Lanlania (country)

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Lanlania (Template:IPA), officially the Kingdom of Lanlania, is a country within the Holy Lanlanian Empire. It has no land borders, though is located south of Galeae and southwest of Aurentine, with the Landaran Sea in between. To its south and west lies the Lagrain Sea, while the Loche Sea rests to its east. The island of Lanlania makes up the bulk of the country, though the country does contain nine other large islands and over one-hundred smaller ones.

The island has been inhabited for over 40,000 years, though takes it names after the Line, one of the Geinic tribes that settled on the island in the 8th century BCE. Lanlania has been unified since the 2nd century BCE and has had a broad impact on the world since. The Lanlian language is spoken across the world and Lanlanian law serves as the basis of common law legal systems for many states. The Messanite Sentric Church has been heavily influenced by the Holy Lanlanian Empire, while the Lanlanian parliamentary system serves as a model for many others. Lanlania was one of the first countries to industrialize during the Brigidnan Industrial Revolution.

Lanlania is predominantly hills and plains, the latter making up the heart of the island. The east and west regions do contain some taller mountains. Halvadag, the capital of Lanlania, is the largest metropolitan area in not only Lanlania, but Brigidna as a whole. The population of 59 million comprises approximately 47% of the Holy Lanlanian Empire's total population and is largely focused in central Lanlania.

The Kingdom of Lanlania ceased to be a sovereign state in 142 BCE, after King Theodor V was crowned Emperor of the Gein by the Aldes after the conversion of the Gein to the Messanic Faith.


The Lanlian name "Lïnlund" originates from the Old Lanlian "Lïnnalund", which means "land of the Lines". The Lines were the largest Geinic tribe to settle on the island during the 8th century. The origin of the tribe's name itself is disputed, though the primary belief is that it referred to the lines the Lines wore on their body for battle. The earliest known usage of the name "Lines" is an engraving in the tomb of Theodor I — considered the first King of Lanlanians — which reads "hïgr villa Ŧëdörr, kïnn ev darr Lïnva": "here lies Theodor, King of the Lines". The tomb dates back to the 4th century, when the Lines were believed to rule over half the island.

The first usage of the name "Lïnlund" traces to a Lanlanian document from the 3rd century, which denoted Edgar II as "Kïn ev darr Lïn endr Suvränne ev Lïnlund": "King of the Lines and Sovereign of Lanlania".
