History of South Brigidna

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This page is to provide a centralized location to coordinate the history of "South Brigidna", or the odd peninsula south of the weird ass mountain range in western Brigidna. For now, let's keep it a simple plot-point summary of things that happened. --Ayzek (talk) 12:35, 1 July 2015 (CDT)

Antiquity Age (Pre 1000 BCE)

Classical Age (1000 BCE–0)

  • 340 BCE: Much of southern modern-day Castleon would be under High Lanlanian rule. During this period, the Lanlanians would largely stay along the coast, where they established fortified colonies and subdued surrounding tribes as tributary states.
  • 276 BCE: Lyrn II would be slain in battle against the united forces of the Zanarite kingdoms of Fenix, Foiche, and Scairp. His brother, Dyrfyn I, would nonetheless lead the Lanlanians to victory in the High Kindom's conquest of the eastern Zanarite peninsula.
  • 248 BCE: Lanlanians achieve victory against Mahkal Azreae in a crusade for the Holy City of Nellaheim, home of the Noel, their religion's founder. The Aldes is installed in the city.
  • 142 BCE: Lanlanian monarch named Emperor of all Messanites following the successful conversion of most of Geinland, founding the Sentric Empire. This marks the schism of the Faith, as many Messanites in the east refuse to recognize this. The west branch continued as the Sentrite Church while the east becomes the Ostrid Church. For the next several hundred years, the balance of power in the Sentric Empire would be split nearly evenly between the Emperor and the Aldes.
  • 120 BCE: Lomarrens settle in the Gulf of Adriatica. They would be Sentrized and made a tributary state by the Lanlanians by the turn of the century.
  • 100 BCE: Inner Castleon would be conquered by the Lanlanians after several Lanlanian colonies were razed by disgruntled tribes. Much of the defeated population would be enslaved and transported to western Brigidna. This would mark the beginning of the Lanlanian conquests of Canaan. The abandoned lands would later be resettled by the Castlian, who were themselves displaced in the northeast by the Carpathians.

Early Middle Age (0–500)

  • 96: Rödinger the Wise of the Geinish High Kingdom crowned Sentric Emperor, ending several centuries of Lanlanian hegemony over the empire. The Lomarrens would use this as an opportunity to cease paying tribute to the Lanlanians, and instead fashion themselves an equal Sentric state—as Rödinger would recognize them.
  • 100: Lomarre develops a feudalistic society.
  • 240: Much of western Eskkya would be under Laurentian control.
  • 350: Canaanese tribes from the northeast would begin to migrate southwest, displaced from their homelands by the Carpathians. Until the early-5th century, they would coexist in relative peace with the local Lanlanian rulers.

Late Middle Age (500–1000)

  • 601: The Kingdom of Ursler would be invaded by the Kingdom of Ashford. It'd become a vassal of Ashford, as it would remain to this day.
  • 648: The Kingdom of Schulte-Siedel would be brought into the Kingdom of Ashford. It would include large parts of the modern break-away state of Monroe.
  • 781: The Kingdom of Korvain annexed several minor surroundings lords, nearly doubling in size.

Renaissance Age (1000-1300)

  • 1159: The Empire of Zanaro is declared after the Korvain conquest of BLA.
  • 1178: The Zanarite Helren Revolt fails. The family would be brutally eradicated in a show of force.
  • 1189: The Foiche War is fought between vassals of the Zanarite Emperor, and would end in 1191 with some reorganization of Zanarite Clan territories.
  • 1274: Revaric's son, Aeldric Spinne, would invade Korvain. Despite initial successes, he would ultimately be repelled. Ashford and Zanaro would cooperate to crush his father's kingdom and end his threat, simultaneously bringing an end to the Ashfordian Civil War. Draiz Kore leaders would be executed.

Industrial Age (1300–1450)

Modern Age (1450–Present Day)

  • 1457: Monarchy in Carpathia overthrown by the Templar Order fascist movement, which proclaims Carpathia and Moldova a Temple State and proceeds to establish a brutal theocratic regime in the country.