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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Introduction goes here



Early History

The Statue of Empress Usula in North Wessenbur is one of the oldest monuments in Killearn, dating back beyond some of the earliest discovery of civilization in Killearn

There is no scientific consensus on when Killearn was first inhabited, however the oldest human remains are found in Chongluntz, dating back approximately 3000 years. There is also evidence of nomadic peoples inhabiting what is now Alayenia sometime in the last 2000 years.

Killearn was briefly explored during the Classical Period however the climate was deemed “too volatile” to be settled. It is also likely that there were a number of societies living in Southern Chongluntz at the time.

In approximately BFT 500 (Before Federation Time), settlers from a distant land called Vashura landed at Vatfer and claimed most of "Killearn Incognita" for themselves, exploring, expanding and colonising. The Vashurans made it as far inland as Skorptsch and settled most of central Killearn, living agricultural lifestyles on the prairies.

It is also known that around this time the city of Aliyas was built which was to become the centre of a land known as Alayenia. It is believed that the original Alayenians were descendents of nomads who wandered the steppes.

Alayenia became a fairly sophisticated civilisation, forming trade routes with other nations.

It was along one trade route that it was noticed that nomads in the region known as “The Dialsia Plains” were becoming increasingly sophisticated. In approximately BFT 467 Alayenian maps officially recognised the “City of Dialsia”, the only ancient Killish city that survives today.

In approximately BFT 400 the City of Drachen was founded in the north, and the City of Chon was founded in the east.

Most of these nations and empires traded peacefully with each other, however there were minor skirmishes particularly in the west, between Vashura and Alayenia, which resulted in the original city of Aliyas being completely burnt to the ground.

Killish Union

With trade increasing as well as modernisation and technology, as well as the rise of republicanism, the Republic of Vashura, the Kingdom of Zorbakh, the Republic of Alayenia, the Republic of Gyanberk and the Free Land of Chongluntz began negotiating to form a supranational body of co-operation, the original goal being to foster trade, communication and co-operation between the nations.

In BFT 372 the Killish Union was officially founded, with Vashura deemed the capital. Increasingly the Killish Union became a confederation rather than a supernational body, with the Union government demanding a unified military force so that the territories of Detzearcha and Northern Wessenbur could be conquered.

However in BFT 370 the people of Zorbakh overthrew the monarchy and became a communist state.

This caused a domino effect across the Killish Union and a second constitution was adopted. In BFT 368 the United Socialist States of Killearn was born. It consisted of seven main provinces – Zorbakh, Vashura, Alayenia, Gyanberk, Detzertscha, (Northern) Wessenbur and Chongluntz.

The United Socialist States also purchased what was then known as “Killearn Incognita” off Vashura, allowing them to expand as far north as Polaris.

However in BFT 330, Chairman Ignatius Verster was assassinated. It was reported at the time that Red Killishs were responsible, however secret documents later revealed that the nationalists were responsible.

Fascist Interregnum and Civil War

Communist forces fighting in the Drachensgard Mountains during the Second Killish Civil War

A democratic election was held but was allegedly rigged so that Fyurid Exer could come to power.

The First Killish Civil War followed between Socialist forces and Nationalist forces, however in BFT 325 the Socialists surrendered and the Nationalists declared the birth of the “Killish Empire” with the capital moved to the newly built city of Exegrad.

During this time Killish's territory expanded emphatically, with Exer conquering and colonising the lands of Asgard and conquering the Kingdoms of Diatara and Drachensgard. Road and –especially – rail infrastructure was also built mostly under Exer’s rule.

Fyurid Exer was especially brutal to Red Killishs, with a policy that made them third class citizens – After Blue Killishs and Traditional Killishs. Over a million Red Killishs were killed as part of Exer’s plans to “Cleanse and Control the Entire Killish Continent.”

Eventually communists began rallying and the Killish People’s Liberation Army was formed, beginning the Second Killish Civil War, which lasted from BFT 318-313. Exer’s forces were unable to stand up against the Liberation Army. Eventually Fyurid Exer surrendered and was executed.

