History of Kvaenna

((OOC: This is the history of Kvaenna, obviously. Put your historical events below, and mark your changes/edits up here, if you'd be so kind.))

Added some general Adwestene history, plus some tidbits from Det and DeS when they were under Adwest -- Fal

Added the unification of Arrenland & related events -- Jam

Added major Kolhari events, may expand more on them later. -- Zabuza825

Changed the periodization for the page and added some joint Adwest-Kolhar history. -- Fal

Edited Arrenlander events, added War of the Arrenlander Succession. Added Geinic migration to Arrenland (Possibly to Adwest?). -- Jam

Ancient Period (100 BCE - 0 CE)

1100 BCE: Six tribal sects establish themselves in Kolhar. Tensions between the six sects quickly lead to the First Sect Wars.

800 BCE: Samora sect emerges victorious in the First Sect Wars, establishes the Kingdom of the Samora. Kolhari culture and language starts becoming solidified.

700–600 BCE: Geins from Brigidna enter the region as raiders, traders, and settlers. The Arrenes settle in Arrenland and the surrounding islands.

619 BCE: Several trading city-states spring up in coastal Adwest, most prominent of which are Gregminster and Rubenhaut.

598 BCE: Terenas I Goselinus of Rubenhaut establishes the First Kingdom of Adwest. He quickly conquers much of what is now northern Adwest.

580 BCE: The First Kingdom of Adwest begins expanding inland after consolidating power and assembling military forces. It marches southward, eventually subduing and conquering the De Danaan tribes (people of modern Taeunas) residing in the southernmost tip of the Kvaennan mainland.

517 BCE: The First Kingdom of Adwest moves westward, conquering the island of Detectatia.

500-400 BCE: Original Kolhari sects start to fade away as Kolhari culture becomes more unified, first 6 sects replaced by 8 new sects. Tensions between sects explode into the Second Sect Wars.

Medieval Age (O CE - 1000 CE)

95: Lanlanian missionaries arrive in Adwestene shores and introduce Sentricism. Destrian III Goselinus adopts it as a state religion.

103: Kolhari warrior Nanasi kills Nogra in the Duel at Vakor.

312: Cyneric, later known as "the Great," becomes king of Hylland.

314: The Oklamar unify Kolhar, esablishing the First Kingdom of Kolhar and ending the Second Sect Wars.

317: Wigheard, king of Ephesia, invades Hylland. The Ephesian army is defeated at the Battle of Berewic. (Arrenland)

318–324: King Cyneric conquers the kingdoms of Holte, Beorney, and Sundorland and forms the Arrenland. See Wars of Unification.

325–326: An Arrenlander army under Ælfric of Brocford invades the Kingdom of Riddland and is defeated, securing the independence of Riddland.

329: Lothar VIII Goselinus formally institutionalizes duchies as the basic form of administrative division within Adwest, recognizing the power, rights, and obligations of the nobility towards the king.

378–379: The War of the Arrenlander Succession between Eadred and Beorhtlaf Cynericing.

400: In order to clarify the relationship between the aristocracy and kingdom as a whole, and to soothe tensions arising from an abandoned betrothal, Destrian VI Goselinus introduces an oath of suzerainty for all his vassals, converting them to semi-autonomous polities.

600: The Great Famine begins in Kolhar due to years of mismanagement of resources by the King Felk.

650: Great Famine ends as Kolhari king 'Iri adopts better resource management policies following Felk's death.

1000: Continued decentralization throughout the last couple of centuries fractures the First Kingdom. Royal authority is all but a relic and the nobility war among themselves. In particular, the Duchy of Horatio and the Duchy of Feradlo in the Detectatian peninsula engage in bitter conflict for domination.

Renaissance Age (1000 CE - 1330 CE)

1060: The Free City of Ayand is formed by exiles from Horatio and Feradlo. It swears suzerainty to the Adwestene Crown and becomes a powerful trading polity in western Adwest.

1089: The nobility of Adwest begin adopting Avalsyanism, partly in opposition to the Sentric monarchy and the Sentric Church.

1168: Using economic leverage, Ayand solicits support from the mainland duchies and joins in the conflict for control of the Detectatian peninsula.

