Kazuo Shiga

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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Kazuo Shiga (Akitian language: 志賀 和男, Shiga Kazuo) (Fein 3rd, 1429 - Elva 16th, 1506) was an Akitian philosopher and Akitian Template:W intellectual. He played a leading role in the establishment of the modern Communist Party of Akitsu and was the founder of it's predecessor, the Akitian Factory Laborers Union. Shiga's political, economic, and social theories and ideals are the basis of Shigaism, the most commonly followed form of communism in Akitsu.


Early Life

Kazuo was born on Fein 3rd, 1429 in Nishihama Province. He belonged to a relatively well-off family in the upper-middle class. He went through education with fairly good grades, not exceptional but still on the good side. He attended the local public primary and secondary school, and then went on to graduate from high school. Throughout these years Kazuo was a fairly normal boy, in many ways indistinguishable from the average Akitian child at the time with the exception of the fact that he was better off than others.

During high school Kazuo showed a passion for writing philosophical works, often writing analysis of various issues at the time. Most of these works did nothing much more than analyze the different positions of each side, with Kazuo occaisionally going into what he thought of each opinion. However, nearly all of Kazuo's early works do not include Kazuo's opinion.

Kazuo enrolled in university immediately after graduating from high school. He was accepted into Nishihama Provincial University. There, Kazuo studied business and economics. Here it is known that Kazuo became a capitalist, and upon graduation from high school Kazuo immediately started his own business. At the same time, Kazuo also started looking at investing in the emerging stock markets.

Founding of the Akitian Factory Laborers Union

Kazuo's business suddenly experiences a downturn in sales in 1453. One year later in 1454, Kazuo had to close down his business. At the same time, Kazuo's investments went horribly wrong and he lost his entire life savings through a series of blunders, with him being forced to borrow money from a local bank in order to keep up with his expenses. It got to the point where he had to sell much of what he had to pay back his debts, but even so he still didn't have enough money to pay back all of his debts. Eventually, Kazuo found that he could not pay the money he borrowed back without getting another job. In order to do this in 1455 Kazuo took a job at a local factory in order to get some form of income.

At the factory, Kazuo found the working conditions abhorrent. The risk of injury combined with extremely harsh treatment led Kazuo to start questioning the entire system that he had been believing in so far. By 1456 Kazuo found himself in an ideological peril, in order to try and find a "new path" Kazuo started reading the books of many political authors. The most prominent book that Kazuo read was the Communist Manifesto. He found himself fascinated by this work, and continued on to read Das Kapital.

However Kazuo found himself disagreeing with some of the core concepts of Perovism, and thus went on to publish his own paper titled Communism of Akitsu in 1458 in which he outlined a version of communist ideology that Kazuo believed Akitsu should adopt. This work wasn't a commercial success, but it was a small hit among his fellow factory workers. Eventually Kazuo gained enough support to be able to found the Akitian Factory Laborers Union in 1459. The Akitian Factory Laborers Union subsequently started growing rapidly, with it's base expanding every day.