Killish People's Soviet Union

Main Article: Killish People's Soviet Union

The Killish People's Liberation Army during their final battle against Nationalist forces

In BFT 313 the third constitution was signed and the Killish People’s Socialist Union was born. The Liberation Army declared the city of Wellington the capital. The KPSU was a Semi-Democratic Socialist Federation, and granted the seven original territories and republics of the Killish Union official “statehood”. Over the next few years the remaining territories and areas were divided into 26 States.

During this time the government launched a planned economy, widespread industrialisation and militarisation. Technology was rapidly advanced, including nuclear power, space exploration and satellite technology. There were regular elections, however the KPSU was a one-party state. The original Liberation Army remained under the direct control of the Board of Communist Party, while a semi-democratically elected Politburo controlled the Union Army.

Initially the Board of the Communist Party held joint executive power while legislative power rested with the Politburo and the individual state governments, however eventually the Board was dominated by a single member who became “Supreme Chancellor” while the head of the Politburo was “Grand Chancellor”.

A communist-era factory in Vikhfa, Miitlania

The first Supreme Chancellor, Drake Zerkus, put down all opposition and turned Killearn into a totalitarian state. Over a million people died in the purges as ordered by Zerkus. However following Zerkus' death, subsequent Supreme Chancellors were less totalitarian and the KPSU became increasingly democratic.

In BFT 274 the KPSU became a two party state. While both parties were officially part of the communist party, differences emerged regarding social and military policy and so elections became a competition between the hardline communist and conservative Communist and the more liberal and reformist Liberal Party.

In BFT 23 Supreme Chancellor Vereinen Freiheit allowed the Union Army to open fire on a crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators in Exegrad, killing nearly 1000 of them, in an incident that is now referred to as “Black Friday”.

Under Grand Chancellor Pieter Makht, the KPSU embarked on a series of economic reforms that meant a slow transition toward a socialist market economy, and allowed Exegrad to become a “Special Economic Zone” – an area in which international investment and trade was encouraged. (Eventually the city of Wellington was built and became Killearn's second “Special Economic Zone”).

In BFT 12 the capitalist extremist group SPIRA, lead by the terrorist Don Innocento orchestrated a terrorist attack on Exegrad, killing several hundreds of people. There was also a minor bombing in the state of South Wessenbur. Eventually the terrorists succeeded in assassinating KPSU Supreme Chancellor Ivan Neuleben, who remains the only major Killish leader to have been assassinated. He was replaced by the popular former Grand Chancellor Soden Perstesht.

Under Soden Perstesht the RPSU became increasingly democratic and minority rights, such as female suffrage, were recognized. However after the death of Perstesht he was replaced by the more hardline and totalitarian Trast Xinhua, who wished to have a return to the days of true communism.

Trast Xinhua began convicting people suspected of “Non-communist Activities” and attempted to shut down the Exegrad Special Economic Zone, which became the spark to ignite Third Killish Civil War.

Collapse of the KPSU

Liberation Army tanks deployed in Mitaro City, Alayenia to quell pro-democracy demonstrators.

In the year BFT 2 RPSU Supreme Chancellor Trast Xinhua announced that he planned to end Exegrad’s status as a “Special Economic Zone”, due to his fear of ‘capitalist influence’. This sparked widespread protests and riots on the streets of Exegrad.

The Supreme Chancellor ordered the Liberation Army to quell the rebellion, however demonstrators armed themselves, under the guidance of revolutionary leader Draco Zerra, and ended up destroying every bridge into Exegrad.

Eventually the Union Army became involved, however newly chosen Grand Chancellor Drieden Werben defied all expectations and ordered the Union Army to protect the protestors and fight against the Liberation Army. The Third Killish Civil War was violent, and lasted a total of two years.

Eventually the Union Army reached Wellington where Trast Xinhua surrendered and he and Drieden Werben negotiated and signed the “Constitutional Void Clause” which effectively dissolved the Killish People’s Socialist Union.

The 26 states of the KPSU all formally joined the Federation of Killearn.


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Political Divisions


Killearn is a federation comprised of 26 States. Each of these States has a Premier who serves as Head of State and sometimes Head of Government. Each State has a small degree of autonomy over a limited area of devolved powers usually restricted to certain taxation and local government, with an overwhelming majority of powers remaining in the hands of the Federal Parliament or the Presidency.

All 26 states of the federation were previous members of the Killish People's Soviet Union, and prior to this existed as different republics or territories. Any territory is permitted to apply for statehood, however must be approved by the Federal Parliament and a majority of voters in a fair and free referendum observed by Federation Officials.

The largest state in terms of population is Alayenia, with a population of over 33 million. It was also one of the first states to formally join the federation and was originally considered to be the capital of the federation.

Musterllia is the smallest state in terms of population, with only 325,000 people.

Killearn features one notable federal territory - this being the Federal Capital Territory, which is administered directly by the Federal Parliament and President. If it was a state it would be the 12th biggest in terms of population, however due to it's status as Capital State it is guaranteed 50 votes in the Electoral College Voting system making it the second most influential in elections.

Once a state has joined the federation they do not possess a right to secede, therefore any attempt to do so either through armed violence or democratic means shall be considered invalid.

The following are the 26 states of the Killearn Federation

  1. Federal Capital Territory (FCT)
  2. Polaris (POL)
  3. Diatara (DIA)
  4. Vatfer (VAT)
  5. Chongluntz (CHO)
  6. Tathika (TAT)
  7. Kerpruss (KER)
  8. Gyanberk (GYA)
  9. Ziigrut (ZII)
  10. Detzearcha (DET)
  11. Xegfause (XEG)
  12. Zorbakh (ZOR)
  13. Skorptsch (SKO)
  14. New Vashura (NVA)
  15. Drachensgard (DRA)
  16. Asgard (ASG)
  17. Musterllia (MUS)
  18. North Wesennbur (NWE)
  19. Southern Wesennbur (SWE)
  20. Alayenia (ALA)
  21. Resterbury (RES)
  22. Clode (CLO)
  23. Amentria (AME)
  24. Sakuia (SAK)
  25. Garotch (GAR)
  26. Orentaria (ORE)


Political System

Judicial System


The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Killish Armed Forces, however in order to declare war he/she needs approval from the Federal Parliament. In military engagements expected to last shorter than one total year, the Presidentmay order military action without the approval of the Federal Parliament

The Ministry of Defence administers, funds and equips the Killish defence forces, however the Minister of Defence does not have any power to command the troops unless given permission by the President.

The armed forces are divided into the Killish Federal Army (KFA), Killish Federal Air Force (KFAF), Killish Federal Sea Force (KFSF) and Killish Special Elite Force (KSEF). All four branches are nominally under Presidential control.

The other branch that is occasionally considered part of Killearn’s military is the Killish Special Operations Division (K-SOD) which acts as a secret service, military intelligence, espionage and counter-espionage as well as federal investigation and law enforcement branch.

After the fall of the KPSU the Federal Government announced an end to the conscription policy for all 18-27 year olds and instead replaced it with a "Emergency Conscription Code" which allows conscription in times of "national crisis", however the country also maintains a sizeable professional force.

  • Killearn has an active military force of 1,483,088 troops, reserve forces total 923,873 both of these figures are largely fuelled by those that fail to advance in the Killish Education system are offered Military Service as a potential career.
  • The KFA in particular currently has approximately 753,474 active (professional) troops, with a reserve (conscript) force of 358,105.
  • The KFAF consists of a total of 757,141 personnel, with 527,142 active and 229,999 reserves. Killearn keeps a large air force due to its physical size.
  • The RFSF consists of a total of 508,241 personnel, with 182,472 active and 325,769 reserves.
  • Killearn has a fully indigenous arms manufacturing industry.
  • Total Military Size totals at 2,406,961 (2.99% of Population - KFY 15)

Foreign Policy

The Federation of Killearn is recognized as successor state to the Killish People’s Soviet Union. Killearn has continued the majority of the KPSU’s commitments most notably retaining most, and taking responsibility for, the majority of the debt accumulated by the KPSU.

Killearn has legislative provision for accommodating embassies within its borders, and has actively encouraged other sovereign states to do so.

Killearn is considered to be generally isolationist, with a general skepticism towards globalization and dependency on other states for survival. Instead, Killearn promotes trade internally and acts to serve it's own needs without the need to rely on the assistance of foreigners which has been considered the root cause for every Federal Government since Federation running either a balanced budget or a small surplus regardless of the programs or policies that fail to be funded because of it.

Killish spending on international aid is a contentious issue and currently the Federation does not formally spend any taxpayers money on international aid, despite pleas from many political parties on the left to consider doing so

Killearn operates a "Rights of the Citizen" foreign policy, which has been described as "determining relations with another sovereign state, dependent on the rights of their people unless the needs of the Federation are prevalent". Additionally, Killearn operates a "don't know, don't tell" policy in regards to information sharing with the Federation unwilling to share information gathered by intelligence services or other means without other states doing the same with the Federation.

In regards to Terrorism, Killearn operates with a "No Negotiation" policy stating that "under absolutely no circumstances, will the Federal or State Governments of the Federation of Killearn open and participate in negotiations with those committing terrorist acts against the Federation" however it does permit other parties to represent the interests of the Federation in any negotiations.

Killearn is considered "overwhelmingly democratic" internally, with proportionate legislative chambers across the Federal and State level with "strong and proactive" leaders.


Economic indicators
Unemployment 6.78% (Ochtyr - KFY 15)
GDP growth 1.23% (Ochtyr - KFY 15)
Inflation 4.3% (Ochtyr - KFY 15)
Poverty 16% (KFY 15)
Public debt 830,761,231,823R (56% of GDP) (Ochtyr - KFY 15)

Killearn has a market economy, which is fueled by natural resources, primarily minerals, a well-developed infrastructure and high productivity.

It is the 32nd Largest Economy in Siora with a GDP of 1.4 Trillion Killearn Roubles. Its GDP per capita is 18,428.23R, giving it one of the lowest in Siora.

The national headquarters of EDEBC, Killearn's largest banking institution

The average yearly salary in Killearn is 17,230.34R, although 16% of the population live below the poverty line, while 10% of the population earn over 99,345.12R per year.

Killearn has a gini of 33.2 which reflects the relatively small income divide. There is a notable urban-rural income divide.

Natural resources are Killearn’s biggest exports, these include Natural Gas's, Oil and high value metals with the Federal Government introducing new priorities for the extraction of shale gas to drive down energy prices. The State-Owned Energy Provider KEnergy is the largest player in the Killish Energy Market and holds a monopoly of gas-fields.

Killearn has a moderate level of public debt, this is likely due to the write-off of some debt for the Federation following the dissolution of the KPSU despite the Federation stating that it would pay any of the debts of the KPSU. All public debt of the Federation, as of KFY 17, is debt remaining from the KPSU with no new debt created.

Killearn has an enormous energy sector and generates and sells energy to neighbouring countries.

The agriculture industry is tiny in Killearn, however it does produce large amounts of corn and potatoes, and many well known brands of alcohol including Drachensgard Ale, along with Killearn-made Whiskey and Vodka.

As of Ochtyr KFY 15, Killearn has an unemployment rate of 6.78%.

The largest private employment sector is the manufacturing. Killish Citizens pay a Personal Income Tax with three bands of tax. State governments also have some tax autonomy.


The Overland just outside Zanscho,Detzertscha

Killearn has a well-developed infrastructure, especially considering it's size and changing political culture.

Mass transit, including over long distances is used by the vast majority of Killish citizens, due to its affordability and simplicity. Killearn was very quick to develop electric rail, which has proven useful in travelling across the vast nation.

Almost every city has either an underground or light rail system, which is usually either very cheap or free to use, and most urban areas are linked the Overland Rail Network, which is maintained by the Federal Government.

Killearn has a comprehensive Interstate highway system, which originally followed the Overland rail route until finally overtaking it in length in KFY 12. State governments also maintain their own roads and highways, and occasionally private companies do too.

The oldest railway line is the one that runs from Federal Capital Territory to Chongluntz, through Detzertscha and Alayenia. The Killish Union and United Socialist States of Killearn made rail infrastructure their first priority.

Infrastructure really boomed during the fascist interregnum, with Fyurid Exer building highways and railways to the far north of Killearn and setting the foundations for future infrastructure development, which happened under the KPSU.

Killearn is also served by a large number of airports, and private planes and helicopters are a common occurrence – indeed helicopter ownership is far less common than car ownership.

Most, but not all, Killish airports are at least partially owned by their local council while all airlines are privately owned, though the airline industry is regulated.

The Overland has long been the target for attempted Privatizations since the foundation of the Federation, however following mass protests against the proposals every attempt has been dropped. Every party bar the Liberal-Conservative Partyhas committed to continuing the "ongoing public ownership of the Overlandand it's assets".


Diplomatically, the Federation is often seen as an isolationist, if not xenophobic country due to its strict immigration and travel laws, as well as an alleged general sense of distrust and contempt towards foreigners in both its traditional cultures and official policies.

Notable strict immigration laws are as follows;

  • Yearly Review of all Visa's - Federal Government holds the right to remove a Visa if it so wishes
  • Quota's on every Visa, typically up to 10,000 for each category.
  • Immediate Deportation for Immigrants failing to meet the conditions of their visa
  • Restricting Immigrants participation in Politics - Requiring all Immigrants holding a Visa to pay a 575R fee to receive a temporary voting card requiring renewal for every election, preventing Immigrants from holding public office.
  • Visa expiry limits set to exact times and dates - Overstaying fines set at 500R per hour overstayed up to a maximum of 50,000R where an individual may be detained upon arrest for up to 28 days before being charged or deported
  • Immigrants not eligible for FHS Insurance Policies or treatment - Unless stated by their Visa conditions otherwise
  • Refugees given a "non-permanent residency visa" which allows residency up until it is deemed "reasonable" by the Federation for a refugee to return to their home country.
  • Foreign Students must pay 1000R per year for each year of their course to retain their Student Visa and must depart as soon as their course ends.
  • No Right to Appeal against Deportation Orders
  • Permanent Residency Visa's require three key components - a) a standard 1250R fee for application, b) a minimum score of 85% in a Citizenship Test with a standard fee of 500R, c) a secure offer of employment and firm address.
  • 25 Year Rule - A foreign spouse to a Killish Resident must be able to demonstrate that both they and their partner are of at least 25 years of age to qualify for Citizenship/Permanent Residency Visa's
  • Immigrants given opportunity to pay a "Security Bond" on top of any fees for their visa, this will be returned to them by the Federal Government once they have left the country after the expiry of their Visa

Welfare/Social Security

The welfare state in Killearn is described as "barebones" and effectively "non-existent", with Killearn offering very few state benefits including Unemployment Benefit, Basic State Pension and a Universal Child Benefit.

In particular, Unemployment Benefit is available to those who are not in work and have signed on at a Job Centre and is the equivalent of 64R a week. However, Unemployment benefit is only available for a maximum of three months before being reduced to 32R per week with an additional three month period added where afterwards Unemployment benefit is ended.

All workers pay National Insurance on their wages/salary equaling a total of 10% this is largely used as the sole fund for the welfare state in Killearn. For example, an individual earning the average salary of 18,232R would over the course of a year pay a total of 1823R in National Insurance.

The retirement age in Killearn is currently set at 66 for men and 64 for women, where upon reaching this age an individual is required to leave work before their next birthday.

Many Killish Citizens are below the poverty line, mainly due to geographic isolation.

Much of the income inequality that exists in Killearn has to do with the “shock tactics” that were employed following the fall of KPSU, in which some highly valuable state owned enterprises were sold cheaply, enabling people to make huge amounts of money of them while not redistributing that money.

Killearn's average wage and level of wealth appears to be growing, with the current average yearly salary at 18,232R per person however the income gap between the poorest 10% and wealthiest 10% appears to be consistently growing year on year.




According to Article V Section 3a of the Fourth Constitution, the Killearn Federation is State Atheist nation, however it does provide opportunities for individuals to practice any religious belief they hold.

Groups with direct or indirect links with a Religious Body are not permitted to petition, or seek to influence, the Federal Government or any State Government. Politicians are permitted to express their religion in a private manner, any attempt to do so during any public appearance or other matter related to their political office shall be considered Unconstitutional.

Religious Groups, particularly those from abroad, shall be required to meet the minimum standards set out in the Code of Conduct enforced by the Office of Religious Immigration before being able to import and/or practice their religion within the borders of the Federation. Religions which preach non-scientific theories (such as faith-healing and creationism) are banned, as are religions which preach discrimination in any form (such as against women or homosexuals).

Estimates suggest that around 82% of the total population consider themselves "atheist or agnostic" with 43% and 39% respectively, however this number has been expected to fall as the Office of Religious Immigration approves the practice of more religions within Federation borders.


Killearn's education system is primarily operated and managed by the State Governments but is set and directed by the Federal Ministry of Education.

Children are required to begin attending school once attaining the age of 4, with each State responsible for ensuring there are sufficient places available at schools for children.

There are three levels of compulsory education in Killearn, these are delivered in separate schools these being Early Schools, Middle Schools and High Schools respectively. All children are expected to pass through all three before being able to leave education and enter formal work.

Children attend Early Schools from the ages of 4 to 11 and are taught a curriculum of Killish, Mathematics, Science and other introductory subjects which will culminate in children taking Killearn Achievement Tests (KAT's) in the three core subjects of Killish, Mathematics and Science and will be expecting to achieve a grade 3 in each area before progressing to Middle School.

From the ages of 11 to 14, children shall attend Middle School and are required to study for Standard Grades to be taken in their final year of Middle School. Every Child shall be required to take 10 Standard Grades, with there being six core Standard Grades that must be taken including Killish, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science, History and a foreign language with the remaining four Standard Grades being open to choice from the schools and students. Every child shall not be permitted to progress to High School if over half of their Standard Grade results are grade 3 or below.

From the ages of 14 to 17, children shall attend High School and must complete a wide ranging course composed of six subjects known as the Federal Education Standard. Students shall be expected to choose to take at least three of the six core subjects, these being Killish, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science, History and a foreign language with the remaining three subjects being chosen by the student and offered by their High School. However, there is an emphasis on subjects that promote life skills and a civic duty towards society. Each subject shall be graded separately, however to pass the Federal Education Standard it will be expected that a student achieves a minimum of 4 grade 2's and 2 grade 3's however if a student does not achieve this the Examining Authority shall determine whether the student has shown they have sufficient knowledge and skills.

Beyond Compulsory Education, Killearn has a number of universities, most of which a privately funded however every state has at least one university partially funded by the State Government. The Federal Government does not provide any funding through loans or grants, students are expected to fully cover their cost of tuition and cost of living during their studies. There is no cap on the level of tuition costs set by the Federal Government, State Governments however have powers to provide limited assistance equaling to a total of 10% of total yearly tuition however this must come out of their own budgets.

The average tuition cost for a University course per year is 23,000R however this can vary from subject to subject, with STEM subjects being more likely to hit highs of 75,000R.

Grading System

  • Grade 1 - Exceptional/Outstanding display of knowledge and concepts
  • Grade 2a - Very Good display of knowledge and grasp of concepts
  • Grade 2b - Good display of knowledge and has a reasonable grasp of concepts
  • Grade 3 - Satisfactory display of knowledge and general awareness of concepts
  • Grade 4 - Lacking Knowledge and with little awareness of concepts
  • Grade 5 - Deficient Knowledge with next to no awareness of concepts


Healthcare was privatized following the fall of the Killish People's Soviet Union, which had an Universal system that is widely criticized for lacking in funds and a poor quality of service. In KFY 00 the newly elected Liberal-Conservative Party President and dominated Federal Parliament introduced a "Private-Insurance Scheme" which enabled citizens to pay for Health Insurance from either Private Providers or a Federal Provider.

This scheme has largely been untouched since it's establishment, however the most significant reform was the establishment of the Federal Health Service in KFY 08 which entitles every citizen of Killearn free healthcare provision if they are able to provide evidence that they hold an Insurance plan.

The Federal Health Service is managed and operated by the Minister of Health & Public Wellbeing, who appropriates funds and sets the terms of conditions of service provision.

Currently, States do not have the power to provide their own alternative to the Federal Health Service despite calls from the Killearn National Party to do so.

The latest figures in FKY 13 (1565) indicate that 64% of Killish Citizens are covered by an Insurance Scheme, mostly due to some geographic isolation and the rising costs of most Insurance Schemes. The President, Vladimir Ashcroft, in a widely praised speech following the figures said his ambition was to have "100% cover" by FKY 20 (1572).

13% of Killish Citizens are considered "technically obese", while a staggering 24% are considered "malnourished".

The average life expectancy across the Federation is 64.28 years, although it has been noted to be considerably higher in states with lower populations. Key factors include a high mortality rate in terms of preventable things such as industrial accidents, alcoholism, suicide, murder or manslaughter and starvation in the most extreme cases.

Crime and Law Enforcement

Police in the State of Vatfer

Officially, all law enforcement is handled by the military and there is no distinction between the military and the police.

No State has a “State Army” which is intentioned to ensure that no state could fight against the Federation. Each State however has their own Police Force, also known as a State Police Agency (SPA, who are responsible for enforcing State laws but also act as assistants to their Federal equivalents.

Federal laws are enforced by Federal Police Agency (FPA), while K-SOD's Internal Branch is also used as a federal investigative body.

Most police funding comes from the Federal Ministry of Law and Order, who allocate funds to state governments in proportion to population. However in many cases state governments will also contribute to the funding of their police forces from their own budgets if they wish to do so.

The crime rate increased dramatically following the collapse of KPSU.

Under Killish law, someone who is arrested (prosecuted) for a crime is guilty until proven innocent. However, a prosecuted person may not be incarcerated for longer than 28 days without facing trial, in which case they are released until the date of the trial. The trial is almost always by jury, who decide whether to convict or acquit the prosecuted person.

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment is sanctioned and used by the Federal Government, however State Governments are not sanctioned to do so without the approval of the Federal Ministry of Law and Order. Additionally, Capital Punishment is only sanctioned for the most serious offences which include, but is not limited to, the following;

  • Murder of any Individual who holds Killish Citizenship or applicable visa
  • Rape
  • Treason
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Human Trafficking
  • Espionage
  • Corruption
  • Sodomy
  • Incest
  • Terrorism Offences (Limited to Beheading only)

Capital Punishment is not a "default sentence" for any offence, bar Murder and Treason, however can be considered as a potential sentence and can be determined by the Judge of the relevant case. The Federal Ministry of Law and Order has issued guidance to Judges on when it is appropriate to sanction Capital Punishment with the key factor being that the "individual with or without rehabilitative treatment would pose a serious threat to the integrity and safety of the Federation".

Additionally, the Constitutional Court ruled in KFY 07 (1559) that Judges were not permitted to sanction Capital Punishment when the offender is a minor.

Judges may additionally choose the manner of which Capital Punishment is carried out, legislation passed by the Federal Parliament states that the following methods are the only methods that Capital Punishment can be delivered by;

  • Hanging
  • Lethal Injection
  • Beheading
  • Electrocution
  • Drowning
  • Death Squad

The most commonly used form of Capital Punishment in modern times is Lethal Injection currently accounting for 68% of all executions in KFY 13 (1565) followed by Electrocution (11%), Death Squads (10%), Hanging (5%), Beheading (4%) and Drowning (2%).

It is suspected that Capital Punishment is supported by 67% of the population.



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