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The Árma is a main battle tank used by the Royal Arkianian Armed Forces. The tank was developed under the modernization and domestic production programs in the 1510s. It began development in 1520 and entered official service in 1534. Since then five main variants of the tank have been deployed. It was used extensively in the Arkianian-Achian War in 1588, as well as during the Achian Insurgency.

Design criteria included rapid repair of battle damage, survivability, off-road performance, and incline performance. With the engine in front, the layout is intended to grant additional protection against frontal attacks, so as to absorb the force of incoming shells especially for the personnel in the main hull. It also created more space in the read of the tank that allowed increased storage capacity and rear entrance to the main crew compartment allowing easy access under enemy fire. The design is also modular and is used as platform for medical disembarkation, a forward command and control station, self-propelled howitzers, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled anti-air, and Armored Personnel Carriers. The rear entrance's clamshell-style doors provide overhead protection when off- and on-loading cargo and personnel.


During the late 1510s, The Royal Arkianian Army began making notes on the designs of the various license built equipment in service. Initially the plan was to upgrade existing equipment, but ambitious generals in the Army were lobbying for a modular platform in which could be used for a variety of roles, as well as a vehicle more fit towards Arkiania's urban, thickly forested, and mountainous environments. By 1525 the designs and prototypes were complete. After a brief set of trials, the tank performed poorly facing numerous mechanical and performance issues, much to the dismay of the program's supporters. The engine struggled to perform on sharp incline one of the various requirements, after various changes the issues were remedied after opting for a turbocharged diesel engine rather than the former turbine gas engine. After a brief redesign period, the first imagines of the tank were revealed in 1530, and it entered official service in 1534.

General characteristics


The Árma I and II were armed with a 105 mm rifled gun. With the Árma III, IV, and V opting for a 120mm smoothbore gun. All models were fitted with two roof mounted 7.62 machine guns for use by the commander, and loader, and another mounted co-axially. The later 3 variants were fitted with a remote-controlled .50 heavy machine gun, aligned with the main gun, and controlled from within the turret. The Árma V variant opted for remote controlled roof mounted machine gun for the commander as well.

Smoke rounds are launched from launchers mounted on the front of both sides of the turret.


The tank uses a 1,500 horsepower turbocharged diesel engine providing a top speed of 64 km/h.