MT-6 Styrke

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The MT-6 is a main battle tank developed by Vlakass+Voss between 1548-1556 for the Oslanburgan Army. The tank first entered service in 1560 and succeeded the earlier MT-5 Tapperhed as the main battle tank of the Oslanburgan Army. Various versions have served in the armed forces of Oslanburg and three other countries. More than 1080~ MT-6s have been manufactured so far. The MT-6 has so far not seen any conflict with the Oslanburgan Army, though it has been involved in some conflicts with Singan.


The MT-6 Stalker was developed towards the end of the 1540s as a successor to the venerable MT-5 Tapperhed, and as a response to the Holy Lanlanian Empire M50 Kasjare. The MT-6 contract went to Kraus-Delhi, and was the first Oslanburgan vehicle to adopt Mokdens-3 armour. Adaptations during the late 1540s improved the vehicle’s fire control systems and CBRN protection. These systems were further upgraded in the mid 1550s, as well as the engine, which featured improved fuel economy and was more reliable than its predecessor.


The first attempt to replace the aging MT-5 tank wasthe MT-X1, developed in partnership with Ostland in the early 1540s. The MT-X1 had advanced features such as height-adjustable pneumatic suspension and a turret design that allowed the driver to be housed with the rest of the crew, yet always face the direction of travel. The vehicle ultimately proved too heavy, complex, and expensive. As a result of its imminent failure, His Majesty's Armey commissioned the MT-X2, which became known as the MT-6

The Oslanburgan government cancelled the MT-X1 in Treizen 1547, and redistributed the funds to MT-X2 in Alvan 1548. Prototypes were delivered 1548 armed with a 120mm gun from the MT-5 Tapperhed.

Production of vehicles for military use commenced in 1551 and vehicles officially entered service in 1556. These vehicles were manufactured at the Verkhoy Automotive tank plant in the small town of Ludor, outside of Herlev.

The 1551 production model featured a 120mm smooth bore originally developed for the MT-5, improved armor, and a NBC protection system. A few hundred systems were built for the Oslanburgan Army, at a cost of 5.7 million a unit. In 1561, the MT-6 was criticized for low fuel efficiency compared to contemporary tanks of the period.




The Stryke has two groups of four 80 mm smoke mortars that are mounted on either side of the turret and can be electrically fired either as single rounds or in salvos of four. These are capable of blocking both visual and thermal imaging. They are mounted on most MT-6 models, with the exception of the 6A0, which are equipped instead with a 50mm smoke mortar system with six barrels on each side. The MT-6 is also capable of creating smoke by injecting diesel fuel into the exhaust manifolds.

The crew is also protected against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) threats, as the Stryke is equipped with a NBC over pressurization system which provides up to 4 mbar over-pressure inside of the vehicle.

Active Protection Systems

The MT-6 Styreke is equipped with a Vulten protection system. The soft-kill suite consists of two electro-optic countermeasure units in modular box units on either side of the forward turret, as well as computer-cued smoke grenade discharge systems hooked up to six forward multipurpose 80mm grenade dischargers, as well as any others that may have been mounted to the tank. The grenade dischargers can be equipped with smoke, infra-red screening and anti-personnel rounds.

The hard-kill component is a two-stage counter munition launcher. In its standard configuration, the MT-6 mounts four vertical launching countermeasure units. This creates a total of 8 long range interception rockets and sixteen vertical launching shotgun-pattern pellet dispenser units for closer range target interception. The addition of the long range direct kill interception unit is designed to decrease collateral damage where possible, while the standard close range anti-munitions canister rounds are still fitted to the vehicle in the event that it is necessary.


The Styrke is protected by Mokdens-3 armour, a further development of Mokdens-2. Mokdens-3 is a composite armor formed by spacing multiple layers of various alloys of steel, ceramics, plastic composites, and Kevlar. An antispall liner of Kevlar is included inside of the vehicle. Further developments in 1561, saw all non-export production models feature a depleted depleted uranium in the front of the turret and hull.

Damage Control

The Styrke is equipped with a novron firefighting system that automatically engages and extinguishes the fire within a matter of moments. The engine compartment is equipped with a second fire-suppressions system, which is engaged by pulling a T-handle located on the right side of the hull. In addition, there are several small hand-held extinguishers located in the crew compartment. Fuel and ammunition are both stored in armoured blowout compartments to protect the crew from fuel and ammunition cook-offs if the tank is damaged.



