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The Socialist Republic of Silistria is a separatist movement in southwestern Wadyiah with an estimated 30.000 members, currently controlling over 10% of Wadyiah's total landmass, headquartered in the city of Khaissa, which it has been occupying since 1572. It is the best-equipped faction in the Wadyian Civil War, benefiting from Carpathian support in the form of financial assets, intelligence, training and military equipment. Categorized a terrorist organization by the Ahman Tariq regime in Wadyiah, it has enjoyed numerous successes in its campaign to oust the Wadyian government from its territory.


Ethnic tensions between the majority Wadyian population and the Carpathian minotity, mostly centered in the southwestern part of Wadyiah, are an old problem of the country. During the Carpathian colonial period, the western coastal areas of Wadyiah have been heavily settled and over time, these Carpathian colonists clustered around the city of Khaissa.

Following the military coup against the monarchy, by General Ahman Tariq's forces and his implementation of various "ethnic purity" policies, such as limiting access to certain jobs, education and healthcare and capping the income of ethnic Carpathian Wadyians, the southwestern minority, which has historically been under Carpathian influence, has rallied around the outlawed Silistrian Communist Party, which has proclaimed independence of the region in 1572 and has been fighting against the Wadyian government, monarchist resistence and Akhadist State in Wadyiah terrorists, ever since, over the disputed territory that is southwestern Wadyiah.


Under the Carpathian colonial regime, the territory of the modern-day Wadyian state was governed under the Imperial Colonial Governorate of Silistria, the Carpathian name of the region, which has been taken up by the Silistrian Communist Party. One of the driving factors of the Silistrian insurgency is Carpathian nationalism and as such, the organization has taken up numerous Carpathian colonial symbols and names.

Military Success

See Also: Wadyian Civil War

File:Silistrian soldiers inspection.png
Silistrian Soldiers. Notice the A51V3 Rifle carried by one fighter.

The Socialist Republic of Silistria currently controls a little over 10% of Wadyiah's total landmass, including the important harbor city of Khaissa, through which it has been acquiring the majority of its supplies. Its forces, the "People's Liberation Army of Silistria", are well-equipped with modern Carpathian-made weaponry and very well trained.

This, combined with Carpathian air support, logistics and intelligence, has enabled it to achieve numerous military victories against the Wadyian government, stamping out the monarchist supporters within its controlled territory, while holding out against the onslaught from the Akhadist State in Wadyiah fighters.