Laurentian Kingdom

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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Laurentian Kingdom of Chavronque and Montagneau is a western Brigidnian nation in Siora. The nation is the sucessor to the previous Federation of Lochland. It is a union of two former former kingdoms and current boroughs of Chavronque and Montagneau Laurentian Kingdom borders Lausten and Kyrland in the south, Valland in the east, and Gein Lochland in the west.

The Laurentian Kingdom was formed in 1569 when the fascist party of the Loche boroughs of Kirschlundt and Walpzigne declared independence from the Federation of Lochland, and formed their own nation based on the promotion of Gein race and language superiority. This nation is now known as Gein Lochland or by its abbreviation RGL. King Reiner I declared the new kingdom on Friday 6 Ochtyr 1569 CE.

This nation enjoys a high standard of living, but is threatened by the aggressive, prejudice and ethnic warfare promoted by the RGL against Laurentian people in the lands of former Lochland.


Laurentian Kingdom comes from the name of the Laurentian people, a people originating in what is now Valland. It refers to the Laurentian language, culture and people.



Laurentian Kingdom is a nation of varied elevations and geographical features. In the south is the range of mountains that Laurentian Kingdom is famously known for, the Behrend Mountains. From the mountains, west and north, the elevation decreases. The low parts of the northwest are called the Tal region.


Most of Laurentian Kingdom has a humid temperate climate, influenced heavily by the oceans (depsite its landlocked location). Annual precipitation is plentiful, with heavy snowfalls in the winter due to southwest bound storms. With a large amount of precipitation, the soils further away from the mountains are very fertile. Soil in land closer to the mountains are not fertile, except for the L'Evatois Valley where the rocky, glacial soil is perfect for grapes and thus, has created a large wine growing region.

A large majority of Laurentian Kingdom consists of rolling hills, that increase in height the closer to the Behrend Mountains.



National Government

Local Government

Administrative Divisions




A majority of Laurentian people live in large cities, with over 50% of the population living in 'urban' areas.

All new cities built refer to the Bureau of Planning for both individual boroughs. Both boroughs have established Urban Growth Areas for every municipality. These areas are places where it is permissible to build. Each lot in the UGA is controlled under a local ordinance of type of structure that is allowed to be built. Some lots are only allowed to be individual family homes, whereas some are made for industry. This planning approach keeps people living in designated areas and gives the government the ability to control the population growth of each town.

City government is available to all incorporated municipalities. The most popular form for small towns is the five-person city council. This allows for a more localized government. Larger cities have the option to set up districts, which each elect representatives to a larger city council. Some cities, such as Gotthaus, have well over 60 different districts. All local laws are overriden by borough and kingdom laws in case of any overlap.



A large majority of citizens of the Laurentian Kingdom speak Laurentian with 80% reporting to speak the majority language as a first langauge. In border regions, many citizens also speak Gein with 18% the nation's speakers speaking this as a first language, however among these 18%, it is reported that almost 17% also speak fluent Laurentian. Only 2% of citizens speak alternate first languages. In an attempt to bridge the small gap, the government does publish most documents in both Laurentian and Gein until the Ministry of Education has a chance to educate the remaining citizens in Laurentian.

The city of Gotthaus has the largest percentage of Gein speakers, at about 14% of all Gein-speaking citizens.


Laurentian Kingdom is one of the most irreligious nations in the world, with 68% of the population reporting to follow "no religion". However, the most followed organized religion is Makhalism that originated in Behrend Mountains. This is the most popular religion in Lausten and is followed mostly by mountainous citizens of Laurentian Kingdom.






Visual Arts and Theatre


Societal Views
