Prime Minister of Oslanburg

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The Prime Minister of Oslanburg is the head of government in the Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg. Before the creation of the modern office, Oslanburg did not have a head of government separate from its head of state, namely the Arch-King, in whom the executive authority was vested. The Constitution established a constitutional monarchy by limiting the powers of the Monarch and creating the office of Prime Minister. The inaugural holder of the office is Wilhelm Moltke.

The Prime Minister presides over a cabinet that is formally appointed by the Monarch. In practice, the appointment of the Prime Minister is determined by their support in the Folteking (the national parliament). Since the beginning of the 16th century no single party has held a majority in the Folteking (With the lone exception being the recent ULP government), so the Prime Minister must head a coalition of political parties, as well as their own party.

The current Prime Minister of Oslanburg is Damara Larsen, the first woman to hold the position. She leads a coalition government consisting of her Oslanburg Democratic Party and the Oslanburg Nationalist Front with parliamentary support from most of the independent candidates in the Folteking.