Union Space Division

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The Union Space Division (Sniatyn: Космический Отдел Союза) was the governmental body responsible for the managing of the space science program of the Union of Socialist Republics.

The Headquarters of the USD was located in Severograd, and launch mission control was located near Delynogorsk in the Velikansha Steppes and in Kubaniza to the North-East of Azerna. Template:Infobox government agency


The Union Space Division was created following the successful testing of the Drotik-2 Rocket. The People's Council established it via decree in early 1500.

The Union of Socialist Republics' first attempts withe spacefaring began when they tested a rudimentary rocket they had built using designs acquired from a defected Kaljuran Rocket Scientist. This first rocket was dubbed the Drotik-1 and was launched from a base deep in the heartland of the Velikansha Steppes in the South-Eastern reaches of the Severyan FSR. The initial tests of the Drotik-1 turned out poorly. Several of the rockets exploded on the pad and only one successfully made it airborne before crashing back down to the ground, only reaching a height of ten meters.

The USRAF was not to be discouraged, however, as they spent two years re-designing the crude Drotik-1. In 1497 the USRAF launched the Drotik-2 which successfully cleared Siora's atmosphere. The rocket ran out of fuel upon breaking through the atmosphere and was thrown into an unstable orbit, in which it stayed for 20 years before de-orbiting and burning up in the atmosphere. The design was eventually refined into a surface-to-orbit launch platform that had the ability to deliver small satellites into stable orbits around Siora.

Following the success of the Drotik Program the People's Council established the Union Space Division in early 1500.

In between 1500 and 1508 the Union Space Division launched several dozen satellites with various purposes, and developed a larger surface-to-orbit launch platform.

Space flight programs

Manned programs

Marafon (1504-1509)

Marafon was the name of the USD Mission that would put two of their cosmonauts into orbit around Siora, a world first.

In 1504 the USD began development of a manned module and retrieval equipment which would be completed in early 1508. In an effort to display their spacefaring prowess to all of Siora, in 1509 they televised and launched the module into orbit at around 200 Km. The Cosmonauts, a Severyan and Kubanizan then transmitted a message back to Siora, orbited the planet five times, and then de-orbited. Their capsule landed in the Laural Sea and was retrieved by a Union Naval vessel. The USR was the first nation in the history of Siora to conduct a manned space flight mission.

Unmanned Missions

Drotik Program (1494-1497)

The Drotik Program was the initial Union rocketry program, founded in 1494. While technically conducted by the USRAF, many of the personnel from this program were siphoned into the USD upon its founding.

The Drotik Program began with the Drotik-1 Rocket, a liquid-fueled design, which was more than a spectacular failure. All but one of the prototypes exploded on the launchpad, and even the one that did not only made it ten meters into the air before spectacularly crashing back down to the ground in a ball of fire. While it was a demoralizing blow for the Union Rocketry program, the USRAF's engineers did not give up. They came back with a new design they dubbed the Drotik-2. The first of these new rockets managed to achieve an altitude of 400 meters before it ran out of fuel due to a leak. The second however managed to break through Siora's atmosphere and achieve a very unsustainable orbit. It would remain in the orbit for 20 years before it would come crashing back down through the atmosphere, burning up somewhere over the Laural Sea.

The design was refined into the Drotik-2E. At this point it was able to carry small satellites into stable orbits.


USD Headquarters

The Main USD Headquarters was located in the main governmental building in downtown Severograd. The building resided in the middle of Severograd's governmental district. The building was a low-rise building and contained several other government agencies. The USD Floor of the building housed the USD's leadership council who provided guidance to the People's Council on all matters concerning space.

Launch Control Complex One

Launch Control Complex One was the primary command and control center used by the Union Space Division. It monitored all Union space activities, and was the primary launch site. It was located in Severyane, approximately 200 Km East of Delynogorsk in the Velikansha Steppes. It had two launch pads, refueling facilities and housing for base personnel.

Launch Control Complex Two

Launch Control Complex Two was a secondary command and control center that monitored all Union space activities alongside Launch Control Complex One. It was located in Kubaniza, approximately 200 Km from the city of Azerna. Like Launch Control Complex One it had its own launch pads, refueling facilities and housing for personnel who operated the base.

