Liberal-Conservative Party (Killearn)

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Template:Infobox political party The Liberal-Conservative Party, (LCP) is a political party in Killearn and one of the two major political parties in the Killearn, along with the Social Democratic Union. The party was created in KFY 00 in direct opposition to the policies of the KPSU.

The party is a catch-all party for those considering themselves as being on the right. While its platform is loosely described as "Liberal-Conservatism" the party contains a range of factions ranging from Social Conservatives to Libertarians.

Vladimir Ashcroft, the current President of the Killish Federation is a Liberal-Conservative. As of the 3rd Federal Parliament in KFY 12, the party is the largest party in the Federal Parliament of Killearn, however does not hold a majority. In the Council of States,which is composed of 25 Premiers of States other than the FCT and the President to discuss matters relating to the states and several elements of taxation such as the goods & services tax, the Liberal-Conservative Party holds a majority with fourteen out of sixteen seats being held.

Structure and Composition

The Liberal-Conservative National Executive (LCNE) is responsible for developing and promoting the Liberal-Conservative Party manifesto in each election, including local and state as well as federal elections. The LCNC is also responsible for fundraising and coordinating the election strategy.

The Leader of the Liberal-Conservative Party is elected by Federal Parliament MP's, State Parliament MP's and the Liberal-Conservative National Executive with each voter possessing one vote. This makes the State Parliamentary MP's the biggest bloc of voters in the contest, however are often split on candidates.

The Chairman is chosen by a vote at the LCP National Conference which is held every two years. The Chairman supervises and raises funds for the Liberal-Conservative Party National Conference, working closely with the party's leader and often Presidential-Candidate, who will usually advise on creation of the party platform.

The LCNE will often adapt various stances in accordance with the wishes of a Presidential candidate, who is presumed to have the support of the party through their victory in their selection vote for Leader. For example, a candidate from the party's Classical Liberal faction might ask the LCNE to provide a manifesto focusing on economic issues and pro-market policies, while a candidate from the Social Conservative faction might ask the LCNE to provide a manifesto and campaign focusing on social issues.

The LCNE oversees other bodies such as the Liberal-Conservative Council of Premiers, which oversees state legislative and Premierial races, the Liberal-Conservative Federal Committee which oversees the federal legislative elections.

Ideology and political positions

The main doctrine of the Liberal-Conservative Party is Liberal-Conservatism however the party contains many large and diverse factions, ranging from libertarians all the way to neoconservatives.

For the most part the party advocates individual responsibility, low taxes, free market economics and a limited or sometimes even non-existent welfare state. The party opposes Social Democracy and believes that a Liberal Democracy defined as a society of great personal and economic freedoms, is a more preferable alternative.

Economic policies

The Liberal-Conservative Party emphasizes the role of the free market and the private sector as the main driver of wealth, prosperity and economic growth. As such they tend to prefer laissez-faire economics, fiscal conservatism and promote individual responsibility instead of state dependency.

Most Liberal-Conservatives support flat-taxation, believing that progressive taxation removes incentives to create jobs and wealth. They advocate reduced income taxation, reduced public expenditure and a much small federal government, opposing government intervention in the economy.

Many Liberal-Conservatives are opposed to the existence of the Federal Health Service as a provider of Health Insurance, despite the policy being proposed by a LCP President. Additionally, most Liberal-Conservatives are opposed to government-intervention in the education system and instead support management of education by private interests, teachers and parents who are best placed to make decisions on the future of education.

Liberal-Conservatives are, on the whole, opposed to Trade Unions and instead believe that Individual Employees are accountable to their employers and should be wholly responsible for their own actions. Additionally, many disagree with the Minimum Wage which was also introduced under a Liberal-Conservative President.

Social Policies

Liberal-Conservatives differ greatly in their views on social policies, however generally speaking most are opposed to positive discrimination and political correctness.

Many Liberal-Conservatives support the right of the Federal Parliament to decide when it comes to abortions, rather than the woman's right. Excluding a very small minority, the Liberal-Conservatives oppose gay rights and gay marriage, though they are less hesitant in their support of gender equality and the rights of racial minorities, advocating "Majority Rights over Minority Rights". They also tend to support stricter laws regarding sexuality, such as raising the age of consent.

