System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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action-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this page
action-editcontentmodel (talk) (Translate) edit the content model of a page
action-editmyoptions (talk) (Translate) edit your preferences
action-editmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) edit your private information
action-editmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) edit your watchlist
action-gadgets-definition-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this gadget definition
action-gadgets-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this gadget JavaScript or CSS page
action-history (talk) (Translate) view the history of this page
action-import (talk) (Translate) import pages from another wiki
action-importupload (talk) (Translate) import pages from a file upload
action-interwiki (talk) (Translate) change this interwiki entry
action-managechangetags (talk) (Translate) create and (de)activate tags
action-mergehistory (talk) (Translate) merge the history of this page
action-minoredit (talk) (Translate) mark this edit as minor
action-move (talk) (Translate) move this page
action-move-categorypages (talk) (Translate) move category pages
action-move-rootuserpages (talk) (Translate) move root user pages
action-move-subpages (talk) (Translate) move this page, and its subpages
action-movefile (talk) (Translate) move this file
action-nuke (talk) (Translate) nuke pages
action-oathauth-api-all (talk) (Translate) check OATH status
action-oathauth-enable (talk) (Translate) enable two-factor authentication
action-pagelang (talk) (Translate) change the page language
action-patrol (talk) (Translate) mark others' edits as patrolled
action-protect (talk) (Translate) change protection levels for this page
action-purge (talk) (Translate) purge this page
action-read (talk) (Translate) read this page
action-renameuser (talk) (Translate) rename users
action-replacetext (talk) (Translate) make string replacements on the entire wiki
action-reupload (talk) (Translate) overwrite this existing file
action-reupload-shared (talk) (Translate) override this file on a shared repository
action-rollback (talk) (Translate) quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
action-sendemail (talk) (Translate) send emails
action-siteadmin (talk) (Translate) lock or unlock the database
action-spamblacklistlog (talk) (Translate) view the spam blacklist log
action-suppressionlog (talk) (Translate) view this private log
action-suppressrevision (talk) (Translate) review and restore hidden revisions
action-titleblacklistlog (talk) (Translate) view the title blacklist log
action-transcode-reset (talk) (Translate) reset transcodes
action-transcode-status (talk) (Translate) view the current transcoding status
action-undelete (talk) (Translate) undelete pages
action-unwatchedpages (talk) (Translate) view the list of unwatched pages
action-upload (talk) (Translate) upload this file
action-upload_by_url (talk) (Translate) upload this file from a URL
action-upwizcampaigns (talk) (Translate) configure upload campaigns
action-userrights (talk) (Translate) edit all user rights
action-userrights-interwiki (talk) (Translate) edit user rights of users on other wikis
action-viewmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) view your private information
action-viewmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) view your watchlist
action-writeapi (talk) (Translate) use the write API
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