1197: The Coup of the 13 Coronets. 13 dukes force Arthas II Goselinus to abdicate and declare the dissolution of the First Kingdom of Adwest. He and his family are subsequently hanged. The United Provinces of Adwest, a loose confederacy of the polities comprising the First Kingdom, is born.

1218: Ayand crushes Horatio and Feradlo and expands its trading power over the entirety of the Detectatian peninsula. It reforms into an absolute monarchy under Reginald IV, a defector from Feradlo, who then declares the new polity on the peninsula as the People's Duchy of Detectatia. He refuses to become part of the United Provinces of Adwest.

1248: The United Provinces of Adwest offer their support to republican forces who wish to restore the previous government in Detectatia in exchange for a promise of Detectatia joining the United Provinces once victory is secured.

1255: The rebellion succeeds and the Liberal Republic of Detectia is formed. As per the agreement, it joins the United Provinces of Adwest.

Industrial Age (1330 CE - 1450 CE)

1332: The Liberal Republic reunifies the Detectatian peninsula, renames itself the Republic of Detectatia, then secedes from the United Provinces of Adwest.

1346: As industrialization spreads through Kvaenna, the Okla sect allies with the other Kolhari sect and rebels against the Oklamar, staring the Okla-Oklamar War.

1353: Okla sect defeats the Oklamar at the First Siege of Kahi, Oklamar surrenders ending the Okla-Oklamar War. The Okla sect establishes the Second Kingdom of Kolhar.

1442: Deep recession hits Kolhar as it lags behind other nations in technology, far-left and far-right ideology's gain popularity. Kolhari Advancement Party is formed.

1445: Adwest threatens Kolhar with invasion, starting an ultranationalist frevor in Kolhar. Kolhari royal family, including the King and Prince joins Kolhari Advancement Party.

Modern Age (1450 CE - Present)

1450: Kolhari King dies, Molor is crowned King. Molor abolishes the monarchy and declares himself Davyl Jaw, establishing a fascist dictatorship.

1457: Revolution explodes in the southern United Provinces, as the De Danaan people execute and exile much of the nobility and declare the formation of the Republic of Taeunas.

1462: Following several other cases of secession leading to its decline, the United Provinces falls into a civil war.

1464: The House Durnador seizes power and initiates the restoration of royalist rule, declaring the formation of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest. Gregory I Durnador passes the Edict of Jaldoria which removed the high nobility (dukes) from power and created a strong, absolutist monarchy guided by the principles of enlightened absolutism.

1467: Gregory I passes the Edict on Faith and Discipline (also known as the First Balfonheim Decree), which centralized Avalsyanist worship in Adwest by establishing the Argent Church and granting it judicial and legal authority.

1471: Molor and Gregory I sign the Treaty of Rubenhaut, establishing diplomatic relations between Adwest and Kolhar. The treaty establishes a non-aggression pact and economic cooperation between the two, among others.

1483: Molor dies of natural causes, power struggle within the Kolhari Advancement Party ensues.

1486: Gouron emerges victorious from power strugle, Krass family's political influence greatly reduced, Hoina Ankai formed in Kolhar.

1488: Secret negotiations between the new leaders of Adwest and Kolhar, Edward I and Gouron respectively, expand the Treaty of Rubenhaut. Adwestene use of cheap Kolhar labor begins, as thousands are sent by Kolhar.

1501: The beginning of the Decade of Strife. Members of the weakened high nobility sought to overthrow the crown once more by supporting a republican insurrection that began with the coming of the 16th century.

1511: After ten years of near-constant internal conflict, the republican insurrection is weakened and forced into underground operations. Instead of punishing the nobles who conspired with them however, Arthur I sought to obtain their support for the monarchy by establishing the Ducal Council and restoring the power of the high nobility.

1512: Tristan II accuses Kolhar of supporting the republican insurrection after discovering the participation of armed Kolhari laborers, employed by the Adwestene high nobility, during the Decade of Strife. The Treaty of Rubenhaut is rescinded, leading to the breakdown of Adwestene-Kolhari relations, and slavery is banned in Adwest by decree of the king.

1550: Gouron dies of natural causes, Arz Brianan succeeds him.

1565: Edward III is assassinated while celebrating his golden jubilee.