Kombash Women's University

Kombash Women's University is a public women's university located in Pardëqytet, Kyrzbekistan. It is considered one of the largest university for women in the world.

The university offers diplomas, bachelor and postgraduate degrees. It has over 50,000 students in 28 colleges in the city of Pardëqytet and in neighbouring cities, a preparatory year program for foreign first year undergraduate students, an Kyrzbekistani Language Institute (for non-speakers of Arberësh and Kyrzbek languages), a Deanship of Community Service and Continuous Education, and a Community College. It has more than 4000 academic and administrative staff.

The Kombash Women's University admits students solely on the basis of merit, regardless of their family’s income level, and nearly all students are on full scholarship with many as the first in their family to attend university. Through its student exchange program for foreign citizens, the University is aimed to graduating generations of women leaders who will tackle their countries’ social, economic, and political issues independently of their cultural, ethnic, and religious background.

History and Name

The university was founded in 1579 and it was inaugurate on Quartyr 6 of the same year by Governor Domika Kongoli. "Kombash" means "western" in Kyrzbek language, and it makes reference that the university it is located in the western side of the country, in the state of Kombash-Kenlyukya.

The opening of the university was controversial, as Kyrzbekistan is a secular state and the federal government has enforced mixed education legislation since 1569. However, Domika Kongoli, who was Minister of Education when the project was started, argued that a federal women's college may bring a chance for girls whose parents are too conservative for accepting mixed classes, and therefore offering them access to higher education. The university has also an expected role in spreading the influence of Kyrzbekistan abroad, specially in nearby Near East nations.

The College Library has an own building, known as section 12, dedicated to women's literature and gender studies, which is considered the largest women's library of higher education in the Near East.

The campus of the Kombash Women's University is located in Pardëqytet, a small town -previously known as Nardana- which is named after late Minister of Finance Enver Pardë (1517-1579).

College and Departments

Health Colleges

  • College of Medicine
  • College of Dental Sciences
  • College of Nursing
  • College of Pharmacy
  • College of Medical Technology

Social Sciences Colleges

  • College of Business and Administration
  • College of Economics
  • College of Political Science
  • College of Sociology
  • College of Law
  • College of International Relations

Technological and Information Science

  • College of Engineering
  • College of Computer Sciences
  • College of Mathematical Sciences
  • College of Physics
  • College of Chemistry
  • College of Technological Research
  • College of Biology

Humanities College

  • College of Art an Design
  • College of History
  • College of Translation and Linguistics
  • College of Arberian Language and Literature
  • College of Kyrzbek Language and Literature
  • College of Near East languages
  • College of Geography and History
  • College of Philosophy
  • College of Psychology and Education
  • College of Gender Studies

The Deanship of Community Service and Continuous Education offers various diploma options. The Kyrzbekistani Language Institute (for foreign students) offers grant scholarships to non-speakers of Arberesh and Kyrzbek languages. The Institute has over 500 students from more than 20 countries.

Campus services and facilities

The campus was constructed in a record time of 14 months, supported by 80,000 construction workers and the lastest building machinery and methodologies. It is 6 million square meters in size, with a maximum capacity of 80,000 students. The campus has 500 high-tech, smart buildings, large-capacity students dormitories, various models of faculty residence units, and five spacious, state-of-the-art recreation centers. In addition, it has pre-schools, primary schools, intermediate and secondary schools. It also has large central library, research centers, an university hospital, student support centers, sport facilities that students can use, two convention centers and autonomated metro system.

Although Pardëqytet is located in the middle of a desert, and the area around is barely inhabited, the town has a large train station which communicates which the main towns of the state and even a small airport 5 kms from the campus.

Sustainable Design

  • Water recycling plant
  • Solar thermal plant
  • 3000 sq. meters of Solar Panels, which provide 20% of heating and 35% of air-conditioning needs

Central Library

Interior of the Central Library

The library holds over 2 million books, mainly in Kyrzbek, Arberesh, Ashked, and Florinthian languages, with a maximum capacity of 8 million, in addition to numerous journal subscriptions, government publications, dissertations, databases, and manuscripts.

