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[[Category:Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.s with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.

Gotthaus is the largest city in Laurentian Kingdom and is the economic, cultural and social centre of the nation. Gotthaus is the most populous city and centers the largest metropolitan area, the Gotthaus-Britzbern Area, commonly known as the "Crown of Lochland." The city is home to numerous government agencies and departments due to its recent change to being the capital city of the newly formed nation of Laurentian Kingdom . Gotthaus is the most visited city in all of Laurentian Kingdom, receiving over ten million visitors annually.


The name "Gotthaus" is originally a Gehennan word that means "God's House" referring to it as a place of devout worshipers. This is a reflection of Lochland's religious history, after the reformation of the Messanic Faith to the Avalsyanist Burgandein Faith in the 10th century that led worshipers to believe God wanted the Gein people to build a city dedicated to Him. The previous name of the city, Hausberg, was changed in 1057. Hausberg now only refers to the county which Gotthaus resides in.


Gotthaus was originally settled as Hausberg on the Charlinz River in the late 9th century, after room ran out in the city of Britzbern. At the time of its conception, the city was in the Kingdom of Kirschlundt. For a hundred years, the city was only a major residential city that was mostly occupied by middle-class citizens.

As room in Britzbern ran low, the expansion and development of Hausberg began. In 1057 during the Avalsyan Revolution, the city was renamed Gotthaus to signify the Kirschlundt people's dedication to the new reformed Burgandein Faith.

Upon the reunification of Lochland in 1320, the government and King declared that Gotthaus and Britzbern would occupy their own borough, as to not give the other boroughs too much political and economic power. This has been seen as a major move to show the power of the monarchy at a time when the former kings and queens of the Loche kingdoms were fighting for control.

From thereon, the city has grown to become the largest city in Laurentian Kingdom. Its population dwarfed Britzbern in 1325 and has continued to grow to become one of the largest and most prominent cities in all of Geinland.

Since 1569, the city has served as capital and royal seat of Laurentian Kingdom, due to the Grand Uprising and demolishing of the Federation of Lochland into the separate states of Gein Lochland and Laurentian Kingdom. Britzbern, which used to be a sister city to Gotthaus, is now the capital of the newly fascist nation of Gein Lochland. All border crossings at this time have been paved off with barriers and the city is in fractures. Parts of Gotthaus that were Gein neighborhoods joined the Grand Uprising and subsequently Gein Lochland, this can be seen in a map of the city, where some parts are completely surrounded by Gein Lochland, and some parts of Gein Lochland are surrounded by Laurentian Kingdom.


As Lochland's largest city, Gotthaus is the center of economic activity in Lochland. It is home to the nation's largest stock exchange, Loche Stock Exchange (LSE) as well as the nation's largest banks, including the national bank LocheKredit. Being a major transportation hub and its location on the Schwarze River allows for easier international trade to Gehenna and other nations.


A common joke among the Loche people is that "All Roads Lead to Gotthaus" and this is true to a certain extent. It is the most connected city in Lochland. It is on the Loche Autobahn (Laurentien: Autoroute) system and is the center hub of the Evergreen national railroad.

The city is also home to the King Marius International Airport, the largest airport in East Geinland. The airport operates domestic flights as well as international. King Marius Int'l Airport has flights to all major cities in Geinland, Marzana and other regions of Siora.


Gotthaus is home to some of the highest rated universities in the nation. The prestigious Reinberg Institute of Science and Technology is among the nation's best in developing medicine and technology. In addition, the University of Gotthaus is the largest university system in Lochland, with over five satellite campuses in nearby areas of Gotthaus-Britzbern and Kirschlundt.


Gotthaus has long been dominated by Gein culture due to its historical connections to Gehenna, however after the reunification of Lochland, more and more Laurentien speaking citizens from nearby Montagneau and Charvonque have moved into the city, making Gotthaus the most bilingual city in Lochland. Over 75% speak more than one language, most commonly Gein and Laurentien.

Gotthaus has also been a center of migration from other parts of the world, particularly the slavic Marzanna countries. Many immigrants come to escape the communist governments of their homelands and settle in the closest Geinland city to them, which is Gotthaus many times.