
Revision as of 17:52, 21 October 2018 by Ayzek (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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  • 1475: First modern liquid-propellent rocket launched in Aurentine. It used oxygen and gasoline as a fuel source.
  • 1487: Patrick Goddard launches first liquid fuel rocket in Taeunas history.
  • 1488: Rockets used as a military tool by Galeae in the Aurentian-Galeaen War. Though largely ineffective, it served as a demonstration of their potential.
  • 1490: Kaljuran liquid-propellant rocket, used by the Royal Military against the Levandi Republic, reaches the fringes of space. An alcohol-water/liquid oxygen propellant is used.
  • 1491: Holy Lanlanian Imperial Air Force tests first Lanlanian rocket, building on research done on rockets procured from the Aurentian-Galeaen War.
  • 1493: HLIAF makes first rocket attempt to exit the atmosphere. The RK-3 reached an estimated 300 km in altitude before running out of fuel and descending back to Siora.
  • 1494: Union of Socialist Republics Air Force begins tests of rocket platform based on designs acquired from an unknown source.
  • 1497: Union of Socialist Republics Air Force launches the Drotik-2, which manages to reach space. It however, was unrecoverable and remained in orbit for 20 years before de-orbiting and burning up in the atmosphere.


  • 1500: Union of Socialist Republics founds the Union Space Division.
  • 1502: Nils Haever, Kaljuran Astronautical Engineer, designs the Tõstja SV-6, the first rocket designed solely to orbit Siora. It explodes on the launchpad due to an issue with its fuel pump, killing three, injuring forty, and throwing debris as far as 1 km away.
  • 1505: Nyland launches first the artificial satellite, the Satellite 1, into an elliptical low orbit. It orbited the planet for over three months, broadcasting for one of them. It was visible and detectable all around the world.
  • 1506: HLIAF launches Ultforksyad 1, the first scientific satellite. It was the first to detect the Ëv Allen radiation belt.
  • 1507: Taeunas Air Corps launches their first orbital rocket. Payload is a small camera built to take time lapse photos. Re-entry pod recovered from the middle of the Tobias Ocean.
  • 1509: Union of Socialist Republics first to put a man in orbit (14 April).


  • 1510: After a severe redesign the Tõstja SV-7A is launched and achieves a temporary elliptical orbit around Siora, before crashing into the ocean where the debris were recovered.
  • 1511: The Kaljuran Uustõstja SV-24 rocket is designed to carry small payloads into a low-planetary orbit. Several tests are conducted.
  • 1512: The Uustõstja SV-24 carries the first Kaljuran satellite, the Võit-1 into an elliptical orbit where it transmits a radio signal back to mission control in Kaljurand.
  • 1512-1516: Several more satellites, including science probes and communications satellites, are launched using the Uustõstja SV-24 platform. The last of which was a time capsule which will re-enter Sioran atmosphere in the year 1616.
  • 1515: Nyland first to land on the moon.
  • 1516: In an attempt to match the Nylander success, the Union of Socialist Republics successfully launches a unmanned rover.
  • 1517: Taeunas Space Exploration Agency, or TSEA, created by Seanad mandate.
  • 1518: Kaljurand puts a manned capsule into orbit around Siora, the crew achieves 300 total orbits in one flight before their capsule re-enters the atmosphere. Both of the crew are retrieved after their capsule touches down in the ocean.
  • 1519: Capt. Bryon McAlister is the first Taeunasan to orbit the planet.


  • 1522: The USR, following the success of their rover landing, funds a manned mission to the moon.
  • 1523: First Taeunas lander touches down on the moon.
  • 1524: TSEA launches first manned mission to the moon. Halfway there, the guideance system fails. Attempts by ground based engineers to identify and communicate fixes to the crew fail. Rory Glaston, Michael Houston, and Gary Sullivan are awarded the Taeunas Medal of Valor, posthumously.
  • 1524: The USR launches their manned moon mission, successfully becoming the second nation to put a man on the moon.
  • 1526: A second Taeunas attempt to reach the moon is made. Clay Scotten, Becca Flynn, and Barry Griffin are the first Taeunasans to step foot on the moon, and Flynn becomes the first ever woman.


  • 1531: After the collapse of the Union of Socialist Republics, the new Severyan government founds the Severyan National Space Agency, placing those in-charge of the USR's program into similar positions in the new agency.
  • 1535: Tiejungo established Tiejungo National Space Program, utilizing existing Oslanburg facilities and equipment on the island after handover.
  • 1537: Tiejungo launches it's first satellite on Fire Dragon 1, a converted Oslanburg missile.
  • 1538: First practical studies and experiments in magnetic plasma confinement by Taeunas scientists.
  • 1538: Severyane launches probe to observe the atmosphere of Oren, using the SZGK-99-1 STO launch system.
  • 1539: Severyan probe, MPZ-1, establishes orbit around Oren after a 320 day flight. The probe sends back thousands of pictures before plunging into the planet. It continues to transmit photos until it reaches the lower atmosphere.


  • 1541: First use of orbital shuttles by Taeunas. Owing to Taeunas advancements in rocketry, the shuttles are designed for personnel and light cargo only.
  • 1542: TNSA launches first manned mission on the Fire Dragon 2, carrying astronaut Lo Shi Fen into LSO for 21 h 22 m 45 s.
  • 1544: Construction of first sections of the Taeunas space station, Mag Mell. Once complete, it will house four astronauts for one month stays.


  • 1560: First two prototype Plasma Impulse Rockets built and tested by Spiff Technologies.
  • 1561: Tiejungo launches it's first space station into orbit, Palace of the Heavens
  • 1567: Tiejungo launches an unmanned lunar exploration mission containing a lunar lander and rover
  • 1568: Taeunas replaces all four sections of Mag Mell station over the course of the year.
  • 1569: Tiejungo launches a second space station, Palace of the Heavens II