oslanburgan political authorities to the political authorities of the constituent states and territories. These authorities administer the tasks taken over from the state, enact legislation in these specific fields and have the economic responsibility for solving these tasks. The Oslanburgan government provides an annual grant to these authorities to cover the costs of these devolved areas.

Rimesta, is the capital of Bisica, and the location of the Bisican Home Government.

The 1537 "Home Rule Act of Isle Vikaris" sets out the terms of Vikaric home rule. The Act states, "...Isle Vikaris shall constitute a self-governing community within the State of Oslanburg. It establishes the home government of Isle Vikaris and the Vikaric parliament, the Lugtig. More significantly, the Act specifies the powers devolved from the Oslanburgan government, including: local government and municipal affairs; taxation, at a local and territorial level; public services, including police and town planning; welfare services, such as housing; primary and secondary education; Archives, libraries, museums; agriculture and fishing; entertainment; among other areas. Isle Vikaris were previously administered as a county of Oslanburg ; the Home Rule Act abolished the post of Amtmand (County Governor) and replaced it with the role of Rigsombudsmand (Lord Commissioner to the Oslanburgan government). These powers were expanded recently in 1560, which named the Vikaric home government as an "equal partner" with the Oslanburgan government.

The 1541 "Bisica Home Rule Act" devolves powers in much the same way as the Home Rule Act of Isle Vikaris. It sets out a home rule government and a Bisican Lugtig. Specific areas of governance specified in the act include: Organization of local government; Fishing and agriculture; Welfare system; environmental protection; other areas affecting Bisicans directly, etc.

There are a number of matters that can not be acquired by the territories; Constitutional affairs, foreign policy, defence, the Supreme Court, citizenship, and monetary policy. Additionally, the parliaments of all the territories are subordinate to the Oslanburgan parliament.