History of Marzanna


7300 BCE - Harsh winters and migration of wild herds of animals force nomadic tribes to migrate away from the Eastlands in search of more sources of food.

7200 BCE - Proto-Vostic and Proto-Ukrekian migrant tribes arrive in Marzanna from the Eastlands.

5120 BCE - First proto-Vostic speaking tribes become organized.

5000 BCE - Proto-Ukrekian-speaking tribes scattered throughout proto-Vostic-speaking tribes concentrate/settle in western valleys and mountains. Hunting/gathering/fishing culture shaped by cold climate not suitable for large-scale farming. Religious naturalism (the interconnectivity of man and nature/worship of nature over gods) spreads through Ukrekian lands beginning in the west and moving southeastward.

4600 BCE - Proto-Severyanian Vostic tribes settle the coasts and valleys of the Northern parts of the peninsula. Focus largely on hunting-gathering.

4590 BCE - Severyanian Vostic tribes begin worshipping a pantheon of deities closely tied to the way of the hunter, the spirits of the animals and their own spirits.

4565 BCE - Proto-Saratovian Vostic tribes settle to south where there is plenty of space for gathering and hunting.

3100 BCE - Saratovian tribes begin worshiping deities similar to Severyanian deities. Saratovian tribes shift to hunting and farming.

2935 BCE - Saratovian Tribes establish borders by building wooden walls.

2950 - 2750 BCE - Saratovian Tribes expand southward however some expand partly North-Western too.

2833 BCE - Karjelinnian peoples begin differentiating from the Valisfolk in terms of language, culture. Karjelinnian remain focused on hunting/gathering as Valisfolk shift to pastoralism and farming.

2600-2500 BCE - War breaks out between multiple large Saratovian tribes. The Sarativ Tribe reigns victorious over most of the land.

Early History

2120 BCE - Severyanian-Kubanizan Rivalry begins when Kubanizan and Severyanian hunters come into conflict over hunting grounds.

2033 BCE - Severyanian Tribes shift to herding lifestyle, establish borders via grazing land claims.

2025 BCE - The Sarativ Tribal Despotism expands southward even more.

2001 BCE- Lowland Karjelinnian tribes shift to pastoralism/herding lifestyle, begin disputes over land with neighboring Vostic communities for grazing rights, especially Severyanian tribes. Language and cultural schism between lowland Karjelinnians (Proto-Karjelinnian Proper) and mountain-dwelling Karjelinnians (Proto-Saamojedin) shaped by geographical differences. Valisfolk/Transkarjelinnians begin to split from Karjelinnians in the south.

1995 BCE - Conflicts erupt among Karjelinnian tribes following the growing exodus of Valisfolk in an attempt to establish and maintain power. Skirmishes are minor with no observable outcome, Karjelinnians remain clannish with no central organization and with local tribal leaders.

1975 BCE - The Sarativ Despotism conquers evem more this time to east sparking a possible confrontation with other civilizations. Sarativ Borders are drawn as a result. The Despotism forms unfriendly relations with the countries bordering it.

1970 BCE - Severii Tribal Confederation is formed by Burya “Deathbane”. The Severyan Pantheon is cut down to five main deities with a miscellaneous amount of minor deities.

1962 BCE - Kubanizan clans united under the first Hetman.

1945 BCE- Doran Rus conquered by the Severii Tribal Confederation under leadership of Bushevat Buryasyn.

1920’s BCE - Basic Hierarchy that would stick with the Doran people is formed by the Severii Tribal Confederation during this time.

1901 BCE- Major Doran territories ceded to Kubanizan Hetmanate by the Severyanian Tribal Confederation.

1874 BCE- Doran begin to Worship Silth as Primary Spirit/Deity.

1830 BCE - Severii Tribal Confederation reforms into the “Severyan Korolevstvo”, Korol Alexiev “the First” is crowned.

1800 BCE - Severyan Korolevstvo recaptures territory lost to Kubaniza.

1790 BCE - The Sarativ Despotism reforms into the Saratovan Imperiya. The Empire stops expanding, and begins investing in its Economy and Infrastructure.

