History of the Federation

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A summary will someday go here


the time before time

-city-states --think etruscans or greeks

main city-states were Hendref (Denil), Dinastân (Tarleton), and Corsydd (Fen)

-traders and farmers primarily

Lanlanian Period

when lanlanians were pricks

The Flödemark Wars

550-460 BCE

-several wars to subdue the Florinthian city-states

-Flödemark -- lanlanian term for the city-states -- literally meaning "flower land" due to the massive fields of flowers in southern florinthus

--- people known as Flödes, or "Flowers" but a misnomer, as they fought aggressively and used dangerous technologies, such as flaming tar -- an effect used later by the Lanlanians

--- Later Flödemark Wars -- Voden Wendyll, King of Dinastân (Tarleton) was the leader of the Florinthians and was able to unite the city-states after the cataclysmic Battle of the Dunhemm, where both sides sustained massive casualties but the morale of the Flödes was crippled irrevocably and the lesser kings abandoned Voden, who was forced to submit to Lanlanian general Bjostor Erövring in the autumn of 460BCE. Voden was going to be spared by the Lanlanians, who respected him as a worthy adversary and seeing an opportunity to keep the Flödes pacified, planned to give him a position of power over the province of Flödemark, but he was murdered mysteriously just a few days after the surrender.

Lanlanian Subjugation

460 BCE around

-lanlanians being dicks, as per usual

-thinking they bring civilization (actually do in a way)

--- lanlanian capital is Tarleton -- called Tjäratorn "tower of tar" -- after the weapons they used against the lanlanian invaders -- flaming tar from the towers

Feryn Wendyll

---in 416 --- Tjäratorn magistrate named Feryn Wendyll achieved victory in the second crown tourney - becoming high king of lanlania

--- Feryn Wendyll was appointed magistrate to pacify the locals, who would have burned a lanlanian ruler at the stake. Wendyll was the son of Soren Wendyll, who was nephew of Voden Wendyll, the leader of the Flödes in the later Flödemark Wars, giving him "right to rule" from the throne in Dina castle.

---Feryn, before he was king of Lanlanians, was an effective administrator in Tjäratorn, rebuilding much of the infrastructure that was still in ruin since the Lanlanian subjugation. His popularity as a ruler among the Flödes made the province of Flödemark one of the most peaceful during his reign.

The Ardden Revolt

some such revolt in the 220sBCE -- failed


some such war or something... yeah

Florinthian Kingdom

there was a brief period where Florinthus was united by the leader of the independence revolt. He made himself king, stationed in Tarleton, but ultimately died several years later. This kingdom lasted for a hundred years or so, until a weak ruler took over and everyone got sick of the King and threw him out.

The Feudal Period

These were the main players in the feudal period

---Tarleton -- Princedom -- A prince selected to rule by the religious authorities in Tarleton

---Denil -- kingdom

---Fenridge - Grand Republic - the city of Fen, much like venice

---Bolton - duchy

some others I can't remember -- many smaller states

They jostle for power over the years, no one seems to gain the upper hand

Avalsyanist Revolution

Lennox Daien o/o/o/o/o/

some such things happen - religious turmoil -- daienism

Unification of Florinthus

somehow it became united, Lord Emile Heskey of Bolton was involved, as was Duke (or something) Bendtner of Oslanburg...

Basically, many nations had hands in the Florinthian states, and Oslanburg worked super duper hard to get Florinthus to be independent and united, so it could be a force to use against Lanlania. Florinthian nationalism was on the rise, no doubt due to a mixture of internal factors as well as Oslanburgan agents acting to inspire the Florinthians. This manifested itself in nationalistic tones in nearly all forms of the arts, be they musical, written, or painted. Feryn the Glorious and his ancestor, Voden Wendyll, were common subjects, as were other inspiring leaders throughout Florinthian history. The face of this new Florinthian Nationalist movement was the recently elected Lord of Lords Emile Heskey of Bolton. He was selected from among the Bolton Chamber of Lords to lead on the basis of his inspirational leadership style and ambition for a united Florinthus. He made his intentions clear, and the people across the Florinthian states saw him as a coming savior that would bring Florinthus into a golden era of prosperity and success.

The actual unification war was started in Denil outside the Bradford Theater where viewers saw Quinn Hartlepool's nationalistic opera The Sum of Patriotism, a romanticized account of the Flödemark Wars and in particular, the life of Voden Wendyll. After the sentimental aria "Oh Land of my Fathers", sung by baritone lead Kenn Taylor, the viewers were swept into a revolutionary fervor that led to them storming the Royal Palace of then King Wallace Vermes IV, demanding that he abdicate his throne and pass it to Lord Heskey of Bolton. When King Wallace refused, he was lynched by the mob who then declared Heskey the leader of the new Florinthus. Heskey was more than gracious enough to accept, and his court was moved to Denil.

--- Lord Heskey -- shall he look like Klemens von Metternich?

to be continued