New Centrist Alliance (Nyland)

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Template:Infobox political party

The New Centrist Alliance is a social-liberal coalition led the New Centrist List and the Green Party, with representation in the parliament.

The highest organ of the NCA is the Citizens' Assembly, in which every member can participate. It convenes multiple times per year. It appoints the party board and has the last say over the party program. The party list, including the party's candadidate, are elected directly by the members. The party has between 400 and 600 branches all over Nyland.

The New Centrist Alliance is a vocal supporter of human and civil rights, which they consider to include abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, stem cell research, abolition of capital punishment all around the world and legislation of soft drugs. On the other hand they suppory free market policies, including liberalizations and a tax reform, while supporting a sustainable welfare state.

New Centrist List

The party president is Vilhelm Löldborg and it has 36 members in parliament. The party's political leader is Helga Myhre, who is also the General Secretary of the Party.

The party performed well at the 1568 elections. It came out fourth of the popular vote and 36 seats in Parliament. Before the elections, their only member in the parliament was the party's leader Helga Myhre, who was elected as an independent candidate in a by-elections a year before. Myhre was also presidential candidate in that elections, ending with a surprising second place with a 44%, only being defeated by the officialist candidate Christoffer Harrow.

The party voter base is mainly centered on young, urban middle-class voters with a higher level of education. Recently, some prominent members of the party criticised the strategy of the new coaltion as being too left-leaning and depending too much on the Greens.


Party chairmen

1567-1568, Gunnar Bjeppesen

1568-1570, Vilhelm Löldborg

1570-1573, Tilda Morgen

1573-1577, Viggo Worsaae

1577-1581, Eyvind Beskow

General Secretaries

1567-1573, Helga Myhre

1573- , Tilda Morgen


Some of the coalition's most important policies include:

-New Centrist Alliance is in favour of a mixed economy combining market economics and government intervention. NCL is also a proponent of increased flexibility in the labour market and tax-cuts for the lower and middle classes.

-Support for an education reform which avoids old-fashioned educational ideas over creativeness, freedom in teaching methods and personal development of pupils. The coalition also proposes to increase government spending on education and innovation, for instance increases in teachers' salaries.

-A major tax reform, which should simplify the tax system in such a way that income taxes will be reduced in favour of more environmental taxes, less tax deductions and higher taxes on real state. The point of this is to make working more attractive and the hiring of service workers more attractive. The party opposed to Harrow's Tax Reform, claiming it was a risky reform and for negative consequences on business and national economy. Instead, the coalition proposes that income tax not to be payable on earnings under $10,000; a top rate of income tax of 45% on taxable earnings over $150,000; a new inheritance and real estate tax, while decreasing the corporate tax. The party supports greater resources being dedicated to tracing tax evasion, with harsher punishment.

-Crime and justice: The party opposes capital punishment, and it supports the right to choose a trial by jury.

-Strong opposition to tight immigration policies. In its policy on integration, the party support more open immigration combined with measures to help new arrivals to integrate into Nylander society.

-The environment is an important issue for the party, NCA favours more investment in sustainable energy. NCA, however, is not opposed to nuclear energy, under certain conditions.

-Foreign aid and women's equality are also important issues for the party, advocating liberal feminism and giving a full percent of the gross national income as foreign aid. Foreign policy is another high-profile issue. The party is a strong opponent of totalitarian powers and governments which abuse human rights.

-Young people – The party wishes to enable young adults to have responsability and decision making at 16, including the right to vote, economic independence with a choice between work, further education, community service or a combination of all three. The party would provide grants for students which would also be extended to cover all types of training and 16 to 17 years old citizens to be able to claim housing benefits and income support. The party also proposes the reduction of tuition fees.

-Drugs: Repeal of legislation regarding non-prescription drugs and its replacement with a strategy of regulation, control and taxation with an increase in education and treatment services. The creation of an independent multi-agency co-ordinating body to oversee policy development; the dissemination of accurate information to minimise drug-related harm to individuals and communities. The aim is to close the criminal market place and cause a reduction in related crime and violence.

-Government: Reducing the voting age to 16; the introduction of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote; an increase of the powers of the legislative over the executive.

-Liberty and privacy: The party promotes individual liberty and privacy, including controls on the illegitimate use of surveillance cameras, and of commercial exploitation of recordings of individuals on private or public property.

-Euthanasia: The party believes that it is needed a public and rational debate on if individual freedom ought to extend to the right to die including voluntary euthanasia.