Helga Myhre

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Helga Myhre is a lawyer, journalist and politician, and former presidential candidate. She has served in various editorial position in Nyland media, being the managing director and editor for political news of the newspaper “Nyland Liberal” before she announced her resignation to run as independent candidate in the by-election to replace a vacant member of the Nyland parliament in late 1566. She was elected to parliament in Septem 7, 1566, by-election defeating Magnus Tolberg of the Nyland Liberalists.

In 1568, she run as New Centrist List candidate to the Nylander Presidential Elections. She was the second most voted candidate, only be defeated narrowly by the favourite Harrow. Currently she is General Secretary of the New Centrist Alliance and MP.

Early life

Myhre was born in Västerland, Nyland, in Dein 21, 1526. Her father, Werner Myhre, was a lawyer and a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, and her mother, Katja (Kyrkjebo) Myhre was also a lawyer who once ran for election in her native district representing the Nyland Liberalists. Myhre attended to the Wongraven College, where she studied Law and Sociology.

Myhre started her journalism career as a stringer for several newspapers before being hired by the Nyland Liberal in 1553. She became the deputy editor of the newspaper from 1555 and 1558. On late 1558, she became editor por political news of said newspaper, becoming managing director three years later. She resigned on early 1566, announcing her will to explore the chance of running for parliament. At first, it was rumoured that she was offered to run as candidate of the Nyland Liberalists on the next elections, but she decided to run instead as independent candidate.

She is the author of the “Birth of a Liberal”, a 1555 biography about the founder of the Nyland Liberalists, and “Liberalism in Crisis: Why Democracy Matters” in 1562.

Political career

On Alvan 22, 1566 she left journalist to enter Nyland politics as an independent candidate. On Septem 1566 she won the by-election to replace an outgoing Nyland Liberalists MP, winning 37% of the vote and being elected in a surprising outcome. In her tenure as MP, she has voiced issues such as minority and women rights, economic inequality, education, plutocracy and corruption. On 12 Dein 1566, Myhre wrote an op-ed for Nyland Liberal, in which she excoriated the Alamannian government. She is a proponent of sanctions and personal asset seizures and travel bans for officials of that country. More recently, she has proposed similar actions toward Oslan Ibsen's government, following the recent coup d'etat in Oslanburg. She has also defended the need of an international conference in order to deal with violence in Tombossa.

Private life

Myhre is married to Tollak Ingelsson, a writer and radio anchor in a local radio station. They have two children. Her sister Tyra is the CEO of a technology company.