Wilhelm IV

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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Wilhelm IV is the Holy Lanlanian Empire and monarch of several of its constituent countries, as well as the High Pontiff of the Church of Lanlania. Though he ascended to the throne in 19 he was not crowned until two months, on 20.

Style and Titles


  • in English:

Wilhelm IV, by the Grace of God, Apostolic Emperor; King of Azreae, Lanlania, and Rylmark; Grand Prince of Stygia; Duke of Halvadag and of Flaleand; Count of Halvadag, of Vilnae, of the Ostgos Islands; Baron of Dover and Lylie; Defender of the Faith

  • in Lanlian:

Wilmhelm dan Fyr, va Rønsa Gradag, Sornid Midlostisk; Kïn ev Azrëä, ev Lïnlund, ev Rïllund; Stagrin ev Stïgëa; Jarl ev Halvudag, ev Vilnä, ev Ostgösïslva; Bann ev Dövr a Lïlë; Farsveryad ev Rajade

He can be shortly addressed as, Imperial Apostolic Majesty, Apostolic Majesty, Imperial Majesty, or simply Majesty, at according degree of formality.