1779 BCE - Doran Rebellion within the Severyan Korolevstvo begins. (Formation of Alliance of Thanes that would evolve into the Doran Knights [i.e. Teutonic Order]). Death of Alexiev “the First”, his daughter Karina is crowned as Koroleva.

1770s BCE - Karjelinnian borders roughly drawn to protect grazing lands from foreign cultures, vast majority of tribes [Saamojedic peoples maintain autonomy, lie outside of Karjelinnian borders in the northwest] have unified and self-identify as Karjelinnians Proper. Karjelinnians Proper focus on maintaining autonomy in the midst of growing powers; adopts a defensive/reactionary military policy that lasts until the present day. Begin resisting the influx/influence of Vostics. The amount of dead from Doran/Severyanian battles draw massive flocks of carrion birds. The Crow becomes a Symbol of Doran National Strength. The Doran Rebellion ends with small concessions from the Severyanians and the formation of a minor Doran nation.

1767-64 BCE - Saratov begins excelling in art, science, and other forms of entertainment. A new Emperor comes to power ensuring peace for Saratov. Karjelinn-Transkarjelinn cultural split becomes more-or-less definitive as the latter begins migrating further east, looking for better pastures for their cattle and horses. Death of Karina “the Noble,” crowning of Iosef I.

1742 BCE - The Recstag and Udanan tribes from stronger trade alliance.

1718 BCE - Push for unification among Karjelinnians Proper begins.

1705-02 BCE - Death of Iosef I, Korol Iosef II the “Butcher” is crowned. Major Severyanian-Kubanizan border conflicts devolve into proper warfare. Beginning of the First Crimson War, Doran lands turned into battleground. Korol Iosef orders the execution of thousands of civilians, both Severyanian and Kubanizan, in order to strike fear into the enemy, and obedience into the populace. First “national” leader of Karjelinn Proper, Walkoinan, takes power after being chosen by a counsel of tribal leaders. Makes great strides during his 15-year rule in better unifying Karjelinnians Proper culturally and linguistically. Begins the tradition of having one central leader elected by regional leaders. Officially marks the beginning of Tribal Confederation Karjelinn.

1698 BCE - Severyanian and Kubanizan diplomats appeal to the Doran Thanes, in an attempt to force them to join one kingdom or the other in the war.(Undrian Tribes join Severyanians, Marthe tribes join Kubaniza)

1660 BCE - The end of the First Crimson War, Kubaniza makes some gains. Doran tribes emerge more united.

1642 BCE - Led by Szent Mikály (Saint Michael) the Great, the Transkarjelinnians arrive in present-day Váliszföldek. According to tradition, Mikály becomes the first King of Váliszföldek.

1598 BCE- Boleslaw Broadblade distinguishes himself in combat. Becomes High Chief of Undrian/Marthe tribes.

1554 BCE - First army of Karjelinn Proper formed from a coalition of tribal warriors. Leader Talwilumminan develops a standardized training, dietary regimen for soldiers and drafts early orders of battle.

1528 BCE - Thanes of Recstag and Broadblade Clan begin fighting over raids along Udanan/Undrian coasts.(Draw Kubaniza into conflict? that’s fine with jam)

1513 BCE - All but the Marthe Tribes structure fall apart do to years of conflict. Undrians secede after the last of the Broadblade Clan is slain.

1484 BCE - The Valisfolk/Transkarjelinnians finish their transition from pastoralism to Pastoral farming, settling the land permanently and adopting agriculture while retaining strong cultural links with their nomadic past.

1420 BCE- Karjelinnians Proper begin encroaching on western Saamojedic lands for water rights; conflicts break out.

1400s BCE - Saamojedic tribes fall to Karjelinnan Proper army, Karjelinnian borders reach western coast and Saamojedic peoples become part of Karjelinnian territory. Karjelinnian language declared as national language.

