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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Selnas is a city-state monarchy in central Near East, bordering Ga'bath to the north and Gallia to the south. The city is bordered on three sides by the Nuumid and Akaam rivers. The majority of its territory has been urbanized or otherwise utilized.

Selnas has at several points in its history been the capital or a major city of a regional power, including the ancient Kanaadian Empire, and the later Khanidian and Selnadian empires. Though nominally a monarchy under Padishah Khalid III, true political power instead lies in the Grand Synod, the city's council of clergymen. The city is of significant religious importance in the Akhadist faith due to its status as the place of death of Jorchek and consequently sees significant tourism from Akhadist countries throughout the year.