Tyrian Empire

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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Tyrian Empire, or simply Tyras, is a nation on the continent of Brigidna. It is no longer an "empire" in the traditional sense of the term, only hanging hanging on to the description out of reminiscence of Tyras's former glory. At it's height it was one of the largest empires the world had ever known, but came to a sudden end with a confluence of events known as both the Symfora ("Calamity") and <INSERT SOME FOREIGN WORD HERE> ("Liberation").



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The dominant religion of Tyras is Psynkratia. Psynkratia is a polytheistic religion centering around a variation of the old concept of alchemy. Followers of Pyskratia are called "Pysnergists."

- Psynkratic Alchemy

As in typical alchemic thought, in Psynkratic Alchemy it is believed everything is composed of the four base elements fire, earth, wind, and water. Everything, living or otherwise, is comprised of a combination of these elements and their gods embody these elements as well. Additionally, in more recent times a fifth element called void has been added to the quartet of elements. Also in modern times the elements are viewed as being actual, physical things. Thinking in terms of modern physics, official Psynkratic doctrine is that these elements are the most basic components that make up the particles of the Standard Model -- bosons, leptons, quarks, and so forth. So although the scientific view is that the particles of the Standard Model are "elementary particles" -- particles that unlike atoms, protons, etc are not comprised of smaller particles -- the Psynkratic view is that the five elements are themselves the elementary particles.

The names given to each element do not represent what the element itself "is" or is "made of" but of the qualities they imbue on the things they make. The five elements imbue:

Earth: Form and resistance to change. Water: A counterweight towards earth; formlessness and a tendency towards change. Fire: Energy and a tendency to force change in other entities. Air: Knowledge, emotions, and memory. Void: Time and intuition.

- The Psynkratic Pantheon

There are literally thousands of gods within the Psynkratic Pantheon that are officially recognized. The general view is that the exact number of gods are uncountable. Thus Psynergists never deny the existence of gods from other religions, but instead incorporate them within their theological view. Collectively called the "Myriad," Psynkratic gods are classified in accordance to a hierarchy, with each level in the hierarchy called a "Sphere." From top-to-bottom this hierarchy, and some examples of gods of those levels, are:

Kanon Sphere: Also called "The Makers," the Kanon gods are the creators of all of existence. Because they are believed to have created literally everything (or the means by which things come into existence), including the lower gods below them, they are not believed to embody any element or combination of elements in particular. While gods are often attributed human-like emotions, Kanon gods are an exception.

  • Iliazo (the Tyrian word for "sun")
  • Fengari (the Tyrian word for "moon")

Sketos Sphere:

Administrative Divisions

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