1344 BCE - Marthe tribes begin to transition their herding culture tribes men into hard riding cavalry.

1256 BCE - Twin Brothers Roman and Draco are exiled from a Recstag tribes a both go north. Roman joins the Undrain tribes, Draco joins Udanan Tribes. Both Unite the feuding coast tribes and form separate raiding fleets. They Raid each other and the coast in either direction. Later in Doran myth/history they become known as the Twin Dragons for their ferocity.

Dark Era

1199 BCE - Korol Nikolai “the Bold” crowned. Severyan Korolevstvo issues a strong “Elenchus Requirit” (list of demands) to the Kubanizan Hetmanate, demands include return of lands taken in First Crimson War and monetary compensation for raided trade.

1199 BCE - The Hetman of Kubaniza refuses the Severyanian demands and the Korol attempts to enforce the demands, beginning the Second Crimson War.

1193 BCE - Seeing the violence starting again a Thane unites the Recstag tribes and a number of Marthe tribes. Protecting the border area that would become the border region of later Doran nations.

1190 BCE - The Second Crimson War ends with some territorial gains made by the Severyan Korolevstvo.

1187 BCE - A Kubanizan invasion of Marthe begins. The events of the Doran holiday “Silent Night” take place. The Invasion of Duran is halted, long enough for the Recstag and Marthe clans to unite to form a competing force.

1183-1100 BCE - An outbreak of “Black Fever” springs up in Severyane. Black Fever reaches Karjelinnian borders. The seclusion of villages due to the mountainous terrain keeps the plague contained mainly to the eastern lowlands. Around five percent of the total population dies between ~1180 BCE and 1145 BCE. “Black Fever” spreads to Doran Tribes and the Kubanizan Hetmanate, thousands of people die as a result. The death toll in Severyane rises to 12,000. Kubanizan invasion of Duran ends inconclusively as the disease spread through war camps. Descendants of Draco and Roman come together to form the Kingdom of Uub out as a result of feeling threatened by Recstag Thanedom. “Black Fever” pandemic ends, the death toll lies at 98,000. Black Fever scares and outbreaks drive thousands of Dorans, Kubanizans and Severyanians south and west away from the centers of the disease.

1101-1000 BCE - Communities to the southwest of Severyane, formed by the migrants away from the northern and eastern regions, begin to grow in population, mixing Doran, Kubanizan, and Severyanian bloodlines.

Late Dark Era

895 BCE - Scribe (today recognized as national author) Koorpiwallonan credited with the foundation of literary Karjelinnian with the publication of the Luoddulaulli (Karjelinn’s national epic.)

846 BCE - Communities southwest of Severyane begin to form small principalities as some towns outgrew others.

814 BCE - Severyane invades southwestern regions to expand their agrarian resource base, subduing the disapparate Principalities and destroying most of their leaders.

759-622 BCE - Resistance in the Biyran Province as the Southwest became known grows slowly, peaking in several ill-planned revolts in the later part of the era.

622 BCE - Korol Ivan “the Great” of Severyane launches an invasion of Kubaniza with a large army. Third Crimson War.

602 BCE - Korol Ivan’s army captures the Kubanizan Hetman, forcing the Hetmanate to sue for peace. Korol Ivan grants Biyra Autonomy, forming the first Principality of Biyra. Korol Ivan turns the Hetmanate into a client state. (beginning of the rise of the First Severyanian Czardom.) Third Crimson War ends.

600 BCE - 400 BCE - Internal conflict, including Kubanizan uprisings, prevents expansion of Severyan Korolevstvo. Kubanizan Hetmanate gains autonomy.

Expansion, Decline and Collapse of the Severyan Czardom

299 BCE - Korol Ivan the Ninth resumes the campaign started by his progenitor in 602 BCE, his campaign against the Kubanizan Hetmanate gains him the title “the Insane” because of his tendency to raze villages and kill all the inhabitants in the most gruesome of ways. Ivan “the Insane” absorbs the Kingdom of Biyra in the process.

