

The religion of Ryudo (竜徒) was founded by Reiken Dairu (霊剣 大瑠) during the great exile of the Kawaguchi Clan of Akitsu. The faith was founded off of the beliefs of a small sect of the Reido faith. It is the primary faith of the Imperial Republic of So'Karsa, having long overtaken the indigenous faiths that existed in the region. The religion is highly internalized, focusing on meditation and achieving a state of serenity. The faith also has a major focus on the worship of the Seven Divine Dragons of Ryudo; The Earth Dragon (地竜), The Water Dragon (水竜), The Fire Dragon (火竜), The Air Dragon (空竜), The Thunder Dragon (霊竜), The Void Dragon (虚竜), and the Light Dragon (光竜). Each of the Seven Divine Dragons is in charge of an aspect of the Universe, ensuring it stays in balance. Ryudo also recognizes the Rei as powerful spiritual entities that serve the Divine Dragons, and that Rei die and are reincarnated, the same as mortal beings.


Organizational Structure

Ryudo once had the same organization structure as Reido when it was a minor sect of the faith on the Akitsu mainland. When they were forced to leave with the Kawaguchi Clan they realized that the structure of Reido would not work for the long voyage across the sea. Reiken Dairu became the Ryu'Yogensha (竜予言者), as he claimed that the Thunder Dragon had spoken to him, and would guide them to a new land. He along with several Saishi created a new ranking structure for the faith that is still in use today.

Ryu'Yogensha (竜予言者)- The Ryu'Yogensha is always the Daimyo of the Reiken Family, and thus the Emperor or Empress of So'Karsa. The position is mostly ceremonial, but it is long held that the Ryu'Yogensha is the only person who can hear the words of the Dragons and thus is the only one who can properly interpret the Ryuki (竜記) and Reiki (霊記) manuscripts. When an Emperor takes the throne they may review the books and add their interpretations to those of the previous Ryu'Yogensha. These interpretations are reviewed by the Dai'Majutsushi for inconsistencies with previous interpretations. The Newer Interpretations always take precidence, except in the cases of those interpretations created by Reiken Dairu.

Dai'Majutsushi(大魔術師)- The Dai'Majutsushi is the head of Ryudo just below the Ryu'Yogensha, there are a total of Seven Dai'Mujustushi, each one dedicated to a different Divine Dragon. They serve the Ryu'Yogensha as the leaders of Ryudo, and ensure that the Manuscripts are kept up to date every year for all to see.

Mujutsushi (魔術師)- Each Province has a Mujutsushi in charge of all of the Sōto within the Province. The Dai'Mujutsushi are selected from the Mujutsushi whenever one dies, or brings about great dishonor. The Mujutsushi are selected by the Dai'Mujutsushi whenever a spot is open from all of the Sōto within the Province.

Sōto (僧徒)- The Sōto are assigned to various temples throughout their Province and teach the people the proper ways of meditation, and communion with the Rei. The Sōto also teach people about the Ryuki and Reiki, updating them about new revelations provided to the Ryu'Yogensha by the Divine Dragons themselves. The Sōto are served by dozens of Miko'ko (巫子) and Nyūdō (入道) who ensure the Temple is clean, that guests have ritually purified themselves, and that the Sōto have the supplies they need.

Miko'ko (巫子) and Nyūdō (入道)- The Miko'ko and Nyūdō are Sōto in training. They learn the various rituals and meditation methods necessary to serve the Rei and the Divine Dragons. They also are the custodians and attendants to the Temple. The training of the Miko'ko and Nyūdō to the position of Sōto takes ten years, and often starts at the age of fifteen. All Miko'ko are female and all Nyūdō are male, this is the only time that ranks are differentiated between gender, and it is believed by many to be a leftover from Reido.


The Core beliefs of Ryudo are contained within the Ryuki (竜記) and Reiki (霊記) manuscripts, both of which are gathered together with the correct interpretations presented by the Ryu'Yogensha (竜予言者) in a book known as the Jindaiki (甚大記). A new addition of this massive tome can be printed as often as yearly. The most recent printing was fifty years ago at the start of the reign of Emperor Reiken Kazuto.

Where Reido says there are no Gods, Ryudo says that all Gods are Rei, and that the Divine Dragons are greater than all the Rei. The Exception to this is the God Muze of the Pase religion is the same as the Light Dragon. This was set forth by Ryu'Yogensha Reiken Hikari, and has never been changed since. The Ryuki also takes priority over the Reiki in the Jindaiki.

Ryudo, like Reido, holds the world is composed of many layers, the largest difference being that there are exactly ten layers. The deepest layer of this cosmology is believed to be practically a void, consisting of energy, it is considered to be the realm of the Divine Dragons. We live near the surface layers, the third layer according to the Ryuki. The top most layer is seen as a layer of thickness, or impurity and imperfection, it is here that the Akuma (悪魔) come from.