The MT-6A2 is equipped with the 125 mm SC12.4 smoothbore ETC gun, which replaced the previous 120 mm ETC gun of the MT-6A1. The gun is capable of firing all of the most common tank munitions including.HEAT, HESH, AP, HE, APDS, APFSDS, and much more. Development of a thermobaric round for use in urban combat is rumored to be under way. The barrel is designed with a built in cooling sleeve that cycles water through the system via a small on board supply and discharges heat at the same location as the engine does.

Ammunition is stored in in the turret with the automatic reloader and gun.


The MT-6 is equipped with two machine guns, and one automatic cannon:


The fire control system features both manual and automatic aiming modes which can be toggled during combat and a hunter-killer capability. The system’s sensors feature a camera with thermal vision, a laser sensor and a EO/IIR sensor aligned with the gun. Both the commander and gunner feature they’re own periscope system that can toggle between normal and thermal vision. They also feature a laser range finder and laser designator. The periscopes feature a full 360 degree turning and 60 degree elevation and depression

The gun aligned sensors can be covered with a protective slap of metal to protect it from shrapnel and/or excessive moister when it is otherwise not use. The internal system features a control for both commanders and two imaging displays. With one featuring the periscope’s image and the other the main gun’s camera.

Controls also feature an commander’s overwrite as part of its hunter-killer capabilities where the gunner can engage one target while the commander searches for a new target, and can quickly take controls to aim and fire at the new target. The aim method can be changed between several modes.


The MT-6 Styrke is powered by a 1,700 shaft horsepower Vlakass+Voss MAT43 multi fuel turbine engine, with a eight speed (six forward, two reverse) VVK T.85 hydrokinetic semi-automatic. The multi-fuel engine can accept diesel, kerosene, gasoline, and jet fuel. This system has proven to be extremely reliable in combat, as witnessed with it's usage with the Singanese. With its only downside being its high fuel-consumption.


File:MT6A2 Field.png
MT-6A2 fitted with a normal combat package.

MT-6A0 Styrke

The baseline MT-6A0 was the first series manufactured version. Altogether 380 of these were built, most are currently in store though a few remain in active service in Singan

MT-6A1 Styrke

The second version of the MT-6, it included upgrades to armour, electronic systems, a new diesel engine but the main upgrade was the replacement of the 120 mm smooth bore solid propellant gun, with 120 mm ETC gun. A total of 425 of these were built.


The MT-6A1T is an Tiejungo version of the MT-6A1 utilizing newer technology such as command, control, and fire control systems, as well as reinforced modular armor and long-term combat capacity.. Significant modifications include: an up-powered diesel engine and Tiejungo produced active protection systems and an up-armored chassis.

MT-6A2 Styrke

The latest version of the Styrke, which has just had service in 1565. Upgrades included the replacement of the diesel engine with a multi fuel turbine engine, a new transmission system, along with the replacement of the 120 mm ETC gun, with a 125 mm ETC gun

MT-6B Opna

This vehicle, created by Vlakass+Voss, is an armoured vehicle-launched bridge developed from the Styrke's chassis. It is designed to carry a folding mobile bridge, which it can "launch" across a river, gap, trench etc. Once emplaced, the bridge is sturdy enough to support most vehicles, icludung the Styre itself. When the crossing is complete, the bridge-layer simply hooks up to the bridge and re-stows it.

MT-6A2 fitted in Urban Combat Package.

MT-6CE Arbejds

A combat engineering vehicle conversion of the MT-6. While equipped with a bulldozer, excavator, and dual capstan winches, the 6CE has no turret but a Remote Weapon Station is fitted. It rides on the 6CE chassis with a built-up forward superstructure. The vehicle is used primarily for clearance of obstacles (including minefields).

MT-6R Budring

The Buring armoured recovery vehicle includes both a bulldozer and a crane with integral winch, allowing it to approach damaged vehicles, even over rough and fought-over terrain, and tow them to safety. It is equipped with a machine gun for local self-defence, a smoke grenade launcher, and NBC protection.


See Also

List of modern armored fighting vehicles