290 BCE - Korol Ivan “the Insane” begins a campaign against the Kathar Khanate (Marthe) after conquering the Kubanizan Hetmanate.

263 BCE- The Free Cities of Udana join the Czardom after a series of trade deals. Czar Petr “the Mad” is Crowned.

260 BCE - Taras Nalynsky, a prominent Kubanizan nobleman, crowns himself the Hetman of Kubaniza and declares war against the Vostic Czardom.

259 BCE - After several unsuccessful campaigns against the Karjelinnians, Czar Petr “the Mad” constructs a five hundred kilometer long wall to solidify the Vostic-Karjelinnian border.

258 BCE - After years of back-and-forth raiding, Hetman Nalynsky leads an invasion of the Vostic Czardom.Beginning of the Third Crimson War. Karjelinnians along the Vostic-Karjelinnian border attack workmen constructing Korol Petr’s wall, accusing them of taking land rightfully belonging to Karjelinnians.

257 BCE - Czar Petr mobilizes his forces to defend the unconstructed wall from Karjelinnian raiders. Karjelinn responds by sending in troops, enforces its first draft on Saamojedic peoples.

254 BCE - Hetman Nalynsky forces a stalemate against Vostic forces, de facto independence of Kubaniza.

253 BCE - After years of back-and-forth raiding, Hetman Nalynsky leads an invasion of the Vostic Czardom.Beginning of the Third Crimson War. Karjelinnians along the Vostic-Karjelinnian border attack workmen constructing Korol Petr’s wall, accusing them of taking land rightfully belonging to Karjelinnians.

252 BCE - Doran Thanedoms and Biyran Principality achieve independence from Vostic Czardom, the Czardom collapses and reverts to the Severyan Korolevstvo.

251 BCE - Kubanizans resume raids in Severyanian lands.

Rise of the Hetmanate

250 BCE - Following Kubanizan raids, the Severyanian Korol issues Writs of Brand and Reprisal, legally authorizing gangs of marauders to base themselves in the Severyan Korolevstvo and raid the Kubanizan Hetmanate. Kubanizan Hetmanate invades, and seizes large swaths of territory from Severyan Korolevstvo, killing thousands and pillaging across Severyane. Fourth Crimson War. Portions of the wall are completed, though Korol Petr lost many men defending against the Karjelinnian onslaught. Korol Petr draws away important military resources from the fight with the Kubanizans, and uses them to continue the fight against the Karjelinnians.

248 BCE - Fourth Crimson War ends, Severyane is occupied by Kubanizan Hetmanate. Severyanian aristocracy is left in place and forced to pay tribute and homage.

248 BCE - Border conflicts with Biyran Principality begin to drain Kubanizan resources.

245 BCE - Radisowicz of Biyra is bestowed the crown after the Prince died without an heir. He becomes Vadim “The First” or Vadim “The Saviour”, forming the Kingdom of Biyra

244 BCE - Korol Petr dies. Mass revolts across Severyane eventually defeated by Kubanizan forces.

Era of Severyan Succession

242 BCE - Karjelinnians forced to cede to superior military of Severyane. The wall is completed, though several years behind schedule and highly over budget.

232 BCE - Korol Leonid the Second is attacked by his brother, Artyom “the Daft” and his pretender army. Leonid destroys his brother's army at [Kubanizan field area] and executes his brother in the “Orel Krovi” (Blood Eagle) fashion.

231 BCE - Oleg “the Bastard” murders his father Leonid the Second, and becomes Korol.

222 BCE - Korol Oleg gains notoriety after it is discovered that he had been abducting, murdering, and performing autopsies on unsuspecting young women. He is murdered by his honor guard and his son is put on the throne.

220 BCE - Korol Bellim dies of Typhoid.

214 BCE - Koroleva Lena is raped and murdered by Karjelinnian raiders who ambush her caravan.

212 BCE - Weakness in Severyannian leadership sparks uprising in the early spring among ethnic Karjelinnians on Severyanian side of the Wall to reclaim the land for Karjelinn. Karjelinnian troops sent across the wall in the summer.