At the deepest layer flows kouki (光酒), which is believed to be the essence of life itself. The Divine Dragons control the flow of the Kouki through rivers called koumyaku (光脈), and occasionally gather it in lakes known as koumyakusuji (光脈筋). These rivers are not physical rivers, but rivers made of nothing but Kouki, these lakes are the same. Temples are built where koumyakusuji are found, and Shrines are built along the koumyaku.

Ryudo focuses greatly on maintaining harmony with the Rei, as well as learning to commune with them through deep meditation. The Rei are viewed as powerful spiritual beings that fill the many layers of the world. Rei Generally are viewed in a positive light, while the Akuma are viewed as negative beings that must be banished from the world as they wreak havoc and chaos by draining the Kouki from the world around them. The various Sōto of Ryudo work hard to maintain the spiritual cleanliness to keep the Shrines and Temples free from Akami, and to look for Omens from the Rei about the future.


Much like Reido, Ryudo, also believes in Dan (段), or planes of existence. The largest difference being the belief that there are Ten layers that make up the Cosmology, and that all beings other than the Ten'Ryu can perceive two above and two below their layer. As such training in viewing these layers is a major part of the Sōto. Those who perfomr honorable actions prior to their death go to deeper layers, slowly getting closer to the Ten'Ryu. While those who are dishonorable will be pushed away from the Ten'Ryu and towards Jigoku.

  • Jigoku (地獄)- Realm of Evil, a realm where even the Akuma tread in terror. Said to be incomprehensible to any being with even a shred of good. It is here that Aku'no Ryu (悪の竜) is impisoned.
  • Toshigoku- Realm of Slaughter, and the birthplace of the Akuma. A realm of constant bloodshed, torture, and pain.
  • Gaki'Do- Realm of the Hungry Dead, and the hunting grounds of the Akuma. This is the place where Dishonorable souls go after they die.
  • Ningen'Do (人限度)- Mortal Realm, and home to all mortal beings.
  • Yume'Do- Realm of Dreams, and of beings of pure thought.
  • Gendan (元段)- Realm of the Rei and the resting place of most Deceased.
  • Yomi- The Realm of the Honorable Rei, and the resting place of Honored Ancestors.
  • Chikushudo- The Realm of the Divine Rei, and of the various Fortunes.
  • Tengoku (天国)- The Celestial Heavens, home to the direct servants of the Ten'Ryu.
  • Kadan (下段)- The Deepest Layer, where Kouki is formed from In (陰) and You (陽), the realm where the Ten'Ryu dwell.


The Ten'Ryu (天竜), or Divine Dragons are the most powerful beings within all of existence. They are the masters of In (陰) and You (陽), and the beings that form and create Kouki from them. The Ten'Ryu guide and direct the Kouki through all the realms of existence, as well as direct the Rei to serve them honorably. The Ten'Ryu care not if you worship them, just that you live a life of Honor, and treat all beings with true respect. The Code of Bushido is said to have been inspired by the whispered words of the Ten'Ryu in ancient times.

There are exactly Seven Ten'Ryu, and they are the only truly immortal beings in existence. In the Ryuki it is stated that there were once Eight Ten'Ryu but one sought the destruction of creation, and was thus locked away in Jigoku, this lost Ten'Ryu is known as Aku'no Ryu (悪の竜). The other Seven Ten'Ryu represent one of the Seven elements of existence; The Earth Dragon (地竜), The Water Dragon (水竜), The Fire Dragon (火竜), The Air Dragon (空竜), The Thunder Dragon (霊竜), The Void Dragon (虚竜), and the Light Dragon (光竜). It is believed that Kouki can be touched by a specific dragon, imbuing it with a specific element and guiding the Sōto on which Divine Dragon to dedicate the Temple to.





The code of Bushido and its seven precepts are found in the Ryuki, and are considered the primary virtues that all must follow. It was a primary aspect of the ways of the life of the Samurai and many of those who served them in So'Karsa. Beyond that Bushido is now seen as a necessity in the lives of all followers of Ryudo. It is believed that Bushido was formed from the code of Shido, an ancient code from Akitsu that was created during the Sennari period.

  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Courtesy
  • Duty & Loyalty
  • Honesty & Justice
  • Honor
  • Sincerity


Ken'Ido was an alternate code that came into being during the Warring States period of So'Karsa. It was created by the Sasori Clan Daimyo after he declared himself the Ryu'Yogensha of the Void Dragon. He claimed that Bushido was a false path that would lead to Jigoku instead of Tengoku. He set forth a new list of virtues that he had been inspired to write.

  • Control
  • Determination
  • Insight
  • Knowledge
  • Perfection
  • Strength
  • Will

These virtues are officially viewed as a corrupted path, and that the Sasori Daimyo of the time was under the influence of Aku'no Ryu and not the Void Dragon. Even with that having become the official statement of Ryudo there is a growing number of practitioners of Ken'Ido among the Sasori Clan, claiming it is the path the Void Dragon created for their clan, and not the lies of Aku'no Ryu.