Many Liberal-Conservatives also support the continued use of Capital Punishment, and are opposed to any attempt to abolish them.

Foreign Policy and National Defence

The Liberal-Conservative Party advocates a strong national defence force, believing defence is the federal government's most important priority.

The Liberal-Conservatives advocate neutrality in foreign affairs, believing that Killearn should not involve itself with the conflicts of foreigners and instead should focus on domestic policies.

The Liberal-Conservatives expect that in diplomacy that the government should support free trade and open markets, while opposing protectionism.

The party is divided over the issue of immigration. Many Liberal-Conservatives are open to the possibility of globalization however a loud group of those opposed, who usually possess extreme-nationalist views, continue to favors Killish Independence and the belief that Killearn can and should sustain itself.


Social Conservatives

The Social Conservatives are one of the smaller factions of the Liberal-Conservative Party, tending to exist in rural communities than urban.

Because religion has had very little influence or cultural presence in Killearn, social conservatives are less concerned with issues such as LGBT rights and sexual morality. However, do express opposition to these groups stating they are "naturally wrong".

Social Conservatives in Killearn tend to advocate prohibition, censorship of violence on television and in movies, and often take anti-abortion stances.

Some Social Conservatives oppose prostitution and pornography, or oppose the rights of transgendered people. Social Conservatives tend to either question or oppose universal suffrage, and sometimes oppose women's rights.

Classical Liberals

Classical liberals make up approximately a third of the Liberal-Conservative voter base.

Classical liberals in the party advocate small government, economic freedom as well as human rights and freedom of speech. They tend to support the Social Democratic Union on social policies, and often oppose policies such as Capital Punishment and Conscription.

They also tend to favor non-interventionist foreign policy stances, and some favor reduced military spending.

While most of the faction support the existence of a limited welfare state and public education system, most advocate monetarist economics, and believe that controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment. They also advocate the reduction or abolishment of trade barriers and privatization of state owned enterprises.

Fiscal Conservatives

The Fiscal Conservative faction are possibly the largest faction in the party, with their roots being traced back to deep opposition to the economics of the KPSU.

Fiscal Conservatives are strongly opposed to deficit spending and advocate lower taxes, and lower government expenditure. Fiscal Conservatives are not opposed to the welfare state and Federal Health Service but advocate spending cuts in these areas in order to balance the budget.


Libertarians form a small but significant part of the LCP voter base, with most advocating either monarchism or anarcho-capitalism. They have common ground with the Classical Liberal faction, but tend to hold more extreme viewpoints, believing that the Federal Government should exist only to prevent fraud, violent crime and burglary and concentrate mainly on national defence.

Libertarians are opposed to corporate welfare and also opposed to measures which would curtail their personal liberties, including surveillance and conscription.

Libertarians are opposed to the welfare state, public healthcare or education, and most are opposed to the existence of income taxation.


Neoconservatives tend to differ on social and economic policy, although most value individualism and free market economics to some extent. Neoconservatives take a more hardline nationalist stance, and are opposed to immigration and globalization while many neoconservatives are opposed to free trade.

The Neoconservatives emphasize the role of Killearn defence forces and believe in a strong interventionist foreign policy, wherein Killearn should not be afraid to get involved in foreign affairs to defend it's own interests.

Most Neoconservatives advocate practices such as wire-tapping and surveillance in order to keep crime rates low and prevent terrorism. Some Neoconservatives believe that religious people should also be prohibited from running for government. Small minorities also believe that the military should have a greater degree of influence over the governance of the country.

Neoconservatives also support "business imperialism", and supporting Killish corporations as they gain a foothold in the international market, in order to promote the values that Killearn deeply hold abroad. Neoconservatives are not opposed to deficit spending, provided that the money is used to support the military-industrial complex.

Voter Base

In the Typical Voter Poll which questioned 1000 Killish Voters, found that a typical Liberal-Conservative Voter was a middle-aged male, with an above-average income, who advocated a smaller federal government and supported Killearn remaining isolated from foreigners.