212 BCE - Severyanian Militias, along with Kubanizan Garrisons, rally to hold off the Karjelinnian assault. First War of the Wall begins.

210 BCE - Large portions of the wall are destroyed during the conflict, allowing many ethnic Karjelinnians in Severyane to settle near the border. Major casualties from both sides. The First War of the Wall ends in a decidedly Karjelinnian victory.

210 BCE - Korol Jakob “the Fat” dies of asphyxiation.

208 BCE - Korol Mikhail kills himself.

205 BCE - Korol Jorim refuses to swear allegiance and pay tribute to Hetman Mavel Nalynsky, he rebels against Kubanizan Hetmanate’s authority.

202 BCE - Severyane achieves independences from Kubanizan Hetmanate

200 BCE - Korol Jorim is assassinated by Kubanizan patriots.

1 CE

Second War of the Wall and its Aftermath

765 CE - Duke Fyodor Tserovich founds the first Severyan Tsardom, legitimizing his rule by finding a link between his bloodline and that of Korol Jorim Tsyerovich's. He unites the fractal Severyan Principalities under his rule.

766 CE - Several Severyanian Dukes, under the leadership of Tsar Fyodor, gather armies at an old Fort near Petr’s Wall to attack the Karjelinnians and seize the resource rich areas near the border. Karjelinnians respond by deploying troops to defend the border.

771 CE - After several years of periodic skirmishes with few major battles and fewer casualties than the First War of the Wall, the Second War of the Wall ends in a draw with minor cessions of land from Karjelinn to Severyanne. The Treaty of Aammu defines Karjelinn’s official eastern and southeastern borders for the first time. Projects to dismantle the wall begin.

779 CE - Karjelinn and (Unclaimed Nation A to the North of Severyane) agree to a border following the Cove Outlet River and extending along Buckhead Pass. Tribal Confederation Karjelinn’s entire land border is officially drawn from coast-to-coast for the first time.

801 CE - Most of the wall along the Severyane-Karjelinn border has been dismantled. Short sections are maintained as look-out posts for the Karjelinnian side.

932 CE - Under the leadership of Chief Tribesman Vaskanan, the Karjelinnian Constitution is penned and agreed upon by regional leaders. Leaders of predominantly Saamojedic regions are largely absent from the vote. The first Parliament is established. Tribal Confederation Karjelinn is now the Parliamentary Republic of Karjelinn.

Rise and Fall of the Second Severyan Czardom

1280 CE - Korol Nikolai the Nineteenth launches an invasion of the Kubanizan Hetmanate after several years of border tension. He claims that it is a de jure state of the Severyan Korolevstvo, and thus aims to conquer the nation. He also establishes the Second Severyan Czardom.

1298 CE - The Kubanizan Hetmanate falls to overwhelming Severyanian Royalist forces.

1322 CE - Severyan Duke Fyodor Kavinski pens the book On the Rights of Men, and of Socialism, and describes what will become the Socialist ideology.

1400 CE - Doran Clan heads begin organizing guerrilla resistance against Royalists.

1440 CE - Young farmer and dissident, Vladimir Perov, forms the basis for the communist ideology by pulling from the writings of Fyodor Kavinski and establishing the basis for a path to a "utopian world."

1445 CE - Vladimir Perov pens the book The World on the Yoke of the Worker, further describing how to achieve communism through socialism.

1456 CE - Vladimir Perov founds a secret political group to oppose the Vostic royalists, and put into place a Communist government of the Vostic people. The group is named Vostic People’s Worker Movement

1465 CE - A combination of weak Royalist leadership, uprisings in Kubaniza and Duran, and economic stagnation cause the Korol of Severyane to abdicate the throne. A constitutional monarchy is established.

