Timeline of Hoinomese history

This is a timeline of Hoinomese history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Hoinom. To read about the background to these events, see Hoinom.

Centuries: Pre-modern history · 15th · 16th · 17th

Ancient history

Year Date Event
4,000 years ago Dô Vân Chi establishes the Western Kingdom, in today Northern Hoinom.
10th century BCE Western Kingdom subdues the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, in the peak of the Dô Dinasty.
9th century BCE Western Kingdom is attacked and invaded by Tieguonse and Singanese armies.
8th century BCE Truong Dinasty comes to power, establishing the Ancient Hôi Empire, which capital is based in Triêng Dâm.
6th century BCE Quyên Dinasty starts. The Bahmer Kingdom is invaded by Hoinomese forces by the end of the century.
4th century BCE Truong Nhung proclaimes himself 'Hôi hoàng dê Nôm' (“Hôi King of Kings”). Emperor Truong Nhung is believed to have ordered the construction of Nam Dinh, today Hôinôm's largest city.
1th century BCE Bành Dinasty starts.
4th century Luông Dinasty starts.
969 Emperor Luông Cào dies, which causes a long struggle for the throne and the eventual end of the Luông Dinasty.
991 Spring Kiêu Hùu Cào, from the southern clan, defeats the other rival warlords, unifying the country after decades of war.
Elvan Kiêu Hùu Cào, after defeating Tieugonese forces that had invaded the northern provinces, establishes the Kiêu. He also founded Hôi Lùyên, today Hôinôm's capital.
1001 Hôi Lùyên is established as imperial capital city.

15th century

Year Date Event
9th century The Kingdom does something kingdomy.

See also