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Rambouillet is a central Bridgidnan city and the capital of the Commonwealth of Eskkya. Situated on the River Thée, in the very centre of the country, Rambouillet is home to 4,453,265 individuals, or 8.89% of the country's total population. Despite being the country's capital, it is actually only the second most populous city, behind Bealadair. Located within the Rambouillet Capital Region, it makes up the bulk of the region's population. The city itself (excluding the wider urban and metro areas) spans a total of 101.2 km2, making it one of the most densely populated cities in Brigidna.

The nation's cultural hub, Rambouillet has a rich history dating back over 2000 years. Although an important financial centre by the third century CE, it first became the capital of a sovereign nation in 732 when the clans of Strathae, Gwened and Falmore banded together, creating the Kingdom of Eskkya. In 1372, Emperor Argant VI commissioned the renowned architect Edouard D'Ussel to remodel the city centre after much of the city was destroyed during a great fire. The Eskkyan Revolution, a series of violent protests and riots that brought down the ruling Évreux dynasty, took place in the city.

Today, the city is the beating heart of Jacobine Eskkya- the term used to describe areas of the country that identify with the Jacobine culture (the Laurentian language and culture, and republicanism). The vast majority of its inhabitants - 81% according to the latest census - speak Laurentian as a first language. The city council forbids the teaching of any bràidzhonig language at public schools within the city's boundaries.

A multicultural city, around 20% of Rambouillet's total population was born outside Eskkya and a further 22% has foreign origins. Some demographic experts claim the official figure is quite modest, however, with the actual figure being closer to 55% of the city's population having some sort of foreign ancestry. The city is home to large communities from the Central Tambossan Republic, Svarna Surya, the Confederation of Sivelia and the Kingdom of Strathae. Historically a traditional Breizhigist city, today Rambouillet is known as the capital of Eskkyan secularism and atheism, with a majority of its inhabitants identifying with no religion.

While Rambouillet possesses a modern infrastructure, it has preserved the look and feel of many of its historic neighbourhoods and streets. Its landmarks include the Supreme Ovrial, a former royal palace which now serves as the country's legislature; Arc de la République, an arch erected to commemorate the Eskkyan Revolution; Palais de Châtelherault, another former royal palace which now serves as the residence of the electors of Eskkya; the Eiffage Tower, easily the city's most celebrated and recognisable landmark, and the Grand Fire Temple, the largest Breizhigist temple in the world. It is also home to many architectural styles, including the native Rambolitrain style.






Lise Lagarde, Mayor of Rambouillet


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The Grand Fire Temple - the largest Breizhigist temple in the world.

Like the rest of the Commonwealth of Eskkya, Rambouillet has been a predominately Breizhigist city since the founding of the country in 732 CE. Today,despite its reputation of having the largest concentration of Breizhigist temples of any city in the world, attendance is rather low. In fact, the country's latest census clearly demonstrated the relationship between religious affiliation and the capital, with a slight majority of the city's inhabitants identifying with no religion whatsoever. It is therefore the least religious major city in the country. Rambouillet is thus widely referred to as the capital of Eskkyan secularism and atheism.

According to statistics from 1565, there are no less than 885 Breizhigist temples in Rambouillet, the highest concentration of any city in the world. Due to low attendance, many operate as museums during most of the year and only regain their religious duties during holidays. The vast majority of congregations within the city are strictly orthodox and belong to the Union of True Breizhigism, the largest orthodox organisation in the country. The Grand Fire Temple, in downtown Akadia, is the largest Breizhigist temple in both the city and the entire world. Unlike most of the city's temples, it is not property of any denomination and is actually operated thanks to private donations. It is the city's fifth most visited site. There are also several reform temples in the city, the largest being Temple Peoc'h in Gallia.

Prior to the enacting of the 1560 amendment to the Secular Education Act, many Breizhigist private schools operated within the city, providing an education for approximately 60,000 students. The amendment extended the national curriculum, as well as the prohibition against religious schooling, to private schools across the country. Therefore, there are no schools with outright religious characters in Rambouillet.







Rambouillet is since Zechyr 18, 1487, exclusively twinned with:

Seule Rambouillet est digne de Goudadamme; seule Goudadamme est digne de Rambouillet.
Only Rambouillet is worthy of Goudadam; only Goudadam is worthy of Rambouillet.

Rambouillet has a pact of friendship and cooperation with the following cities: