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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Kubaniza (Kuban: Кубаніза), officially the Kubanizan Federation (Kuban: Кубанізська Федерація, tr. Kubanizs'ka Federatsiya), is a sovereign nation state in the Marzanna region of northern Brigidna. It is bordered by Váliszföldek to the southwest, Severyane to the north, Saratov to the west, and Videjszeme to the south. Kubaniza is almost entirely landlocked. The Kubanizan exclave of Pomimorya is connected to the Byras Sea via the Tatri Canal. Kubaniza is a developed country. The Kubanizan economy is based on principles of free market capitalism. Kubaniza is considered to have a high-income economy. Kubaniza is considered a regional and/or middle power.

The Kubanizan Federation is composed of several constituent republics.



Winter War

Post-independence period

After the signing of the Bukanya Accords in 1525, Kubaniza was officially recognized as an independent state. A convention was called for in the city of Khapuz, which was attended by elected delegates from all regions. The first act of the Convention was to set up a provisional government consisting of delegates elected by the various regions and localities. The security of the country was left in the hands of the United Khorobri Forces under the command of Vasily Bukanko. After nearly a year of deliberation and debate (Quartyr 1525 - Dosa 1526), the Constitution of the Kubanizan Federation was signed and adopted. It set up a federal structure for the Kubanizan government and enumerated several rights of Kubanizan citizens and republics. Vasily Bukanko was elected the Hetman of the Kubanizan Federation.

Government and politics

Division of power

The Hetman of the Kubanizan Federation (Kuban: Гетьман Кубаньізської Федерації) is the head of state and head of government of the Kubanizan Federation. The Hetman, under the Constitution, has the duty to execute and enforce laws passed by the Rada, establish and oversee foreign relations, and oversees the national defense. The Hetman has at his disposal several ministries to oversee the day-to-day administration and enforcement of federal law.

The Verkhovna Rada, commonly called the Rada, is a bicameral national legislature charged with debating and passing legislative bills.

The Rada is divided into the House of Deputies and the House of Representatives. The House of Deputies is elected by the legislatures of the constituent republics. The House of Representatives is elected directly by the people.

The President is the presiding officer of the Rada, whom organizes votes, appoints Rada officers, oversees elections, and can propose legislation. The President is the second highest political position in the federal government and carries significant influence and authority.

The President is elected by popular vote. The Supreme Court is the highest court in Kubaniza. Its justices are appointed by the President and approved by a simple majority in the Rada.

Kubanizan federalism

The Kubanizan Federation operates on a system of federalism, meaning there is a balance of power between the federal government and the constituent republics. The federal government, according to the Kubanizan constitution, has the authority to raise military forces for the national defense, to prosecute persons for crimes against the federal government or its officers and/or which are committed in different constituent republics, to combat banditry, to raise and levy taxes, to settle disputes among constituent republics, and to pass laws necessary to execute these powers. Constituent republics are vested with all other, non-enumerated powers.

List of ministries

Political parties

There are several political parties in the Kubanizan Federation. Some of them are players on the national level, while others only hold local offices.

From left to right: National Patriotic Union, United Kubaniza, Kubanizan Independents, Populist Party, People's Front
House of Representatives
Party Seats %
National Patriotic Union 222 44.4%
United Kubaniza 114 22.8%
Kubanizan Independents 96 18.8%
Populist Party 52 1.92%
People's Front 16 0.32%


Template:Main ArticleDuring the Winter War, khorobri forces fighting against the Union of Socialist Republics were united by the United Khorobri Forces organization, which was led by Commander Vasily Bukanko. Following the independence of Kubaniza from the Union of Socialist Republics after the Winter War, all Communist military forces left Kubaniza and the nation was left without a formal military. The United Khorobri Forces was dissolved and many of its former units reorganized to form the Armed Forces of Kubaniza. Vasily Bukanko was raised to the rank of Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Kubaniza.

The Armed Forces include the Ground Forces, Air Force, the Kubanizan Coast Guard, and the National Guard.



Constituent republics

There are constituent republics within the Kubanizan Federation. Each republic has a representative democratic form of government.


Kubaniza has a modern and diverse economy operating on the ideals of capitalism and the free market.

Crime and law enforcement

There are hundreds of thousands of law enforcement personnel in Kubaniza employed in federal, state, and local agencies. General crime is policed by state and local law enforcement agencies, whereas those crimes which fall under federal jurisdiction are handled by the Federal Security Service. The policing and protection of Kubaniza's international borders is done by the Border Patrol Service.

Each constituent republics reserves the right to create its own laws and employ police forces to enforce those laws. Many towns and cities employ their own police departments to enforce both city ordinances and local law.



Approximately 95% of the population of the Kubanizan Federation identify as following the Messanic Faith, mostly the Ostrid Church.

