Valthar Falsen VI

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Valthar Francis Falsen, Sixth of his Name, Duke of Pharamond, styled Lord Valthar VI, was a member of the High Nobility, the most powerful echelon of the Adwestene aristocracy. He also held the Duchy of Pharamond, being the [X] member of his family to hold that title.

Although not a direct participant in the ousting of Gregory IV, he presided over both the Round Table and the Ducal Council of the Royal Diet in 1566 during the period of the National Rejuvenation - cementing his leading role and influence in the new government headed by the Lord Ashford.

Early Life

The eldest of four boys, Valthar was born to Field Marshall Lord Valthar V, Duke of Pharamond, and Countess Theresa Prescott of Allensby. His birth came when both of his parents were on tour of his father's domain, in particular military installations within the Duchy of Pharamond. Expecting the birth of his first child, it was Valthar's father who decided to go visit several border fortresses within his domain during the ninth month of Countess Prescott's pregnancy.

Being a high-ranking officer in the Adwestene army, Valthar V followed in the military tradition of his house. He likewise wanted to pass this tradition to his heir. He believed that if his heir was born in the "breeding ground of warriors", exposed to his future from the day of his birth, then he would come to have an appreciation and zeal for his later career in the armed forces, which Valthar V expected. His hope would happen in the 1st of Septem 1493; Lady Prescott's water broke while she was posing for a photograph on-board a fighter aircraft, and she was subsequently rushed to the nearby medical encampment. A military surgeon performed C-section labor on her. Valthar VI was born in the early evening of the day in Jarrel Fortress, just kilometers away from the border with Taeunas.


Ascension to the Ducal Council