Freedom Center

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The Freedom Center (originally named Svobode Sredisce) is an international nonprofit organization and grantmaking network founded by Mordvanian businessman Wieslaw Dejan Schanzkowsky in 1579. The Freedom Center financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing liberal democracy, rule of law, education, justice, public health, and independent media.

The Freedom Center has branches in more than twenty countries, including Mordvania, Saratov, Nentsia, Videjszeme, Ceribia, Karjelinn, Harmajaa, Severyane, East Kaljurand, Eskkya, Carpathia and Moldova, Lomarre, Keszaria, and regional programs including West Brigidna and the New Century Program, focused on underdeveloped nations. By 1598, the Freedom Center has reported expenditures in excess of $3 billion mostly in grants towards NGOs and independent organizations.


In 1576, the Schanzkowsky Foundation, owned by the Schanzkowsky family, established the Marzannan Endowment for Peace and Prosperity, aimed to contribute to the rebuild of East Kaljurand after the war and the promotion of democratic institutions.

The organization was expanded in 1579, same year in which Mordvanian businessman Wieslaw Schanzkowsky officially founded the Freedom Center, which headquarters were established in Mestarka, Mordvania.

By 1584, the Freedom Center had already expanded to ten countries. In 1588, Wieslaw Schanzkowsky announced that he was transferring $10 billion to the Freedom Center.

Zlatan Zovan became the first president of the Freedom Center, from 1579 to 1590. That year, he was replaced by Miroslava Dolenek, who resigned in 1598. The current president is Bronislaw Dobar. Wieslaw Schanzkowsky has been chairman of the Freedom Center since its foundation.


It is the largest private nonprofit organization in Mordvania, and one of the largest in Brigidna, with a budget of $3 billion.

The Freedom Center expanded its activities and funding in the 1580s, and dedicated many funds in Severyane in order to promote liberal democracy and free-market economy in that country.

The Freedom Center reported granting at least $500 million to civil rights and social justice organizations in Brigidna only in 1598. This funding included groups such as Nentsian independent human rights organizations, education programs in Lomarre and Harmajaa, freedom speech campaigns in Mordvania and Nentsia, or legal reform organizations in Nerysia and Eskkya.

Global Freedom

The Freedom Center also funds the Global Freedom conferences, a series of conferences held once a year under the slogan "Democracy as Counter-Power". The Global Freedom conferences was founded in 1589 as an one-time event and has taken place annually ever since. The first Global Freedom conferences were in Visnja, Mordvania. In 1596, the first Global Freedom conferences outside Mordvania were held in Esborg, Oslanburg.

The aim of the Global Freedom conferences is to bring together notable people, including former politicians, human rights activists, scholars, prisoners of conscience, and other public figures in order to network and exchange ideas about human rights and the promotion of democracy.

Although the main Global Freedom conferences are usually held annually in one city, satellite events are often held in a dozen of cities around the world at the same time. The Global Freedom conferences are non-profit and they are live-streamed and consist of lectures and panel discussions taking place in front of a live audience.


It is been claimed that the Freedom Center is a Mordvanian front group to promote regime change in rival countries, something that the Freedom Center strongly denies. The Freedom Center declares that their organization is private, non-profit, and independent, and there is no relation between them and any government or political party.

See also