Cabinet of the Nylander Republic

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The Cabinet of the Nylander Republic is composed of the most senior appointed officers of the executive branch of the federal government of Nyland, who are generally the heads of the federal executive departments. All Cabinet members are nominated by the President and then presented to the Federal Assembly for confirmation or rejection by a simple majority. If approved, they are sworn in and then begin their duties. Aside from the Attorney General, they all receive the title of Secretary. Members of the Cabinet serve at the pleasure of the President; the President may dismiss or reappoint them (to other posts) at will.

The first Cabinet to be photographed, early 14th century.
Gustaf Frijolensson met with his Cabinet for the first reading of the Third Amendment draft, 1422.

Current Cabinet and Cabinet-rank officials

The individuals listed below were nominated by President Tilda Morgen to form his Cabinet and were confirmed by the Nylander on the date noted. An elected Vice President does not require Federal Assembly confirmation. Tilda Morgen's first cabinet (1577) became the first Federal administration with more women (8) than men (7), for first time since the foundation of the republic.


The current Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments, listed here according to their order of succession to the Presidency.

Office Incumbent Political affiliation Term began
President Tilda Morgen New Centrist List Alvan, 1577
Vice President Gunnar Bjeppesen New Centrist List Alvan, 1577
Secretary of State Helga Myhre New Centrist List Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Treasury Daniel Lars Boardman Independent Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Defense Viggo Worsaae New Centrist List Alvan, 1577
Attorney General Roger Fordeman FLIB Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Interior Maryaam Indhobuur Green Party Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Agriculture Elisabeth Persbrandt Green Party Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Commerce Amalia Kreuger New Centrist List Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Labor Agnetha Norup SDAP Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Healthcare Henryk Lyngstad Independent Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Savio Aringheri SDAP Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Transportation Arne Einarsson SDAP Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Energy Ingmar Moodyson Green Party Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Education Marion Rybak New Centrist List Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Social Security and Migration Ingeborg Waldegard Green Party Alvan, 1577
Secretary of Homeland Security Alexandrine Linville SDAP Alvan, 1577

See also