Wadyian Civil War

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The Wadyian Civil War (Wadyian: ديعة الحرب الأهلية, Carpathian: Războiul Civil Vadian) was a large civil war in the former Empire of Wadyiah in the Near East. The war was the result of deep-seated ethnic, political and religious tensions in the country and was sparked by General Ahman Tariq's coup against Empress Kasmira Ishan Ammari.


Wadyian Absolute Monarchy

Following Wadyiah's independence from Carpathia in 1381, a monarchy was established, with the house of Amari remaining at its head until the 1572 coup. This absolute monarchy has been accused of multiple human rights violations and has attempted to impose a secular regime in the country. With the death of Emperor Kassan Amari and the ascension of Empress Kasmira Ishan Amari to the throne in 1571, a surge of political instability errupted in the country.

1572 Military Coup

Following increasing tensions between ethnic Wadyians and the small enclave of Carpathians in the southwest and a wave of ultranationalism, former Minister of Defense Ahman Tariq, commander of the Wadyian Armed Forces, overthrew the monarchy in early 1572, imposing a fascist military junta and instigating purges against the ethnic Carpathians.

Akhadist Fundamentalism

Impoverished Eastern Wadyiah, where the living standards and literacy rates have always contrasted heavily with the more developed West, has always been a hotbed of Akhadist fundamentalism and recent instability and political upheavals have led to an increase in the number of insurgent and terrorist groups, fueled by the desire to establish a religious state in Wadyiah.

Outbreak Of The War

Late 1572 has seen the rise of self-proclaimed Caliph Akr Mokkad, who unified several insurgent groups and proclaimed the establishment of an Akhadist State in Wadyiah. Taking advantage of the instability and an ongoing monarchist resistence in the west, which distracted the military, the Akhadist State terrorist organization's offensive has made rapid gains in eastern Wadyiah, establishing several strongholds before being bogged down in a war of attrition against government forces.

Silistrian Uprising

Deep-seated ethnic and ideological tensions between the majority Wadyian ethnics and a small Carpathian-ethnic enclave in the south-west, culminated in Ahman Tariq's ethnic purges. The Carpathian ethnics, which have always been under a strong Carpathian influence, unified under the banner of the outlawed Silistrian Communist Party, which, following its 1572 congress, proclaimed independence and established the breakaway Socialist Republic of Silistria. Widespread support in the region, as well as logistical support from Carpathia, in the form of equipment and military training, have given them the ability to carve out a small enclave in the southwestern part of Wadyiah, which is opposed by the Wadyian government, Akhadist State terrorists, as well as the monarchist resistence.

Carpathian Involvement

Carpathia and Moldova has been involved in the Wadyian conflict since the beginning, sheltering the deposed Empress and supplying arms and equipment to the Silistrian rebels, as well as imposing a blockade on the entire country, all while running a major propaganda campaign against both General Ahman Tariq's regime and the Akhadist State in Wadyiah terrorist group.

1573 Terrorist Attack

Following the 1573 terrorist attack in Bucharest City which left over 531 dead and 3,155 injured civilians, Carpathia has initiated a major aerial campaign against the Akhadist State and the Tariq regime, combined with cruise and ballistic missile strikes against both factions. Carpathia has vowed to annihilate the Akhadist State and depose Tariq, but it has yet to deploy any ground forces in the conflict, despite an order for full-scale mobilization given in the wake of the terrorist attack. It is unknown at which point will the ground offensive begin.

Expansion of the Conflict

In Alvan 1574, a reported 20,000 Akhadist State fighters invaded Khanid using captured arms, armor, and artillery.


Carpathia's involvement in the Wadyian civil war and the terrorist attacks in Bucharest City have affected the ongoing Akhadist insurgency in Kyrzbekistan, with a large number of fighters from the organization Bal-Zurmakh, proclaiming Carpathia an "infidel state" and declaring its stated aims to establish an Akhadist State in Kyrzbekistan, with Zokuk law as its fundamental principle. Bal-Zurmakh has sent an estimated 1,000 fighters into Wadyiah.

Anti-Akhadist State in Wadyiah coalition

In late 1573, an anti-Akhadist State in Wadyiah coalition was formed. It consisted of Kyrzbekistan, Khanid, Aricca, Ashar, Zargistan, and Ga'bath. This coalition's public goal was to destroy the Akhadist State.

Current status

Humanitarian crisis

The massive scale of the conflict has torn apart most of Wadyiah, claiming tens of thousands of casualties and displacing over one million people, which has caused a refugee crisis in Brigidna.