Political parties in Detectatia

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The following are the major political parties in Detectatia--meaning, they are/have recently been represented in the Detectatian Vox (listed alphabetically).

Anarchist Party


Anarchy is the mother of Order.


The Anarchist Party is, as the name implies, an anarchist political party. Although not as extreme in their actions as the Angry Men (see below), the Anarchist Party is widely considered to be a fringe or extremist political party. Politicians from the Anarchist Party vow to only support legislation and government policy that shrinks the size of the state, with the ultimate goal of a stateless society. Although it claims to be inclusive of all anarchists, the Party generally is more supportive of anarcho-capitalism. The Anarchists tend to be supported only in Antidux, by younger Antiduxers.

Communist Party of Detectatia


Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.


The CPD is a far-left, radical Marxist-Leninist political party. The CPD advocates for a complete collectivization of resources, and the abolition/eradication of class. It views itself as a vanguard of the Communist movement in Detectatia. Although radically Marxist-Leninist, the CPD does not publicly support violent revolution, but rather advocates the "political revolution of the proletariat." However, the CPD does support the transformation of Detectatia into a one-party state, and the institution of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The CPD only supports government policies that increase social equality of classes, including the nationalization of industry, and the universalization of healthcare. However, the CPD is not usually taken seriously or recognized by the Detectatian public, but are popular among the younger demographics, and, to a much lesser extent, by workers in the northeastern provinces.

Detectatian Green Party


Go green.


he Greens are a center-left political party with a focus on environmentalism. The Greens advocate public policy to protect the environment against pollution, overuse, and, in general, against the influence of private companies, businesses, and corporations. The Greens also support progressive and socially democratic policies, such as universal healthcare and a much stronger welfare system. However, the Greens deviate from the left in their opposition to abortion as a legal practice, asserting that aborting the unborn directly contravenes the natural relationship between a mother and child. The Greens support same-sex marriage. The Greens are generally supported by Detectatians.

Detectatia Rises


We rise.


The Detectatia Rises Party is a far-right, ultranationalist, conservative, traditionalist party. The DRP believes in Detectatian superiority, and is supportive of imperialistic or Jingoistic activities, making them likely the most interventionist party in Detectatia. The DRP, due to their nationalism, support a return to and state-enforced maintenance of tradition and the status quo. While generally supportive of a free market, the DRP strictly opposes social liberalism.

Free People's Party of Detectatia


Freedom! Forever!


The FPP is a moderately right-libertarian, internationalist party. It is one of the first parties established in Detectatia, developing concurrently with the Liberals. The FPP holds that the role of government should be minimal, providing only the most basic services--this generally translates to maintenance of infrastructure, emergency services (police/fire), military, public transport (although this is generally only favored by urban Free People--the "demonym" for the FPP), and a public education system (primarily voucher-based). The FPP, while almost entirely supportive of a fully free market to provide all other services, the FPP does, generally, support basic regulatory measures for basic safety and the prevention of monopolies--the FPP also saw the introduction of unemployment benefits in the form of a small monthly stipend.

Labor Party of Detectatia


Love, equality, justice.


The Labor Party is a party that advocates social democracy, and usually is described as encompassing most members of the further-than-center-left to the far-left, excluding the full-on Communists. As part of its vision for social democracy, Labor strongly supports the establishment of stronger and more widespread welfare and "social safety net" programs, along with an expanded public school system extended all the way to higher education with free schooling. Beyond this, the Labor party widely varies in the extent to which the government should expand, with some advocating for the Nordic model [to use the RL term] and others, a fully developed democratic socialist state.

Liberal-Progressive Party of Detectatia




The Liberal-Progressive Party (LPP, formerly the Liberal Party) is the oldest and first political party in Detectatia, having developed concurrently with the FPP as its primary opponent. Its most radical left wing overlaps with Labor, advocating for something akin to the Nordic model of the state. At it's more moderate, the LPP merely advocates for stronger social safety nets as well as increased government presence in the market, providing much more basic services and encouraging growth and development in certain areas. One unique feature of the LPP in recent years is its emphasis on encouraging the arts and humanities after its absorption of the Humanities Party in 1557, making it, to many, the go-to political party of the artist and creative mind.

New Libertarian Objectivist Party


A is A.


At first glance, the NLOP seems to be hardly a party of its own, rather than a radical wing of the FPP--and, in some minor respects, one would be correct. NLOP is a radically right-libertarian party with an emphasis on Objectivist philosophical thought that was founded by former members of the FPP in 1517 during the administration of the extremely moderate administration of President Clyde Finkton (FP). Members argue that NLOP advocates the most workable, and only ethical, libertarian framework for government and the state, suggesting that the only appropriate role of the state is one that protects the liberties of its citizens via a police force and judicial arbitration, as well as protecting the citizenry at large from foreign threat. The NLOP, being as far from the center as it is, is only marginally represented, generally only supported in the wealthy parts of urban areas, like the southwest side of Ayand City.

Party of the Angry Men


We will not be slaves again!


The Party of the Angry Men is a radical, revolutionary anarchist political party. This party is not recognized by many Detectatians as a legitimate party--not even by the Anarchist Party--but rather as a terrorist organization or, more mildly, a "public menace," or a joke. Whenever an Angry Man (or Angry Woman) is elected as a legislator, woe to the other members of their house. The Party of the Angry Men does not believe in or recognize policies at all--instead, Angry Men legislators act as distractors, shouting obscenities, jokes, and making noise constantly while the legislature or body is in session. This often results in Angry Men being ejected or expelled from the office in which they "serve."

Party for a Moderate Detectatia


Above all, temperance.


The Party for a Moderate Detectatia, which grew primarily out of the province of The Bend as well as central provinces like Midlagrana in response to increased polarization between the then-Liberals and FPP, is a political party which (in theory) is radically center. Its platforms from cycle to cycle tend to revolve around the idea of consensus--however, it does hold positions itself which are considered center as well. Like those on the left, the Moderates do advocate for increased market regulations and a stronger social safety net, for instance. However, like those on the right, the Moderates do not support more left-wing programs like universal healthcare, and is not as socially progressive as more libertarian parties like the FPP or NLOP. In recent years, however, under the leadership of former Director of Foreign Affairs Rory Blake in the Senate, the Moderates have been criticized by more right-wing Moderates, like Adriano Victor, former Deputy President, of drifting too much to the left.

The Right!




The Right! is a political party that arose early in Detectatian history primarily as a response to the increased socially progressive and government-involved policies put in place under the Jacob Rosser administration in the mid-1300s. The Right!, as its name implies, is a center-right party that supports the limited government involvement in the lives of individuals, particularly in the economy--however, The Right! also advocates the preservation of the family as a central societal unit along with maintaining a level of Detectatian pride and tradition. As such, The Right! is generally seeks the phasing out of same sex marriage as well as the criminalization of abortion to only as late as the end of the first trimester, or completely at its more radical.

Technocracy Detectatia


May the light of understanding guide us.


Technocracy Detectatia (formerly the Technocratic-Atheists) is a party that advocates the placement of scientists, engineers, and other similar people in high government offices as the primary policymakers for the government and country. The Technocrats believe that government is best run by people who can more pragmatically manage the economy and society at large--in essence, Technocracy Detectatia exemplifies the principles of realpolitik. However, beyond that fundamental, primary driver, Technocracy Detectatia does still tend to support more left-wing policy, especially in the universalization of healthcare, the subsidizing of scientific research, and the expansion of funding for public schools, particularly those aimed at STEM education.