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Aetinheim, the second-largest city in Oslanburg and among the top-ranking urban centers in the region, boasts a population exceeding 3.6 million, while its metropolitan region hosts over 6 million inhabitants. Situated along the Lagrain Sea, the Port of Aetinheim stands as one of the largest ports regionally and globally.

Aetinheim official name is the Free City of Aetinheim which reflects its history as a former sovereign nation, as a free imperial city of the Holy Lanlanian Empire, a city-state, and one of the few in the areas that had comprised Oslanburg. Before the Unification of the then-divided state, it was a fully sovereign nation. Before the constitutional changes some decades ago, the stringent civic republic was ruled by a class of hereditary grand burghers.

Aetinheim plays a pivotal role as a major transportation hub and is acclaimed as one of the most affluent cities in the region. Evolving into a nexus of media and industry, it houses key facilities of prominent entities such as Scholden Luftvaerks, RivendeTog (Rail Transportation), Vlakass + Voss (Heavy Equipment), and Gunfrud (Ships). The city's media landscape is enriched by influential broadcasters like God Fjernsyn and esteemed publishers like Spiegel.