Rise of the Union of Socialist Republics, and the Birth of Communism

1467 CE - Weakness of Tsar Tito’s reign leads to revolts in Kubaniza and Duran.

1467 CE - The Constitutional Monarchy led by Tsar Tito I, facing growing unpopularity and lack of support from the people, as well as having raised every tax imaginable dissolves itself. Vladmir Perov seizes control of the government and establishes a “nation of equality for the people.” His movement gains massive popularity after he grants the same rights to the Kubanizans and Dorans as the Severyans for the first time in the nation’s history. Perov orders the seizure of all privately owned business, upsetting the Capitalist factions and forcing many to emigrate from Severyane. Several Capitalists who refused to leave rise up against the new Communist Government, rallying a great few to their cause. The newly formed People’s Red Army is ordered to put down the Capitalist uprising by any means necessary. Several dozen are killed and hundreds are arrested.

1467 - 1481 CE - After successfully suppressing internal dissent, Communist forces begin to negotiate with the Doran and Kubanizan rebels as a result of Perov’s opinion of the Freedom Fighters, offering them amnesty and refraining from attacking (preferring to defend from the Guerilla attacks in order to not stir up more animosity) while limiting incursions by large military forces into heavily anti-statist areas of the Kubanizan and Duran territories.

1485 - The Saratov Empire faces economic troubles, and sparks a Communist Revolution. The Saratov King “insert-name-here” is assassinated while attempting to escape his palace. The new government petitions to join the Union of Socialist Republics.

1486 - The Socialist Federation of Saratov is accepted as an autonomous territory of the USR.

1487 - Duran Rebels first to accept annually offered amnesty, ending the main Duran Revolution. Small Extremist Sects still propagate.

1493 - Kubanizans accept amnesty after years under a ceasefire agreement, officially ending the Civil War.

Rise of the Union of People's Republics and Dictatorship

1500 - Vladmir Perov dies of emphysema. An interim Premier, Leonid Tereshenko is chosen to lead the fledgling Union of Socialist Republics.

1520 - Gregor Perov, grandson of Vladmir Perov, is chosen as Premier of the Union of Socialist Republics. He quickly removes the power of the legislature and establishes complete control over the military by executing every officer above the rank of Colonel. He begins to dismantle the intricate and progressive Civil Rights system instituted by his grandfather and begins to establish Severyanian “Cultural Colonies” in key industrial and agricultural areas in Duran and Kubaniza.

1521 - Kubanizan and Duran Revolutionary Cells become active again, fighting a guerilla war against the largely Severyan-enlisted Unionist Army. Small Severyanian Revolutionary cells appear, but are limited in number.

1521 - 1525 CE - An internal coup attempt within the Communist Party throws Severyane into near total chaos. Kubanizan rebel forces, led by Vasily Bukanko, allied with Doran rebel forces, led by Marshal Draco Romano, begin the official fight for independence.

1525 CE - Kubaniza, Duran, Saratov and Angmar achieve independence from Severyane. Communist Party successfully holds onto power in Severyane.

Modern Day

1526 CE - Having become heavily radicalized, corrupt, and genocidal, thanks to Premier Gregor Perov, the People’s Council and the People’s Armed Forces successfully initiate a Perevorot and execute Gregor Perov on the anniversary of the end of the Winter War. They scrap the old policies and put into place a new Socialist system based on the Civil Rights and Economic reforms of Vladmir Perov.

1527 CE - Vasily Bukanko ascends to ancient seat as Hetman of Kubaniza. Severyanian and Karjelinnian officials sign a Non-Aggression Pact in Zylnka after a series of diplomatic talks. As a result of the negotiations, and the treaty, the Karjelinnian government agrees to assist the Severyanians in rebuilding civil structures such as hospitals.

1540 CE - The People’s Council begins attempts at reconciliation with the Kubanizans and Dorans, so as to improve relations and re-open avenues of trade. They blame misdeeds against their people under the Union on Gregor Perov and his misguided, and blatantly fascist, policy changes. The People’s Council reinstates all of Vladmir Perov’s Civil Rights Reforms and Policies, including giving amnesty to any rebels.