Research Centers

Social Research and Women's Studies

  • Institute of Social History
  • Institute of Critical Sociology
  • Human and Social Development Research
  • Family and Women's Studies Research
  • Institute of Feminist Theory
  • Institute of Socialist Political Economy

Natural Sciences Research Center

  • Institute of Kyrzbekistani Zoology
  • Institute of Petrochemical Technology

University Hospital of Pardëqytet

The hospital has 300 beds, the largest simulation center in Kyrzbekistan, and research centers and laboratories in the fields of Nanotechnology, Information Technology and Biosciences.

Student Support Centers

  • Clubs and Student Councils
  • Union Offices
  • Meeting Rooms and Offices
  • Media and screening rooms
  • Restaurants and Cafes
  • Leisure centers
  • Bookstores
  • Pharmacy
  • Supermarket
  • Bank

Convention center

  • 5 large halls
    • 3,000 seats (largest in the state)
    • 2,400 seats
    • 1,350 seats
    • 1,350 seats
    • 800 seats
  • 13 conference and meeting rooms


Due to the physical size of the campus, an efficient means of transporting students needed to be developed. To this end, a 12 km automated guideway transit system was constructed. The network, built to light metro standards, opened in 1580 and has 2 lines and 10 stations. It has 22 subway trains, each having a maximum capacity of up to 100 passengers and a maximum speed of 60 km/h. The driverless technology used in the trains is the same as that of the Ayduramazan Metro.

Academic programmes

  • Pre-undergraduate: the Kombash Women's University recruits underserved women, many of whom have not had adequate secondary school training due to their backgrounds. Therefore the University specially designed Access Academy, a one-year program which offers intensive preparation in computer literacy, reading and writing, scientific thought, global history, and other critical subjects.

Given the state of secondary school preparation in many of the communities from which students come, the university has found that even one year of Access Academy is not sufficient to prepare students from certain communities for rigorous undergraduate curriculum. Therefore, it offers the Pathways for Future programme to students who require a longer period of intensive preparation in Kyrzbek language, math, and computer literacy before enrolling in Access Academy.

  • Undergraduate: Kombash Women's University offers a rigorous liberal arts undergraduate curriculum that emphasizes the development of skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical leadership. The students choose from the following four majors: Economics; Natural Sciences; Philosophy, Politics & Economics; and Public Health Studies.

Internship & Careers: The University offers opportunities for students to participate in applied research projects, study programs, and internships to prepare them for professional life after college.

International partnerships

  • Federal University of Ayduramazan, Kyrzbekistan
  • State University of Qenderë, Kyrzbekistan
  • University of Seznica, Mordvania
  • V. Perov National Institute of Science, Severyane
  • Severograd University, Severyane
  • Zylnka University, Severyane
  • R. Gregorovich University of Engineering, Severyane
  • Krasnograd University, Severyane
  • Borogorod University, Severyane


Some critics have argued that some classes lack academic standards. A report by Murë Deresleq, a conservative newspaper, estimated that 40% of the professors were identified as members or sympathizers of the ruling Socialist People's Party. However, an article published in Septem 1580 by Ina Denbya, a pro-government newspaper, reported many innacuracies in the Murë Deresleq authors.

The creation of the university was highly criticized by Akhadic organizations and political parties, such as the Kyrzbek National Party which accused the university of "promoting radical secularism" and "brainwashing the youth minds". The Akhadic Society, in a dossier published in late 1581, denounced that the theological subjects for the 1580-1581 year were "biased and blasphemous" in both "the content and the style".

The Akhadist terror group Dakh-Sumakh called to "burn...the university to the ground". In Septem 1581, the Revolutionary Guard arrested two suspects in Frashëri accused of planning to activate a car bomb in front of one of the university libraries.